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Stop the Steal
(11-15-2020, 09:04 AM)Van Hagar Wrote:
(11-15-2020, 06:51 AM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(11-15-2020, 06:08 AM)jetpilot Wrote: Hoot, the evidence is out there and it is overwhelming. Only question, like always, is will anything be done about it.
This week coming up is critical. Maria B's show should be a very good early indicator what the chances are.
At the very least all the major players are going to be exposed in a big way.
I agree, JP. I've concluded that I have now lived through three of the biggest scandals in U.S. history: Watergate, Obamagate, and whatever this scandal is called (Electiongate?), with Obamagate and Electiongate being to the two largest by far. Yet, with the state of our national media and the depth of government corruption in our nation, Obamagate and Electiongate may not even appear in future history books. 

Trump will either go down as the president who saved our republic or as a reality TV clown because as we know, history is written by the victors. I would be very disappointed if he does not fight to expose the fraud that took place in this election until he has been mathematically eliminated from the race.

  What this will be called is Trump’s  remarkable failure. And at least you did live to see it Hoot, something that a quarter million Americans this scum hung out to dry with his willful ignorance of the pandemic did not get a chance to. But don’t worry, as he said so eloquently Thursday, “we’ve turned the corner, it’ll be over soon.” Just like his horrific presidency.
I find it ironic that you falsely lay the blame for every single COVID death at Trump's feet and call him scum.
Not every death. But soooooooo many more could have been avoided if he hadn’t politicized it. His response was absolutely unconscionable. And your support of said response is as well. But whatever makes you sleep better at night. Which apparently you don’t, because you are on here 24/7 now.
(11-14-2020, 02:40 PM)jetpilot Wrote: Donald J. Trump
“VICTOR JOECKS: Clark County election officials accepted my signature — on 8 ballot envelopes”

If so, this guy will be going to jail....  Not to smart to implicate yourself.
(11-15-2020, 10:43 AM)Van Hagar Wrote: Not every death. But soooooooo many more could have been avoided if he hadn’t politicized it. His response was absolutely unconscionable. And your support of said response is as well. But whatever makes you sleep better at night. Which apparently you don’t, because you are on here 24/7 now.
This is false.
I am very happy that the Secret Service is keeping Joe Biden safe. There will be no white Bronco chase if Justice comes knocking for him.  Big Grin

We may have an interim CIA Director in the near future. Sidney Powell did not mention Venezuela and Germany as examples of locations where votes may have been altered by accident.  Top tier lawyers choose their words carefully but Powell's allegations, if true, will send many Democrats and probably many Republicans to prison.

[Video: http://https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B...el=FoxNews]
^^^Sidney stated on the show she never says anything she can't prove...
Buck Sexton
The journos who spent years without evidence but insisting Carter Page and George Papadopoulos orchestrated a global Trump conspiracy through the Kremlin to steal the 2016 election now have some thoughts on “election integrity” and “respecting our democracy”

Lol. Clowns.
Here is another interview this morning with Sidney Powell. If the Trump administration has possession of a server that was used to manipulate vote totals, then things will be getting very interesting before the Electoral College meets. A live demo to the Supreme Court showing exactly how votes were flipped from Trump to Biden would make a pretty compelling argument to nullify key state elections or to call for new elections.

[Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNX1GpM8...Business//]
(11-15-2020, 03:01 PM)jetpilot Wrote: Buck Sexton
The journos who spent years without evidence but insisting Carter Page and George Papadopoulos orchestrated a global Trump conspiracy through the Kremlin to steal the 2016 election now have some thoughts on “election integrity” and “respecting our democracy”

Lol. Clowns.
The pressure for those mainstream media clowns to cover this story is going to get intense. Maria Bartiromo has a loyal following that followed her from CNBC to Fox Business. She must have something in her contract that protects her from network censorship. If she leaves FBN, her audience will leave with her.

I hope that the Trump administration rewards NewsMax TV, OAN, and individual journalists who have been willing and able to get the election fraud story out to the public. Fox News and the other mainstream media outlets that manipulated the election by refusing to air negative Biden stories deserve all of the financial losses that Trump and his supporters can bring to bear.

Just say no, President Trump.
More from Maria Bartiromo's interview with Sidney Powell.

Catturd ™
My new Dominion car sucks.

Drove it to the store and it already has 489,000 miles on it.
(11-15-2020, 04:51 PM)jetpilot Wrote: Catturd ™
My new Dominion car sucks.

Drove it to the store and it already has 489,000 miles on it.
Catturd must be a Biden supporter if the car is adding extra miles to the odometer. 

