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Corbin 2024
(01-10-2024, 05:43 PM)Cowboy42 Wrote:
(01-10-2024, 04:32 PM)Son of the Alamo Wrote:
(01-10-2024, 03:56 PM)Waitaminute Wrote:
(01-10-2024, 03:36 PM)Son of the Alamo Wrote:
(01-10-2024, 12:36 PM)Cowboy42 Wrote: Any news on Elam kid staying at Corbin next season or is he going to prep school?
  I would be surprised by that. he started getting dual sport offers last season from Power 5 schools and with a UK offered WR in Eli Pietrowski and some very talented one's coming up the ranks next season that wowed me at JV games this season. I would imagine he would want to stay home and continue to show his arm off through his senior year and watch the offers continue to roll in and see if any are good enough for him to change his mind (NIL deals can defiantly do that now days) it would be awesome to see a handful of these Corbin boys reunited at UK in the future playing together again. 


That's good and all but you think that offer will be committable by the time he graduates? With 12 catches a year I highly doubt it. Will be the next Dakota Patterson and Treyveon Longmire, offers pulled with lack of film and stats.
I think so. Dakota tore his ACL after transferring to Boyle and there is a lot more to that story.... and Treyveon is at EKU currently with a slew of former Redhound players but I think his issue was he stayed at school to play basketball instead of reporting to UK for the early workouts from what I've heard. the reason for the low stats this past season was he had Carter Stewart that could flat catch a bomb and make up some acreage on the regular in his Senior season. I think he will be used a lot more in the coming season with Stewart graduating, Vince seen what he can do in person.
What game did Vince see what he can do in person?
Frederick Douglass 

(01-10-2024, 05:57 PM)Son of the Alamo Wrote:
(01-10-2024, 05:43 PM)Cowboy42 Wrote:
(01-10-2024, 04:32 PM)Son of the Alamo Wrote:
(01-10-2024, 03:56 PM)Waitaminute Wrote:
(01-10-2024, 03:36 PM)Son of the Alamo Wrote:   I would be surprised by that. he started getting dual sport offers last season from Power 5 schools and with a UK offered WR in Eli Pietrowski and some very talented one's coming up the ranks next season that wowed me at JV games this season. I would imagine he would want to stay home and continue to show his arm off through his senior year and watch the offers continue to roll in and see if any are good enough for him to change his mind (NIL deals can defiantly do that now days) it would be awesome to see a handful of these Corbin boys reunited at UK in the future playing together again. 


That's good and all but you think that offer will be committable by the time he graduates? With 12 catches a year I highly doubt it. Will be the next Dakota Patterson and Treyveon Longmire, offers pulled with lack of film and stats.
I think so. Dakota tore his ACL after transferring to Boyle and there is a lot more to that story.... and Treyveon is at EKU currently with a slew of former Redhound players but I think his issue was he stayed at school to play basketball instead of reporting to UK for the early workouts from what I've heard. the reason for the low stats this past season was he had Carter Stewart that could flat catch a bomb and make up some acreage on the regular in his Senior season. I think he will be used a lot more in the coming season with Stewart graduating, Vince seen what he can do in person.
What game did Vince see what he can do in person?
Frederick Douglass 


He had 0 touches against Douglass. If he can’t get touches or film he will not be able to commit to UK. Zero chance.
(01-10-2024, 06:03 PM)Waitaminute Wrote:
(01-10-2024, 05:57 PM)Son of the Alamo Wrote:
(01-10-2024, 05:43 PM)Cowboy42 Wrote:
(01-10-2024, 04:32 PM)Son of the Alamo Wrote:
(01-10-2024, 03:56 PM)Waitaminute Wrote: That's good and all but you think that offer will be committable by the time he graduates? With 12 catches a year I highly doubt it. Will be the next Dakota Patterson and Treyveon Longmire, offers pulled with lack of film and stats.
I think so. Dakota tore his ACL after transferring to Boyle and there is a lot more to that story.... and Treyveon is at EKU currently with a slew of former Redhound players but I think his issue was he stayed at school to play basketball instead of reporting to UK for the early workouts from what I've heard. the reason for the low stats this past season was he had Carter Stewart that could flat catch a bomb and make up some acreage on the regular in his Senior season. I think he will be used a lot more in the coming season with Stewart graduating, Vince seen what he can do in person.
What game did Vince see what he can do in person?
Frederick Douglass 


He had 0 touches against Douglass. If he can’t get touches or film he will not be able to commit to UK. Zero chance.
LOL,  How dare anyone say anything positive about a Corbin player on this thread about Corbin! then Vince must of thought he looked good on the field standing there and found his Dad in the stands during the game and talked to him even though he was there on other business, smh. young man has D-1 size and talent and a Dad that is a coach that will stay on process. I'm sure Mark Stoops had plenty of time pregame and stopped to talk to him on sideline for no reason also. seem like a lot of attention for someone that they intend on dropping....    
[Image:]   [img][/img]
You’re right. 12 catches in 12 games are great numbers and game planning! Good job Corbin. You should be pleased!
(01-10-2024, 05:57 PM)Son of the Alamo Wrote:
(01-10-2024, 05:43 PM)Cowboy42 Wrote:
(01-10-2024, 04:32 PM)Son of the Alamo Wrote:
(01-10-2024, 03:56 PM)Waitaminute Wrote:
(01-10-2024, 03:36 PM)Son of the Alamo Wrote:   I would be surprised by that. he started getting dual sport offers last season from Power 5 schools and with a UK offered WR in Eli Pietrowski and some very talented one's coming up the ranks next season that wowed me at JV games this season. I would imagine he would want to stay home and continue to show his arm off through his senior year and watch the offers continue to roll in and see if any are good enough for him to change his mind (NIL deals can defiantly do that now days) it would be awesome to see a handful of these Corbin boys reunited at UK in the future playing together again. 


