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Leslie Co. 32 Perry Central 20
Eagles win at home.TongueirateSho
Congrats to Eagles
Way to go EAGLES, once an Eagle always a eagle my home boys:Thumbs:
Good win for 2A team , Go Eagles :Cheerlead
Congrats Leslie on the win. Perry hung tough and wouldn’t go away.
Good win for the Leeco Bad Boys
Great win for the Eagles!! Came out clicking on all cylinders!! Defense played great besides 2 plays that gave up 12 points. Great hard hitting and competitive football game by both sides. Perry never gave up and fought till the end. Leslie has a bright season ahead if they keep this up! Better watch out for them Bad Boys!!
Nice win for Leslie Co.
Congratulations to the Eagles!!!
Like when the Eagles have good teams. They smell of mountain football. Well coached, hard nosed and leave bruises. Numbers are great for that enrollment and the community always supports them as if they were the Patriots.
Good win for the eagles in a border rival that could have went either way Leslie’s defense stood out on the run stop in the 4 front I’ll be surprised if anyone could block Leslie’s line and backers
Nice win for the Eagles, congrats.
The Eagles are going to be a tough out for everyone on their schedule this year. It's going to be a battle between Leslie and Breathitt for the district championship.
Leslie is looking good right now. They can throw it, run it , and playing great defense. Could be a special season

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