Easy fix: He needs to atone or let a Trump supporter drive him around for awhile so that the odometer will run backwards.
Maria Bartiromo interview of Rudy Giuliani.

(11-15-2020, 05:35 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(11-15-2020, 04:51 PM)jetpilot Wrote: Catturd ™
My new Dominion car sucks.

Drove it to the store and it already has 489,000 miles on it.
Catturd must be a Biden supporter if the car is adding extra miles to the odometer. 

Easy fix: He needs to atone or let a Trump supporter drive him around for awhile so that the odometer will run backwards.
Haha you know he dislikes liberals. He just discovered the "glitch"
(11-15-2020, 03:28 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: Here is another interview this morning with Sidney Powell. If the Trump administration has possession of a server that was used to manipulate vote totals, then things will be getting very interesting before the Electoral College meets. A live demo to the Supreme Court showing exactly how votes were flipped from Trump to Biden would make a pretty compelling argument to nullify key state elections or to call for new elections.

[Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNX1GpM8...Business//]
If proven, then the election should be overturned.  I will believe when it happens, not when someone tells me it's going to happen.

I will join in the craziness. Enjoy


Anyway, not going to change a single opinion on this issue. Look forward to seeing the prediction thread after Jan 5th. I am curious on how well you did. Have a great week!
(11-16-2020, 03:08 AM)mr.fundamental Wrote: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/...uxbndlbing

I will join in the craziness. Enjoy


Anyway, not going to change a single opinion on this issue. Look forward to seeing the prediction thread after Jan 5th. I am curious on how well you did. Have a great week!
It took me 2 seconds to debunk garbage liberal lying "article"
They lie 24/7, turning minds to mush. Take 30 seconds to look a little further rather than running around brainwashed..



Tim Murtaugh



This story is completely erroneous. Our lawsuit in Pennsylvania absolutely still makes an issue of the 682,479 mail-in and absentee ballots that were counted in secret.

To write that we had scrapped that argument requires not reading the amended complaint.

Quote Tweet

[Image: https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/106...normal.jpg]

The Washington Post

· 8h
Trump campaign scraps major parts of its lawsuit challenging Pennsylvania’s election results https://washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-lawsuit-pennsylvania/2020/11/15/4aab8048-279b-11eb-9b14-ad872157ebc9_story.html
(11-16-2020, 12:03 AM)The Outsider Wrote:
(11-15-2020, 03:28 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: Here is another interview this morning with Sidney Powell. If the Trump administration has possession of a server that was used to manipulate vote totals, then things will be getting very interesting before the Electoral College meets. A live demo to the Supreme Court showing exactly how votes were flipped from Trump to Biden would make a pretty compelling argument to nullify key state elections or to call for new elections.

[Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNX1GpM8...Business//]
If proven, then the election should be overturned.  I will believe when it happens, not when someone tells me it's going to happen.

Very astute of you Outsider, and very commendable. There are no true conservatives that would seek to overturn a legal and fair election. All they want are fair and honorable elections. If Republicans lose straight up then so be it. I mean sure, I and many others hated it when Obama won, twice. But like it or not he was still our President. I took part in pointing out his shortfalls and inconsistencies, but that didn't cause any towns to burn down, nor did it loot any business districts or assault Obama supporters.

One more point. If one side tries to run over the law to temporarily get their way, that side surely must realize that there is nothing now which remains to support their own position. When the rule of law is gone for one side it is gone for all. The wild emotionalism driving the resistance is existential in nature. If we can't trust the elective process then we've lost sovereignty, I pray it isn't so.
(11-13-2020, 06:02 PM)The Outsider Wrote:
(11-13-2020, 01:27 PM)WideRight05 Wrote:
(11-13-2020, 12:25 PM)Van Hagar Wrote: Well, where have you been? Trying to come up with a sliver of hope for your man? No wonder you’ve been gone so long, it’s very hard to manufacture. Anyway, reread the Outsiders post above you, it’s pretty clear about this issue. More than 77 million people wanted Trump out, the greatest number in history. As my beloved grandpa used to say, “the sun doesn’t shine on the same dog’s ass every day.” It has now set on Trump. He’s welcome to try again in four years.

I have to say, Biden did quite well gathering votes of people ages 120 and above.
So far in Georgia, there has been claims of 4 deceased individuals voting.  Two were proven false and they other two have not been verified either way, but I don't believe 2 votes will change the outcome anyway.

Now where did you find out that information?
Catturd ™
I bought a new Dominion dishwasher yesterday ...