That's good and all but you think that offer will be committable by the time he graduates? With 12 catches a year I highly doubt it. Will be the next Dakota Patterson and Treyveon Longmire, offers pulled with lack of film and stats.
I think so. Dakota tore his ACL after transferring to Boyle and there is a lot more to that story.... and Treyveon is at EKU currently with a slew of former Redhound players but I think his issue was he stayed at school to play basketball instead of reporting to UK for the early workouts from what I've heard. the reason for the low stats this past season was he had Carter Stewart that could flat catch a bomb and make up some acreage on the regular in his Senior season. I think he will be used a lot more in the coming season with Stewart graduating, Vince seen what he can do in person.
What game did Vince see what he can do in person?
Frederick Douglass 

On KHSAA for Frederick Douglas game you mentioned it doesn’t appear Pietrowski had any receptions period.

(01-10-2024, 10:34 PM)Cowboy42 Wrote:
(01-10-2024, 05:57 PM)Son of the Alamo Wrote:
(01-10-2024, 05:43 PM)Cowboy42 Wrote:
(01-10-2024, 04:32 PM)Son of the Alamo Wrote:
(01-10-2024, 03:56 PM)Waitaminute Wrote: That's good and all but you think that offer will be committable by the time he graduates? With 12 catches a year I highly doubt it. Will be the next Dakota Patterson and Treyveon Longmire, offers pulled with lack of film and stats.
I think so. Dakota tore his ACL after transferring to Boyle and there is a lot more to that story.... and Treyveon is at EKU currently with a slew of former Redhound players but I think his issue was he stayed at school to play basketball instead of reporting to UK for the early workouts from what I've heard. the reason for the low stats this past season was he had Carter Stewart that could flat catch a bomb and make up some acreage on the regular in his Senior season. I think he will be used a lot more in the coming season with Stewart graduating, Vince seen what he can do in person.
What game did Vince see what he can do in person?
Frederick Douglass 

On KHSAA for Frederick Douglas game you mentioned it doesn’t appear Pietrowski had any receptions period.
pretty impressive right? I think that is a testament to his potential. young man gets D-1 SEC offer with little to no stat's in sophomore season. he is a class of 2026 player. plenty of playing time in young mans future. 

(01-10-2024, 06:53 PM)Waitaminute Wrote: You’re right. 12 catches in 12 games are great numbers and game planning! Good job Corbin. You should be pleased!
he's a sophomore my dude. plenty of playing time in his future. talking about stats I like this one from past season a lot. that is also something the next level guys look.  

I personally thought last season was the break out year for Pietrowski and no doubt as a freshman on that team, did a outstanding job and was a threat anytime he got the ball. I think with his size and potential is no doubt why he got offered. I would love to see him playing at the next level here at Kentucky. I am a fan for sure!
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  • Son of the Alamo
He was underutilized as a sophomore, in my opinion. Hope to see much more Eli as a junior.
[-] The following 1 user Likes Old School Hound's post:
  • Bull got out!
(01-12-2024, 04:15 PM)Bull got out! Wrote: I personally thought last season was the break out year for Pietrowski and no doubt as a freshman on that team, did an outstanding job and was a threat anytime he got the ball. I think with his size and potential is no doubt why he got offered. I would love to see him playing at the next level here at Kentucky. I am a fan for sure!
Like to see him get 8-10 targets a game…
[-] The following 3 users Like Cowboy42's post:
  • Bull got out!, Old School Hound, Son of the Alamo
(01-12-2024, 05:44 PM)Cowboy42 Wrote:
(01-12-2024, 04:15 PM)Bull got out! Wrote: I personally thought last season was the break out year for Pietrowski and no doubt as a freshman on that team, did an outstanding job and was a threat anytime he got the ball. I think with his size and potential is no doubt why he got offered. I would love to see him playing at the next level here at Kentucky. I am a fan for sure!
Like to see him get 8-10 targets a game…

At the very least. Corbin will have 2 weapons being Eli and Estep that has to get ball and get it alot. I personally would like to see a minimum of 40 receptions per these two individuals. Really thats 8 passes a game between both of them for 10 games. Can easily be done. Now I can see Estep playing alot of positions being on how good he ran. He can run, receive, throw. Looked fast. Estep impressed me as much as anyone this past season. I am a spread offense type of guy when you have a Elam at QB. Nothing you can't run out of that and especially with him throwing the ball. To me the 2022 season was the best looking offense I have seen out of Corbin the last few year. This past season I just felt like something was off. Didn't look near the same as the 2022 as a whole. But thats me.
[-] The following 2 users Like Bull got out!'s post:
  • Cowboy42, Old School Hound
(01-10-2024, 04:32 PM)Son of the Alamo Wrote:
(01-10-2024, 03:56 PM)Waitaminute Wrote:
(01-10-2024, 03:36 PM)Son of the Alamo Wrote:
(01-10-2024, 12:36 PM)Cowboy42 Wrote: Any news on Elam kid staying at Corbin next season or is he going to prep school?
  I would be surprised by that. he started getting dual sport offers last season from Power 5 schools and with a UK offered WR in Eli Pietrowski and some very talented one's coming up the ranks next season that wowed me at JV games this season. I would imagine he would want to stay home and continue to show his arm off through his senior year and watch the offers continue to roll in and see if any are good enough for him to change his mind (NIL deals can defiantly do that now days) it would be awesome to see a handful of these Corbin boys reunited at UK in the future playing together again. 


