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Football is a game of emotion. We all know that. We also know that sometimes our emotions get the best of us. Like when the fan from Hazard spit on Pugh, very unclassy. I know that there will be trash talking and bumping during and after plays but keep it at that and nothing more. Don't expect to spit on someone at an away game and it be overlooked. Maybe at home they let things like that be exceptable, but in classy parts of KY, IT WON'T BE TOLERATED.
What a random post!!
Thanks I try Fox Sports.
Just want my thoughts known. I'm sure I'm not the only one who wants this known either.
Did YOU Get Spit On???
Not I personally, but a guy I know did. Pugh from Paintsville.
Let's be careful with this thread.
I don't want it to become a trash talking forum.
I agree spitting on an opponent should never be part of sports.
That's all I'm saying about it as well.
Just talked to Pugh. Didn't happen.
kyrifle Wrote:Just talked to Pugh. Didn't happen.

Then case closed!

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