It's unbelievable ...

So far, I've washed ...

- 590,863 plates
- 784,002 glasses
- 953,226 bowls
- 4,877,983 pots and pans.
Anarchists/treason perpetrators are and have been out there attacking innocent people now for at least the last 6 years. At the Trump rally in DC this past weekend unleashing commercial grade fireworks at close range, sucker punching people, including handicapped people, stabbings, threats and on and on. Par for the course for people who routinely attempt to murder police officers, commit shootings, knock the weaker people out and then stomp on their heads, and that includes the physically and mentally challenged and the aged. Commonly used are razor blades, baseball bats, frozen water bottles and you name it against their fellow man. This is not about politics, this is hate fueled mayhem.

Any Democrat that does not see the danger in all of this to themselves and their own family members are kidding themselves. Things are completely out of hand and this particular mean genie is not about to go back in the bottle. Several years ago I began predicting that people would be running the streets in packs taking anything they could find. But after the Democrats in the Congress have openly come out calling for this sort of thing I find it absurdly insulting that Biden would belatedly come out to make a half hearted or otherwise fake chastisement on violence.

The Dems for example, have routinely and mercilessly slammed and mischaracterized the actions of the Tea Party over time. They have spread the lie that both sides do it to the point were they have stretched credibility so thin that the laws of quantum mechanics begin to crash. But according to uncle Joe a couple of days ago it's now time to play nicey nicey and put away the rhetoric and heal. Really? Mean genie obviously does not agree or ain't listening.
A hundred years from now instead of hearing how Nero fiddled while Rome burned, the saying will be Trump tweeted while Americans died...

For once he needs to put the American public in front of himself. I'm ashamed that the leaders in my own party are so worried about their next election that they are afraid to speak up and call him out for being the obvious narcissist that he is. McConnell should be out front and center on this, especially considering that he surely won't run for office again.
(11-17-2020, 11:40 AM)The Outsider Wrote: A hundred years from now instead of hearing how Nero fiddled while Rome burned, the saying will be Trump tweeted while Americans died...

For once he needs to put the American public in front of himself.  I'm ashamed that the leaders in my own party are so worried about their next election that they are afraid to speak up and call him out for being the obvious narcissist that he is.  McConnell should be out front and center on this, especially considering that he surely won't run for office again.

If you think Trump needs to put the American public in front of himself and are ashamed of the Republican leaders then I can only imagine your feelings about the leaders in the other party.

Where did you find that information out about the deceased voters in Georgia?
(11-17-2020, 11:40 AM)The Outsider Wrote: A hundred years from now instead of hearing how Nero fiddled while Rome burned, the saying will be Trump tweeted while Americans died...

For once he needs to put the American public in front of himself.  I'm ashamed that the leaders in my own party are so worried about their next election that they are afraid to speak up and call him out for being the obvious narcissist that he is.  McConnell should be out front and center on this, especially considering that he surely won't run for office again.

At this point in history IMO, the governments of men won't stand another 20 years. Much less a hundred. But only people who wish ill for America, trolls, or people who do not think for themselves say things like you just did about Trump. We are a free people. We don't get up every morning awaiting instructions on what we are to do for the day. And no President I can ever remember did anything like that either. People don't want to be sick but they risk the gauntlet of navigating flu season each year anyway. The left tried to blame George W for hurricanes... they gave Obama a total pass for everything from hurricane Sandy to the H1N1 Swine flu (Obama's own swine flu czar said the administration's flu effort was abysmal BTW)... but of course they're back at it for the last 4 years blaming Trump for anything that could possibly go wrong. No one man could be blamed for CV-19 any more than one could for the losses of Hurricane Katrina. Germs, viruses (except for those produced in the Chinese labs of which Fauci has had political and financial dealings) the weather, the droughts in California and the wild fires that occur there frequently, are all examples of of naturally occurring phenomena. The examples of which have been under study since early man began keeping records. But in this day the left blames conservatives and incredibly, there are those who buy into the ridiculousness. If we happen to have a conservative President, he gets both barrels.

Equally it has been widely reported that left wing groups have been instigating and funding all the riots. Nonetheless the left blames Trump saying the people are acting spontaneously because of his racist policies and incredibly, there are those who choose to believe it even though there are zero examples of Trump ever having made so much as one racist comment. That in spite of the the widely known fact that his record on presidential representation for minorities is the very best in this nation's history.