That's good and all but you think that offer will be committable by the time he graduates? With 12 catches a year I highly doubt it. Will be the next Dakota Patterson and Treyveon Longmire, offers pulled with lack of film and stats.
I think so. Dakota tore his ACL after transferring to Boyle and there is a lot more to that story.... and Treyveon is at EKU currently with a slew of former Redhound players but I think his issue was he stayed at school to play basketball instead of reporting to UK for the early workouts from what I've heard. the reason for the low stats this past season was he had Carter Stewart that could flat catch a bomb and make up some acreage on the regular in his Senior season. I think he will be used a lot more in the coming season with Stewart graduating, Vince seen what he can do in person.
The story is Patterson and Longmire both had offers from several power 5 schools, they where pushed to the side and underutilized so that daddy’s boy could be the premier of the premier’s, it cost them both and the team..They didn’t have the numbers to back up the offers they’d received, all the power 5 offers Longmire had were withdrawn and it had nothing to do with basketball….
[-] The following 1 user Likes TD Hounds's post:
  • Cowboy42
(01-19-2024, 01:01 AM)TD Hounds Wrote:
(01-10-2024, 04:32 PM)Son of the Alamo Wrote:
(01-10-2024, 03:56 PM)Waitaminute Wrote:
(01-10-2024, 03:36 PM)Son of the Alamo Wrote:
(01-10-2024, 12:36 PM)Cowboy42 Wrote: Any news on Elam kid staying at Corbin next season or is he going to prep school?
  I would be surprised by that. he started getting dual sport offers last season from Power 5 schools and with a UK offered WR in Eli Pietrowski and some very talented one's coming up the ranks next season that wowed me at JV games this season. I would imagine he would want to stay home and continue to show his arm off through his senior year and watch the offers continue to roll in and see if any are good enough for him to change his mind (NIL deals can defiantly do that now days) it would be awesome to see a handful of these Corbin boys reunited at UK in the future playing together again. 


That's good and all but you think that offer will be committable by the time he graduates? With 12 catches a year I highly doubt it. Will be the next Dakota Patterson and Treyveon Longmire, offers pulled with lack of film and stats.
I think so. Dakota tore his ACL after transferring to Boyle and there is a lot more to that story.... and Treyveon is at EKU currently with a slew of former Redhound players but I think his issue was he stayed at school to play basketball instead of reporting to UK for the early workouts from what I've heard. the reason for the low stats this past season was he had Carter Stewart that could flat catch a bomb and make up some acreage on the regular in his Senior season. I think he will be used a lot more in the coming season with Stewart graduating, Vince seen what he can do in person.
The story is Patterson and Longmire both had offers from several power 5 schools, they where pushed to the side and underutilized so that daddy’s boy could be the premier of the premier’s, it cost them both and the team..They didn’t have the numbers to back up the offers they’d received, all the power 5 offers Longmire had were withdrawn and it had nothing to do with basketball….

It was borderline criminally insane how underutilized Longmire was. Just terrible. Hated it for the kid and the team.
[-] The following 1 user Likes Old School Hound's post:
  • Cowboy42
(01-19-2024, 01:26 AM)Old School Hound Wrote:
(01-19-2024, 01:01 AM)TD Hounds Wrote:
(01-10-2024, 04:32 PM)Son of the Alamo Wrote:
(01-10-2024, 03:56 PM)Waitaminute Wrote:
(01-10-2024, 03:36 PM)Son of the Alamo Wrote:   I would be surprised by that. he started getting dual sport offers last season from Power 5 schools and with a UK offered WR in Eli Pietrowski and some very talented one's coming up the ranks next season that wowed me at JV games this season. I would imagine he would want to stay home and continue to show his arm off through his senior year and watch the offers continue to roll in and see if any are good enough for him to change his mind (NIL deals can defiantly do that now days) it would be awesome to see a handful of these Corbin boys reunited at UK in the future playing together again. 


That's good and all but you think that offer will be committable by the time he graduates? With 12 catches a year I highly doubt it. Will be the next Dakota Patterson and Treyveon Longmire, offers pulled with lack of film and stats.
I think so. Dakota tore his ACL after transferring to Boyle and there is a lot more to that story.... and Treyveon is at EKU currently with a slew of former Redhound players but I think his issue was he stayed at school to play basketball instead of reporting to UK for the early workouts from what I've heard. the reason for the low stats this past season was he had Carter Stewart that could flat catch a bomb and make up some acreage on the regular in his Senior season. I think he will be used a lot more in the coming season with Stewart graduating, Vince seen what he can do in person.
The story is Patterson and Longmire both had offers from several power 5 schools, they where pushed to the side and underutilized so that daddy’s boy could be the premier of the premier’s, it cost them both and the team..They didn’t have the numbers to back up the offers they’d received, all the power 5 offers Longmire had were withdrawn and it had nothing to do with basketball….

It was borderline criminally insane how underutilized Longmire was. Just terrible. Hated it for the kid and the team.
TD Hounds spoke the truth..hit the nail on the head…it was exactly what TD Hounds said…two years worth of daddy ball cost the community of Corbin a State Championship. In all my years I’ve never seen as much talent on a roster that didn’t get utilized correctly. Downright shameful for the kids to be put thru that shit show….
[-] The following 2 users Like Cowboy42's post:
  • Bull got out!, Old School Hound
(01-19-2024, 03:59 AM)Cowboy42 Wrote:
(01-19-2024, 01:26 AM)Old School Hound Wrote:
(01-19-2024, 01:01 AM)TD Hounds Wrote:
(01-10-2024, 04:32 PM)Son of the Alamo Wrote:
(01-10-2024, 03:56 PM)Waitaminute Wrote: That's good and all but you think that offer will be committable by the time he graduates? With 12 catches a year I highly doubt it. Will be the next Dakota Patterson and Treyveon Longmire, offers pulled with lack of film and stats.
I think so. Dakota tore his ACL after transferring to Boyle and there is a lot more to that story.... and Treyveon is at EKU currently with a slew of former Redhound players but I think his issue was he stayed at school to play basketball instead of reporting to UK for the early workouts from what I've heard. the reason for the low stats this past season was he had Carter Stewart that could flat catch a bomb and make up some acreage on the regular in his Senior season. I think he will be used a lot more in the coming season with Stewart graduating, Vince seen what he can do in person.
The story is Patterson and Longmire both had offers from several power 5 schools, they where pushed to the side and underutilized so that daddy’s boy could be the premier of the premier’s, it cost them both and the team..They didn’t have the numbers to back up the offers they’d received, all the power 5 offers Longmire had were withdrawn and it had nothing to do with basketball….

