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Baby Bulls
Going into the All-Star Break. The Bulls are 26-23 and looking at a seven seed in the East. With none of the starters being past their third year, do you think this team will eventually win a championship?

I believe in a couple of years they will be the team to beat.
I would love for the bulls to have a good team again.
They lost a lot a few years ago, but they are bouncing back well
i hated the old bulls but these bulls are exciting
These Bulls will be dangerous once they're all developed, remember most of them would just be in their senior season in college right now.
if tyson chandler and eddie curry develop they will be a force to reckon with
theese bulls hav talent in ben gordon and heinrich my favorite player ... i am rooting for the bulls this year even tho my team is the pistons
i wouldnt really say they have talent, they have some nice young solid players, but theyll still be behind the magic, heat, pacers, pistons, 76ers, bucks, there a nice story but they dont have talent yet...
"VonWafer_FSU" Wrote:i wouldnt really say they have talent, they have some nice young solid players, but theyll still be behind the magic, heat, pacers, pistons, 76ers, bucks, there a nice story but they dont have talent yet...

Are you kidding me? They have talent. Yound inexperienced talent, but talent nonetheless. Give these kids a few more years to develop and they could be dominating the east. They arent behind the Bucks, Bucks arent even in the playoff hunt. They are the number 6 seed in the East as of today, but are statistically the 5th best team in the East. The Celtics are the 3 seed only because they are in the extremely weak atlantic. By the way, they are also ahead of the Magic who are the 7 seed and the Sixers arent even in the playoffs. Bulls at this rate will draw the weak Cetlics and could even win the first round.
They'll definatley be the team to beat in a few...
yes let them develop
i meant talent like talent to take them ne where in the playoffs
well the Bulls will be in the playoffs this year and i think they may even make it through the first round
they have plenty of young talent so you all are right they will be good for the years to come!
this is an ok team, but cmon there never gonna be that good...i dont care how many rookies they have
I remember when the bulls is all i used to watch back in mid 90's. When michael jordan left them, i lost interest in ever watching NBA. I hope that one day they can be as good as the bulls were.
true supermario, after jordan left, the NBA just started to suck. I really dont even like the games today. there's no defense. I think in a few years these bulls will be pretty good, but I dont think theyll ever compare to the dynasty in the 90's.
i dont think any team will ever compare to the Bulls team of the 90's!
by far the most fun team to watch play
jordan and pippen and rodman along with luc longley steve kerr... shew that team was just something to watch!
"VonWafer_FSU" Wrote:this is an ok team, but cmon there never gonna be that good...i dont care how many rookies they have

They have four of the top ten rookies in the league, by stats. Deng, Gordon, Nocioni, and Duhon. You add that along to Chandler, Curry, and Hinrich, you have a solid team. And if they can keep this same unit together, then they will be a very good team.
you make a very good point there
just hope tehy can keep them together
Perhaps I'm just expressing my own concern about it.
you should prolly define a good team a lil bit better, havin good rookies doesnt mean a single thing, just ask carmelo
"VonWafer_FSU" Wrote:you should prolly define a good team a lil bit better, havin good rookies doesnt mean a single thing, just ask carmelo

Carmelo doesnt have the heart. These guys play hard every game. Doubt them all you want but wait and see....THEY WILL PROVE YOU WRONG.
Which ones?
I think in the next few years this team could really start to become a championship contender, that is, as long as they are taken apart by the GM, but hopefully he is smart enough to keep this bunch together!
the bulls wont prove ne one wrong, there a nice team to watch...but cmon they'll be lucky to get in the playoffs this year..
They are going to make the playoffs. They are in the East for one. They are a talented team and are looking at a 6 seed which would play the winner of the Atlantic Division, very weak only get one playoff team in becuz the leader from each division automatically makes it. It looks like that will be the Celtics. If the Bulls play the Celtics in the first round they will beat them. They can and will prove you wrong.
I agree with you on that one...Bulls will prove a lot of wrong this season
theres no way the bulls will beat the celtics in the postseason, celtics have to much fire power with pierce and davis, and walker is actually proving me wrong with his play
"VonWafer_FSU" Wrote:theres no way the bulls will beat the celtics in the postseason, celtics have to much fire power with pierce and davis, and walker is actually proving me wrong with his play

You say they wont but you never back up your statements with much valid information. Davis is overrated. Stats dont lie, the Bulls are the better of the two teams. The Bulls are about 10 deep, they would wear out the Celtics.

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