Common sense among the people used to prevail in this land. No more.
(11-17-2020, 12:03 PM)WideRight05 Wrote:
(11-17-2020, 11:40 AM)The Outsider Wrote: A hundred years from now instead of hearing how Nero fiddled while Rome burned, the saying will be Trump tweeted while Americans died...

For once he needs to put the American public in front of himself.  I'm ashamed that the leaders in my own party are so worried about their next election that they are afraid to speak up and call him out for being the obvious narcissist that he is.  McConnell should be out front and center on this, especially considering that he surely won't run for office again.

If you think Trump needs to put the American public in front of himself and are ashamed of the Republican leaders then I can only imagine your feelings about the leaders in the other party.

Where did you find that information out about the deceased voters in Georgia?
Pelosi and Schumer are prime examples of what is wrong with our Country and it's political system.  I'm no fan of the far left, always believed in working for what I got.  Everything can't be free as someone has to pay at some point in time.

Tucker Carlson apologized and admitted he was wrong over one of the voters that he claimed was dead.  I believe it was the Secretary of State of Georgia who explained that one of the other names that was being spread around was actually alive and had the same name as someone else who had died.
^^ Anybody who wants to know the level of fraud associated with this election needs to watch Lou Dobbs every day at 5. From among the many eye popping tidbits of info coming to light on his show for example--- The US Dept of Homeland Security released a statement yesterday stating that the 2020 election was the most secure in history.

There is one small problem with that point of view however. Sitting on the DHS "election infrastructure sector coordinating council" are some epically problematic players from Smartmatic, Dominion, and other suspect software providers. These are the very guys that put out 'the most secure election in history' statement. So here we go again and the very ones accused of defrauding 73.4 million voters of their votes are the ones saying the fraud didn't happen. Right, so believable. Pay no attention to the fact (according to John Solomon) that Dominion was a large donator to the Biden campaign. Nothing irregular about that. But no wonder Hillary suspected that the votes would eventually come. BTW, contrary to Pennsylvania law, bureaucrats gave over 20 thousand voters without any form of ID leave to go ahead and vote anyway. It's all coming out.

The software will supposedly change votes and vote totals nearly in realtime without any way to trace down important evidence of same. That's a worry in my book and frankly we've all bobbed up and down on a wave of information before like this about Joe in particular and nothing happened.
^^ Make that bobbed up and down on a wave of verifiable evidence before. Not information. On pain of certain disrepute, Republicans, neither at this point or any other in recent memory, dare bring forth any evidence that is not valid. To do so would validate every ridiculous made up assertion the Dems have made throughout the foregoing four years of 'the resistance.'
The Trump legal team has lost at every turn so far, including today in the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. I’m sure all those justices are bought off. Yeah right. Brad Raffensperger, the Georgia Secretary of State, a REPUBLICAN, says he has been pressured by other Republicans, including the flip-flopping clown show that is Lindsay Graham, to make sure the vote totals are turned in Trump’s favor during the recount. Even received a death threat, but to his credit he is conducting himself professionally, and all results are indicating there will at most be the change of a handful of votes, which would happen in any state in any national election during a recount. No wholesale changes, no new winner.

The only thing unholy going on right now is the Trump Administration not allowing security briefings to the incoming administration. Even if you think you have a legitimate chance of winning you just can’t deny this. Bush didn’t get this in 2000, and his team will tell you it made for a very difficult transition.

They are also not sharing their COVID info, although they probably don’t have a lot to share since Trump ignored it from the beginning, had no interest in it, and now you are seeing the results of that. No, he didn’t cause the virus, but his refusal to take it seriously has put us so far behind the eight-ball. All he would have had to do was slip on a mask and show his minions that it was ok to do that. Then you all would have fallen in lock step. I think some of you would wear a dirty diaper on your face if the infallible Trump said it was a good idea.
(11-17-2020, 09:15 PM)Van Hagar Wrote: The Trump legal team has lost at every turn so far, including today in the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. I’m sure all those justices are bought off. Yeah right. Brad Raffensperger, the Georgia Secretary of State, a REPUBLICAN, says he has been pressured by other Republicans, including the flip-flopping clown show that is Lindsay Graham, to make sure the vote totals are turned in Trump’s favor during the recount. Even received a death threat, but to his credit he is conducting himself professionally, and all results are indicating there will at most be the change of a handful of votes, which would happen in any state in any national election during a recount. No wholesale changes, no new winner.

  The only thing unholy going on right now is the Trump Administration not allowing security briefings to the incoming administration. Even if you think you have a legitimate chance of winning you just can’t deny this. Bush didn’t get this in 2000, and his team will tell you it made for a very difficult transition. 