It was borderline criminally insane how underutilized Longmire was. Just terrible. Hated it for the kid and the team.
TD Hounds spoke the truth..hit the nail on the head…it was exactly what TD Hounds said…two years worth of daddy ball cost the community of Corbin a State Championship. In all my years I’ve never seen as much talent on a roster that didn’t get utilized correctly. Downright shameful for the kids to be put thru that shit show….
Unfortunately daddy ball is everywhere.  And it gets you nowhere ??‍♂️
(01-19-2024, 03:59 AM)Cowboy42 Wrote:
(01-19-2024, 01:26 AM)Old School Hound Wrote:
(01-19-2024, 01:01 AM)TD Hounds Wrote:
(01-10-2024, 04:32 PM)Son of the Alamo Wrote:
(01-10-2024, 03:56 PM)Waitaminute Wrote: That's good and all but you think that offer will be committable by the time he graduates? With 12 catches a year I highly doubt it. Will be the next Dakota Patterson and Treyveon Longmire, offers pulled with lack of film and stats.
I think so. Dakota tore his ACL after transferring to Boyle and there is a lot more to that story.... and Treyveon is at EKU currently with a slew of former Redhound players but I think his issue was he stayed at school to play basketball instead of reporting to UK for the early workouts from what I've heard. the reason for the low stats this past season was he had Carter Stewart that could flat catch a bomb and make up some acreage on the regular in his Senior season. I think he will be used a lot more in the coming season with Stewart graduating, Vince seen what he can do in person.
The story is Patterson and Longmire both had offers from several power 5 schools, they where pushed to the side and underutilized so that daddy’s boy could be the premier of the premier’s, it cost them both and the team..They didn’t have the numbers to back up the offers they’d received, all the power 5 offers Longmire had were withdrawn and it had nothing to do with basketball….

It was borderline criminally insane how underutilized Longmire was. Just terrible. Hated it for the kid and the team.
TD Hounds spoke the truth..hit the nail on the head…it was exactly what TD Hounds said…two years worth of daddy ball cost the community of Corbin a State Championship. In all my years I’ve never seen as much talent on a roster that didn’t get utilized correctly. Downright shameful for the kids to be put thru that shit show….
Didn't Patterson transfer to Boyle for Senior season? Did Haddix/Boyle help him after injury in his senior season after getting him up there away from Corbin? doesn't seem like it from what I can see online. looks like offers dried up while he was on the Boyle roster and Haddix moved on from him and he moved back down this way and was on the roster last season for Cumberland from what I see online but didn't play. he doesn't seem to have any hide or hair of his time in the 40422 on his social media but does of his time at Corbin....odd

also, I did some research online and it looks like Treyveon via twitter announced he de-committed from UK right before the usual timeframe players report to their respective schools for weight training etc. after Christmas break of senior season. there are copious news stories about it too below. did he potentially lose offers after he de-committed so late in the game? I'm not anywhere close to situation but that would align better with what typically seems to happen when schools move on to other players after someone commits to another school early? especially Power 5 schools. he seems to be doing very well at EKU also with a handful of other talented Redhound's that are there. EKU is a really good school with a long standing relationship with Corbin from what I can tell and they will open up with Mississippi State next season! I wasn't around these player's or know them so I am purely going off what I am finding online about them but it doesn't seem to match what I'm reading on here though.

After talking to my family, I am going to re-open my recruitment and explore all my options#GODSPLAN

— Treyveon Longmire (@TreyveonLongmi1) December 3, 2021
(01-19-2024, 02:41 PM)Son of the Alamo Wrote:
(01-19-2024, 03:59 AM)Cowboy42 Wrote:
(01-19-2024, 01:26 AM)Old School Hound Wrote:
(01-19-2024, 01:01 AM)TD Hounds Wrote:
(01-10-2024, 04:32 PM)Son of the Alamo Wrote: I think so. Dakota tore his ACL after transferring to Boyle and there is a lot more to that story.... and Treyveon is at EKU currently with a slew of former Redhound players but I think his issue was he stayed at school to play basketball instead of reporting to UK for the early workouts from what I've heard. the reason for the low stats this past season was he had Carter Stewart that could flat catch a bomb and make up some acreage on the regular in his Senior season. I think he will be used a lot more in the coming season with Stewart graduating, Vince seen what he can do in person.
The story is Patterson and Longmire both had offers from several power 5 schools, they where pushed to the side and underutilized so that daddy’s boy could be the premier of the premier’s, it cost them both and the team..They didn’t have the numbers to back up the offers they’d received, all the power 5 offers Longmire had were withdrawn and it had nothing to do with basketball….

It was borderline criminally insane how underutilized Longmire was. Just terrible. Hated it for the kid and the team.
TD Hounds spoke the truth..hit the nail on the head…it was exactly what TD Hounds said…two years worth of daddy ball cost the community of Corbin a State Championship. In all my years I’ve never seen as much talent on a roster that didn’t get utilized correctly. Downright shameful for the kids to be put thru that shit show….
Didn't Patterson transfer to Boyle for Senior season? Did Haddix/Boyle help him after injury in his senior season after getting him up there away from Corbin? doesn't seem like it from what I can see online. looks like offers dried up while he was on the Boyle roster and Haddix moved on from him and he moved back down this way and was on the roster last season for Cumberland from what I see online but didn't play. he doesn't seem to have any hide or hair of his time in the 40422 on his social media but does of his time at Corbin....odd

also, I did some research online and it looks like Treyveon via twitter announced he de-committed from UK right before the usual timeframe players report to their respective schools for weight training etc. after Christmas break of senior season. there are copious news stories about it too below. did he potentially lose offers after he de-committed so late in the game? I'm not anywhere close to situation but that would align better with what typically seems to happen when schools move on to other players after someone commits to another school early? especially Power 5 schools. he seems to be doing very well at EKU also with a handful of other talented Redhound's that are there. EKU is a really good school with a long standing relationship with Corbin from what I can tell and they will open up with Mississippi State next season! I wasn't around these player's or know them so I am purely going off what I am finding online about them but it doesn't seem to match what I'm reading on here though.

After talking to my family, I am going to re-open my recruitment and explore all my options#GODSPLAN

— Treyveon Longmire (@TreyveonLongmi1) December 3, 2021

I know a lot about this situation for both these Players. Unless you had a kid on the team and knew what was happening from every aspect during the time they played, no doubt you are not going to know much about it. But out of respect for these two kids, I personally won't dig up old bones about them.  But I sure will not ever forget that time period. Longmire is like one of my family and a great person. I haven't seen Patterson in a while. You don't get many athletes like these two to walk through your doors and when you do, you better use them. I wish these boys nothing but the best.
[-] The following 1 user Likes Bull got out!'s post:
  • Son of the Alamo
(01-19-2024, 04:03 PM)Bull got out! Wrote:
(01-19-2024, 02:41 PM)Son of the Alamo Wrote:
(01-19-2024, 03:59 AM)Cowboy42 Wrote:
(01-19-2024, 01:26 AM)Old School Hound Wrote:
(01-19-2024, 01:01 AM)TD Hounds Wrote: The story is Patterson and Longmire both had offers from several power 5 schools, they where pushed to the side and underutilized so that daddy’s boy could be the premier of the premier’s, it cost them both and the team..They didn’t have the numbers to back up the offers they’d received, all the power 5 offers Longmire had were withdrawn and it had nothing to do with basketball….

It was borderline criminally insane how underutilized Longmire was. Just terrible. Hated it for the kid and the team.
TD Hounds spoke the truth..hit the nail on the head…it was exactly what TD Hounds said…two years worth of daddy ball cost the community of Corbin a State Championship. In all my years I’ve never seen as much talent on a roster that didn’t get utilized correctly. Downright shameful for the kids to be put thru that shit show….
Didn't Patterson transfer to Boyle for Senior season? Did Haddix/Boyle help him after injury in his senior season after getting him up there away from Corbin? doesn't seem like it from what I can see online. looks like offers dried up while he was on the Boyle roster and Haddix moved on from him and he moved back down this way and was on the roster last season for Cumberland from what I see online but didn't play. he doesn't seem to have any hide or hair of his time in the 40422 on his social media but does of his time at Corbin....odd

also, I did some research online and it looks like Treyveon via twitter announced he de-committed from UK right before the usual timeframe players report to their respective schools for weight training etc. after Christmas break of senior season. there are copious news stories about it too below. did he potentially lose offers after he de-committed so late in the game? I'm not anywhere close to situation but that would align better with what typically seems to happen when schools move on to other players after someone commits to another school early? especially Power 5 schools. he seems to be doing very well at EKU also with a handful of other talented Redhound's that are there. EKU is a really good school with a long standing relationship with Corbin from what I can tell and they will open up with Mississippi State next season! I wasn't around these player's or know them so I am purely going off what I am finding online about them but it doesn't seem to match what I'm reading on here though.

After talking to my family, I am going to re-open my recruitment and explore all my options#GODSPLAN

— Treyveon Longmire (@TreyveonLongmi1) December 3, 2021

I know a lot about this situation for both these Players. Unless you had a kid on the team and knew what was happening from every aspect during the time they played, no doubt you are not going to know much about it. But out of respect for these two kids, I personally won't dig up old bones about them.  But I sure will not ever forget that time period. Longmire is like one of my family and a great person. I haven't seen Patterson in a while. You don't get many athletes like these two to walk through your doors and when you do, you better use them. I wish these boys nothing but the best.
I've only seen Hudl film on these young men but I could tell they had special speed and foot work, I have heard their praises from people in Corbin too. it looked like if you gave Treyveon two steps on a kick off there was no catching him. I'm glad to see both are at good schools!
[-] The following 1 user Likes Son of the Alamo's post:
  • Bull got out!
I don't have access to Hudl anymore but when I did, I flat out broke down the game film. Yes, Trey was very special. I really thought Dakota was as well. Having talent is one thing but putting that talent in a position to be highlighted is another thing. That makes me think of the current team. When you see the likes of a Eli Pietrowski and he is getting very limited touches then you have to ask the question why? Thats what we were doing a couple years ago when the offense was just not throwing the ball. This offense now that Corbin has definitely can pass because of Elam. The offense for Corbin looked the best last season under this staff. They were tossing the ball around the horn and it looked good. I also think players like Cameron Combs and Brody Wells were better than we all thought.
[-] The following 1 user Likes Bull got out!'s post:
  • Son of the Alamo
(01-19-2024, 02:41 PM)Son of the Alamo Wrote:
(01-19-2024, 03:59 AM)Cowboy42 Wrote:
(01-19-2024, 01:26 AM)Old School Hound Wrote:
(01-19-2024, 01:01 AM)TD Hounds Wrote:
(01-10-2024, 04:32 PM)Son of the Alamo Wrote: I think so. Dakota tore his ACL after transferring to Boyle and there is a lot more to that story.... and Treyveon is at EKU currently with a slew of former Redhound players but I think his issue was he stayed at school to play basketball instead of reporting to UK for the early workouts from what I've heard. the reason for the low stats this past season was he had Carter Stewart that could flat catch a bomb and make up some acreage on the regular in his Senior season. I think he will be used a lot more in the coming season with Stewart graduating, Vince seen what he can do in person.
The story is Patterson and Longmire both had offers from several power 5 schools, they where pushed to the side and underutilized so that daddy’s boy could be the premier of the premier’s, it cost them both and the team..They didn’t have the numbers to back up the offers they’d received, all the power 5 offers Longmire had were withdrawn and it had nothing to do with basketball….