  They are also not sharing their COVID info, although they probably don’t have a lot to share since Trump ignored it from the beginning, had no interest in it, and now you are seeing the results of that. No, he didn’t cause the virus, but his refusal to take it seriously has put us so far behind the eight-ball. All he would have had to do was slip on a mask and show his minions that it was ok to do that.  Then you all would have fallen in lock step. I think some of you would wear a dirty diaper on your face if the infallible Trump said it was a good idea.
^ That is not true. You are not paying attention, are you? The Trump legal team won a decision in Pennsylvania concerning the Secretary of State's decision to extend the deadline for proof of identity by three days.

What you do not seem to realize is that the Trump legal team expects to lose some cases in state Supreme Courts, which it will appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court. In Pennsylvania, Supreme Court Justices are elected and the Court currently consists of five Democrats and two Republicans. The case that they lost today was completely expected. By a party line 5-2 vote, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled that the requirement that observers be allowed to observe the vote counting process did not provide guidance on distances, so the fact that Republicans were allowed in the building satisfied the requirement. Do you really think that the U.S. Supreme Court will rule that it was okay to force observers to observe the process through windows or at a distance of 20 feet from the ballots?

Biden is an extreme security risk. He is being investigated for allegedly bribing the Ukrainian government to fire a prosecutor who was investigating his son Hunter's company. In fact, Biden confessed to threatening to deny $1 billion of U.S. loan guarantees if Ukraine did not fire the prosecutor. He was proud of getting the prosecutor fired and boasted about getting it done.

Joe Biden should not be allowed anywhere near any classified documents until and if the Electoral College or Congress selects him as our next president.

Biden should concede. He is risking spending his retirement years behind bars by continuing to claim that he is the President-elect.
(11-17-2020, 09:44 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(11-17-2020, 09:15 PM)Van Hagar Wrote: The Trump legal team has lost at every turn so far, including today in the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. I’m sure all those justices are bought off. Yeah right. Brad Raffensperger, the Georgia Secretary of State, a REPUBLICAN, says he has been pressured by other Republicans, including the flip-flopping clown show that is Lindsay Graham, to make sure the vote totals are turned in Trump’s favor during the recount. Even received a death threat, but to his credit he is conducting himself professionally, and all results are indicating there will at most be the change of a handful of votes, which would happen in any state in any national election during a recount. No wholesale changes, no new winner.

  The only thing unholy going on right now is the Trump Administration not allowing security briefings to the incoming administration. Even if you think you have a legitimate chance of winning you just can’t deny this. Bush didn’t get this in 2000, and his team will tell you it made for a very difficult transition. 

  They are also not sharing their COVID info, although they probably don’t have a lot to share since Trump ignored it from the beginning, had no interest in it, and now you are seeing the results of that. No, he didn’t cause the virus, but his refusal to take it seriously has put us so far behind the eight-ball. All he would have had to do was slip on a mask and show his minions that it was ok to do that.  Then you all would have fallen in lock step. I think some of you would wear a dirty diaper on your face if the infallible Trump said it was a good idea.
^ That is not true. You are not paying attention, are you? The Trump legal team won a decision in Pennsylvania concerning the Secretary of State's decision to extend the deadline for proof of identity by three days.

What you do not seem to realize is that the Trump legal team expects to lose some cases in state Supreme Courts, which it will appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court. In Pennsylvania, Supreme Court Justices are elected and the Court currently consists of five Democrats and two Republicans. The case that they lost today was completely expected. By a party line 5-2 vote, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled that the requirement that observers be allowed to observe the vote counting process did not provide guidance on distances, so the fact that Republicans were allowed in the building satisfied the requirement. Do you really think that the U.S. Supreme Court will rule that it was okay to force observers to observe the process through windows or at a distance of 20 feet from the ballots?

Biden is an extreme security risk. He is being investigated for allegedly bribing the Ukrainian government to fire a prosecutor who was investigating his son Hunter's company. In fact, Biden confessed to threatening to deny $1 billion of U.S. loan guarantees if Ukraine did not fire the prosecutor. He was proud of getting the prosecutor fired and boasted about getting it done.

Joe Biden should not be allowed anywhere near any classified documents until and if the Electoral College or Congress selects him as our next president.

Biden should concede. He is risking spending his retirement years behind bars by continuing to claim that he is the President-elect.

Surely you don't really believe most of the stuff that you are posting. If so, you may need to take a break from the extreme right and left wing talking heads.  You do realize that they profit handsomely by saying what they are saying and most of them do not even believe what comes out of their own mouths.
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