It was borderline criminally insane how underutilized Longmire was. Just terrible. Hated it for the kid and the team.
TD Hounds spoke the truth..hit the nail on the head…it was exactly what TD Hounds said…two years worth of daddy ball cost the community of Corbin a State Championship. In all my years I’ve never seen as much talent on a roster that didn’t get utilized correctly. Downright shameful for the kids to be put thru that shit show….
Didn't Patterson transfer to Boyle for Senior season? Did Haddix/Boyle help him after injury in his senior season after getting him up there away from Corbin? doesn't seem like it from what I can see online. looks like offers dried up while he was on the Boyle roster and Haddix moved on from him and he moved back down this way and was on the roster last season for Cumberland from what I see online but didn't play. he doesn't seem to have any hide or hair of his time in the 40422 on his social media but does of his time at Corbin....odd

also, I did some research online and it looks like Treyveon via twitter announced he de-committed from UK right before the usual timeframe players report to their respective schools for weight training etc. after Christmas break of senior season. there are copious news stories about it too below. did he potentially lose offers after he de-committed so late in the game? I'm not anywhere close to situation but that would align better with what typically seems to happen when schools move on to other players after someone commits to another school early? especially Power 5 schools. he seems to be doing very well at EKU also with a handful of other talented Redhound's that are there. EKU is a really good school with a long standing relationship with Corbin from what I can tell and they will open up with Mississippi State next season! I wasn't around these player's or know them so I am purely going off what I am finding online about them but it doesn't seem to match what I'm reading on here though.

After talking to my family, I am going to re-open my recruitment and explore all my options#GODSPLAN

— Treyveon Longmire (@TreyveonLongmi1) December 3, 2021
Fake news…He de-committed after being told his offer was being pulled, the de-commitment wasn’t rebuffed by UK staff I’m assuming because it looked better on them than admitting they where pulling an offer that late in the recruitment and after he’d been committed for so long…It was all over this board right after it happened, underutilized and undeveloped because like I said daddy ball…Same thing going on with Petroski imo, he wasn’t the one supposed to be getting a D1 offer, so now he’s gonna lose it by not getting utilized properly….By the time the people in charge get off their rear ends and put a stop to this insanity the program is gonna be in shambles, and the people who’ve orchestrated this will be gone and will care no more about it than they did when they started us down this path of self gratification and incompetence because of jealousy and hurt feelings….

(01-19-2024, 07:42 PM)Bull got out! Wrote: I don't have access to Hudl anymore but when I did, I flat out broke down the game film. Yes, Trey was very special. I really thought Dakota was as well. Having talent is one thing but putting that talent in a position to be highlighted is another thing. That makes me think of the current team. When you see the likes of an Eli Pietrowski and he is getting very limited touches then you have to ask the question why? Thats what we were doing a couple years ago when the offense was just not throwing the ball. This offense now that Corbin has definitely can pass because of Elam. The offense for Corbin looked the best last season under this staff. They were tossing the ball around the horn and it looked good. I also think players like Cameron Combs and Brody Wells were better than we all thought.
Not me I stated for years Brody Wells should have the ball in his hands, another example of being underutilized….Couldnt let him outshine daddy’s baby’s though, and he dang sure would have if we’d been playing to win championships instead of padding someone’s record that nobody cares about except the one who’s name rhymes with Rear…
[-] The following 3 users Like TD Hounds's post:
  • Bull got out!, Cowboy42, HighViz
(01-21-2024, 05:19 PM)TD Hounds Wrote:
(01-19-2024, 02:41 PM)Son of the Alamo Wrote:
(01-19-2024, 03:59 AM)Cowboy42 Wrote:
(01-19-2024, 01:26 AM)Old School Hound Wrote:
(01-19-2024, 01:01 AM)TD Hounds Wrote: The story is Patterson and Longmire both had offers from several power 5 schools, they where pushed to the side and underutilized so that daddy’s boy could be the premier of the premier’s, it cost them both and the team..They didn’t have the numbers to back up the offers they’d received, all the power 5 offers Longmire had were withdrawn and it had nothing to do with basketball….

It was borderline criminally insane how underutilized Longmire was. Just terrible. Hated it for the kid and the team.
TD Hounds spoke the truth..hit the nail on the head…it was exactly what TD Hounds said…two years worth of daddy ball cost the community of Corbin a State Championship. In all my years I’ve never seen as much talent on a roster that didn’t get utilized correctly. Downright shameful for the kids to be put thru that shit show….
Didn't Patterson transfer to Boyle for Senior season? Did Haddix/Boyle help him after injury in his senior season after getting him up there away from Corbin? doesn't seem like it from what I can see online. looks like offers dried up while he was on the Boyle roster and Haddix moved on from him and he moved back down this way and was on the roster last season for Cumberland from what I see online but didn't play. he doesn't seem to have any hide or hair of his time in the 40422 on his social media but does of his time at Corbin....odd

also, I did some research online and it looks like Treyveon via twitter announced he de-committed from UK right before the usual timeframe players report to their respective schools for weight training etc. after Christmas break of senior season. there are copious news stories about it too below. did he potentially lose offers after he de-committed so late in the game? I'm not anywhere close to situation but that would align better with what typically seems to happen when schools move on to other players after someone commits to another school early? especially Power 5 schools. he seems to be doing very well at EKU also with a handful of other talented Redhound's that are there. EKU is a really good school with a long standing relationship with Corbin from what I can tell and they will open up with Mississippi State next season! I wasn't around these player's or know them so I am purely going off what I am finding online about them but it doesn't seem to match what I'm reading on here though.

After talking to my family, I am going to re-open my recruitment and explore all my options#GODSPLAN

— Treyveon Longmire (@TreyveonLongmi1) December 3, 2021
Fake news…He de-committed after being told his offer was being pulled, the de-commitment wasn’t rebuffed by UK staff I’m assuming because it looked better on them than admitting they where pulling an offer that late in the recruitment and after he’d been committed for so long…It was all over this board right after it happened, underutilized and undeveloped because like I said daddy ball…Same thing going on with Petroski imo, he wasn’t the one supposed to be getting a D1 offer, so now he’s gonna lose it by not getting utilized properly….By the time the people in charge get off their rear ends and put a stop to this insanity the program is gonna be in shambles, and the people who’ve orchestrated this will be gone and will care no more about it than they did when they started us down this path of self gratification and incompetence because of jealousy and hurt feelings….

(01-19-2024, 07:42 PM)Bull got out! Wrote: I don't have access to Hudl anymore but when I did, I flat out broke down the game film. Yes, Trey was very special. I really thought Dakota was as well. Having talent is one thing but putting that talent in a position to be highlighted is another thing. That makes me think of the current team. When you see the likes of an Eli Pietrowski and he is getting very limited touches then you have to ask the question why? Thats what we were doing a couple years ago when the offense was just not throwing the ball. This offense now that Corbin has definitely can pass because of Elam. The offense for Corbin looked the best last season under this staff. They were tossing the ball around the horn and it looked good. I also think players like Cameron Combs and Brody Wells were better than we all thought.
Not me I stated for years Brody Wells should have the ball in his hands, another example of being underutilized….Couldnt let him outshine daddy’s baby’s though, and he dang sure would have if we’d been playing to win championships instead of padding someone’s record that nobody cares about except the one who’s name rhymes with Rear…
Two phases of daddy ball.. First phase kept Patterson, Longmire or Wells from being the  premier player for Corbin during those two years and only allowed daddy’s baby to be that guy. Second phase of daddy ball after that damage had been done was replacing Cameron Combs at QB his senior season. Had the Combs kid been given an open playbook we would have seen very good results but instead the OC wouldn’t about to turn him loose instead it looked like the OC was doing things to hold him down to not look good. A three year starter removed his senior year because of daddy ball. Might be a few disagree with that statement but it’s fact..OC lucky Combs came back and played RB for him and he did a great job. TD Hounds right again imo.. Vince Morrow came to watch Corbin and Frederick Douglas game to flip twins and he seen Pietrowski and liked his size and potential and offered him.. That offer in the minds of those making the play calls felt like Vince should have given the QB that offer instead imo as Pietrowski didn’t get a look entire game and I believe he was standing in the endzone on one play with arms up and no defender within 10 yards of him.. just saying adult hidden agendas ruin kids opportunities… BTW Cameron Combs is every bit as good of a QB as Elam period..
[-] The following 1 user Likes Cowboy42's post:
  • TD Hounds
Anyone can go back to Combs Freshman year and look at his passing in his last game against Wayne County and see what the kid could do. Key for that year was his coach was Justin Haddix. Justin knew how to use him. att com int yards tds..
Combs, Cameron 11 120 190 5 1876 16 

This is his Freshman Year Numbers.....
[-] The following 2 users Like Bull got out!'s post:
  • Cowboy42, TD Hounds
My biggest problem with how the Combs situation played out was the way grown adults handled it….The HC and his OC knew they where going to make the switch and lied to a teenager just so he wouldn’t transfer and make them look bad, at the very least it questions their character and ability to lead young men….All that being said I thought young Elam did a fine job replacing Combs at QB and Combs showed how great of an athlete he is running the ball, and the big thing about the switch is I know Combs could play qb but I don’t think Elam could play the RB spot….I thought it spoke a lot about Combs character that he put the team first over his personal wishes, some of these coaches should take notice and try and teach their kids the same instead of constantly trying to pamper and baby….
[-] The following 4 users Like TD Hounds's post:
  • 64SUR, Bull got out!, Cowboy42, HighViz
(01-22-2024, 02:35 PM)TD Hounds Wrote: My biggest problem with how the Combs situation played out was the way grown adults handled it….The HC and his OC knew they where going to make the switch and lied to a teenager just so he wouldn’t transfer and make them look bad, at the very least it questions their character and ability to lead young men….All that being said I thought young Elam did a fine job replacing Combs at QB and Combs showed how great of an athlete he is running the ball, and the big thing about the switch is I know Combs could play qb but I don’t think Elam could play the RB spot….I thought it spoke a lot about Combs character that he put the team first over his personal wishes, some of these coaches should take notice and try and teach their kids the same instead of constantly trying to pamper and baby….
 Seems like he is doing well, looks like he is playing baseball at Bellarmine University. I seen him cheering on the Redhound's at the Boyle Co. game last season standing by some of coaches families on the fence.
(01-23-2024, 02:20 PM)Son of the Alamo Wrote:
(01-22-2024, 02:35 PM)TD Hounds Wrote: My biggest problem with how the Combs situation played out was the way grown adults handled it….The HC and his OC knew they where going to make the switch and lied to a teenager just so he wouldn’t transfer and make them look bad, at the very least it questions their character and ability to lead young men….All that being said I thought young Elam did a fine job replacing Combs at QB and Combs showed how great of an athlete he is running the ball, and the big thing about the switch is I know Combs could play qb but I don’t think Elam could play the RB spot….I thought it spoke a lot about Combs character that he put the team first over his personal wishes, some of these coaches should take notice and try and teach their kids the same instead of constantly trying to pamper and baby….
 Seems like he is doing well, looks like he is playing baseball at Bellarmine University. I seen him cheering on the Redhound's at the Boyle Co. game last season standing by some of coaches families on the fence.
Well I’m glad to hear that, you seeing all these kids and they’re doing well and fine.  I hope your doing well and fine too…Im doing fine but I sure could be doing a lot better with a Corbin State Championship shirt on, and I’m sure these kids could be doing a lot better if they’d have been allowed to reach their full potential…Fine, well, and ok are not the same thing as excelling, winning, and championships, enough with the patronizing already
[-] The following 2 users Like TD Hounds's post:
  • Bull got out!, Cowboy42
(01-22-2024, 01:30 PM)Cowboy42 Wrote:
(01-21-2024, 05:19 PM)TD Hounds Wrote:
(01-19-2024, 02:41 PM)Son of the Alamo Wrote:
(01-19-2024, 03:59 AM)Cowboy42 Wrote:
(01-19-2024, 01:26 AM)Old School Hound Wrote: It was borderline criminally insane how underutilized Longmire was. Just terrible. Hated it for the kid and the team.
TD Hounds spoke the truth..hit the nail on the head…it was exactly what TD Hounds said…two years worth of daddy ball cost the community of Corbin a State Championship. In all my years I’ve never seen as much talent on a roster that didn’t get utilized correctly. Downright shameful for the kids to be put thru that shit show….
Didn't Patterson transfer to Boyle for Senior season? Did Haddix/Boyle help him after injury in his senior season after getting him up there away from Corbin? doesn't seem like it from what I can see online. looks like offers dried up while he was on the Boyle roster and Haddix moved on from him and he moved back down this way and was on the roster last season for Cumberland from what I see online but didn't play. he doesn't seem to have any hide or hair of his time in the 40422 on his social media but does of his time at Corbin....odd

also, I did some research online and it looks like Treyveon via twitter announced he de-committed from UK right before the usual timeframe players report to their respective schools for weight training etc. after Christmas break of senior season. there are copious news stories about it too below. did he potentially lose offers after he de-committed so late in the game? I'm not anywhere close to situation but that would align better with what typically seems to happen when schools move on to other players after someone commits to another school early? especially Power 5 schools. he seems to be doing very well at EKU also with a handful of other talented Redhound's that are there. EKU is a really good school with a long standing relationship with Corbin from what I can tell and they will open up with Mississippi State next season! I wasn't around these player's or know them so I am purely going off what I am finding online about them but it doesn't seem to match what I'm reading on here though.

After talking to my family, I am going to re-open my recruitment and explore all my options#GODSPLAN

— Treyveon Longmire (@TreyveonLongmi1) December 3, 2021
Fake news…He de-committed after being told his offer was being pulled, the de-commitment wasn’t rebuffed by UK staff I’m assuming because it looked better on them than admitting they where pulling an offer that late in the recruitment and after he’d been committed for so long…It was all over this board right after it happened, underutilized and undeveloped because like I said daddy ball…Same thing going on with Petroski imo, he wasn’t the one supposed to be getting a D1 offer, so now he’s gonna lose it by not getting utilized properly….By the time the people in charge get off their rear ends and put a stop to this insanity the program is gonna be in shambles, and the people who’ve orchestrated this will be gone and will care no more about it than they did when they started us down this path of self gratification and incompetence because of jealousy and hurt feelings….

(01-19-2024, 07:42 PM)Bull got out! Wrote: I don't have access to Hudl anymore but when I did, I flat out broke down the game film. Yes, Trey was very special. I really thought Dakota was as well. Having talent is one thing but putting that talent in a position to be highlighted is another thing. That makes me think of the current team. When you see the likes of an Eli Pietrowski and he is getting very limited touches then you have to ask the question why? Thats what we were doing a couple years ago when the offense was just not throwing the ball. This offense now that Corbin has definitely can pass because of Elam. The offense for Corbin looked the best last season under this staff. They were tossing the ball around the horn and it looked good. I also think players like Cameron Combs and Brody Wells were better than we all thought.
Not me I stated for years Brody Wells should have the ball in his hands, another example of being underutilized….Couldnt let him outshine daddy’s baby’s though, and he dang sure would have if we’d been playing to win championships instead of padding someone’s record that nobody cares about except the one who’s name rhymes with Rear…
Two phases of daddy ball.. First phase kept Patterson, Longmire or Wells from being the  premier player for Corbin during those two years and only allowed daddy’s baby to be that guy. Second phase of daddy ball after that damage had been done was replacing Cameron Combs at QB his senior season. Had the Combs kid been given an open playbook we would have seen very good results but instead the OC wouldn’t about to turn him loose instead it looked like the OC was doing things to hold him down to not look good. A three year starter removed his senior year because of daddy ball. Might be a few disagree with that statement but it’s fact..OC lucky Combs came back and played RB for him and he did a great job. TD Hounds right again imo.. Vince Morrow came to watch Corbin and Frederick Douglas game to flip twins and he seen Pietrowski and liked his size and potential and offered him.. That offer in the minds of those making the play calls felt like Vince should have given the QB that offer instead imo as Pietrowski didn’t get a look entire game and I believe he was standing in the endzone on one play with arms up and no defender within 10 yards of him.. just saying adult hidden agendas ruin kids opportunities… BTW Cameron Combs is every bit as good of a QB as Elam period..
And this kind of stuff that you outlined is a big reason why this school with lots of talent year after year doesn't win a championship for over 40 years. BTW, I was told that the Combs' kid dad didn't want his son returning to the team after being removed from QB. But it was the player's decision and he decided to return.
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