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I've officially heard it "all" on climate change
The mythical global warming, scratch that, climate change, is now responsible for low sex drives and birth rates "experts" say.

They've officially lost there damn minds. It may just be me, but personally, its no hotter than it was, it will still be cold as shit come January, Antarctica is now gaining ice, and damnit, im as horny as ive ever been Confusednicker:

When does the madness end?!?!?!?!?
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:The mythical global warming, scratch that, climate change, is now responsible for low sex drives and birth rates "experts" say.

They've officially lost there damn minds. It may just be me, but personally, its no hotter than it was, it will still be cold as shit come January, Antarctica is now gaining ice, and damnit, im as horny as ive ever been Confusednicker:

When does the madness end?!?!?!?!?
When HELL freezes over!
Never understood why they came out with climate change as has been said before thought the climate was constantly changing.

on a positive note with low sex drives now official should be a good time to defund
planned parenthood?
No, we have not heard it "all" yet.

Quote:Hillary Clinton: Climate change has contributed to refugee crises, including Syria

Democrats seem to believe that most of us are really, really stupid. If Hillary ever becomes president, then they will prove themselves right.
Well, Obama really underwhelmed his audience at the G20 conference. He spoke about his favorite subject, global warming. BTW, I refuse to allow him to redefine, rename or repackage world issues for me any more. Therefore, to me global warming has not morphed into climate change, and for the sake of this conversation, ISIS is not ISIL.

The unfortunate French, who are still unbelievably prone to think of the US as the world power for good, were listening to see if the US was ready to lead in reprisals and ultimate defeat against radical Islam. But no, all they got was a line about how we must all accept this as the new norm. They were greatly let down and, all I could say to them is we feel their pain. Things will not change for at least the next year. And by no means are we Americans used to it but, we are resigned to it.

The two things our President based his comments on therefore, do not exist. First is global warming, it does not exist. Second would be the harmonious and rainbow ensconced, universal brotherhood of man. That doesn't exist either. :igiveup:
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:The mythical global warming, scratch that, climate change, is now responsible for low sex drives and birth rates "experts" say.

They've officially lost there damn minds. It may just be me, but personally, its no hotter than it was, it will still be cold as shit come January, Antarctica is now gaining ice, and damnit, im as horny as ive ever been Confusednicker:

When does the madness end?!?!?!?!?

One can find just about anything he would like to online on the matter. It is generally accepted albeit grudgingly by both sides of this issue, one claiming the rise is greater than 0.6 (the global warming alarmists) and the other (those of the scientific community who do not accept the existence of global warming) that 0.6 of a degree in rise of earth temperature is in the neighborhood.

In making their calculations, and I use that term loosely, the alarmists claim they're using measurements of both temperature and carbon dioxide dating back into the 1700's. That was the century of such technological marvels as gas lighting and the guillotine FWIW. Call me whatever, you're not going to convince me that mercury thermometer generated temperature records are all that accurate. Especially given the fact that two more newly invented instruments of the day would have been used to make those measurements, and those would be the afore mentioned thermometer and bi-focal eyeglasses.

The alarmists lie and they have been caught lying many times. But even if they didn't fudge data, 0.6 degrees over a one hundred year time span would require very sensitive instrumentation. When it all boils down, we'd be guessing at best.
His use of the term ISIL really passes me off.
If you dive deep enough into the meaning you will know why.
It's nothing more than a cheap shot at Isreal every time he says it
I believe I posted on an article some months back that was claiming the climate change to be due to increased methane from cow farts.
Granny Bear Wrote:I believe I posted on an article some months back that was claiming the climate change to be due to increased methane from cow farts.

LOL, you did, and the fact that they would come out with something like that just goes to show how desperate global warming alarmists are to lend validity to the patently invalid. Setting aside the fact that global warming has become a highly profitable trillion dollar hoax, these guys sit around all day and ponder global warming. And since there is not anything more tangible than the 0.6 of a degree on the matter with which to form parameters, anything goes. I mean, the real existing evidence is thinner than a gnat's rear end stretched over a boxcar. The whole thing reminds me of a conversation I had once with a former federal prison guard.

Inmates have a similar situation on their hands. They sit around day after day being entertained by their own mind. Therefore their 'story' to define their own innocence becomes detailed and very convincing. One can build an incredibly detailed and vivid rationale given enough time, as is evidenced by the ever growing and evolving bodies of work with regard to global warming and the theory of evolution. Though they may be complex and replete at present, the two theories in question have benefited greatly from an army of 'dike stuffers' who have been diligent in their efforts to retroactively plug up the scientific holes in the two theories. They use known science to plug the holes, while at the same time ignoring the known inconsistencies and fraud, and then point to the entire rickety house of cards as "settled science."
I should point something out. I said earlier in this thread that the scientific community is divided on global warming, and they are. However, that is not to say that those who do not accept the alarmist's version of an apocalyptic doomsday approach to climate science, would deny the modest rise in temperature of 0.6 of a degree. The disagreement revolves around whether or not man's consumption of fossil fuels is the cause, or if the cyclic climate changes we see, are just an orderly part of nature.

True science never denies or modifies data, and yet we have seen a dramatic departure from proven science in the wild assumptions (cow farts) being put out there by climate alarmists. When people become obsessed with a hypothesis, such as in the cases of global warming or evolution, some have been willing to make unproven assumptions in order to prop up their claims.

Man has made tremendous progress in his clean energy efforts as compared to the sulfur latent fog which engulfed England during the 18th Century, said fog the result of burning coal. There are zero alternative forms of reliable affordable energy, to replace the fossil fuels with which we are so abundantly blessed. Not that the wind has not picked up quite a bit during this administration, LOL. Clean energy is a relative term, so as long as the environmental impact of gasoline and coal usage do not pose a viable threat to life on earth, what is the big deal? Man must survive or what is the point?
My point exactly.
Proving climate change is man made won't change my stance at all. I don't give a damn about what happens 200 years from now. Our descendants will figure it out.
Even if true, there is no plan to replace the jobs and communities lost and no cheaper form of energy. Why should we suffer? It won't effect us either way and we've suffered enough over the past 8 years.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:^
My point exactly.
Proving climate change is man made won't change my stance at all. I don't give a damn about what happens 200 years from now. Our descendants will figure it out.
Even if true, there is no plan to replace the jobs and communities lost and no cheaper form of energy. Why should we suffer? It won't effect us either way and we've suffered enough over the past 8 years.

You got it brother. But with the desperation on the part of the climate alarmists, have also come the delusional predictions of impending doom. Only now, they're trying to say the end will not be down the road in distantly future generations, but in our own lifetimes. Obama said as much within the last week, making the absurd claim that if we do not act now, large portions of our planet will become uninhabitable within our own lifetime. This of course, establishes the sense of urgency necessary to get the mindless lemmings of this land to go along with the present Dem leadership while they are still in power.

In trying to analogize this thing, it would be like a shipwrecked crew recognizing that in order for them to survive, they would have to ration their food and water. Then only to refuse to eat or drink any of it at all resulting in their own starvation, because they were trying to save it for later. But that's the kind of logic we get when we elect liberals to high office.

But this is where I believe Trump would excel. It is true that the tangled web effects of ObamaCare, gay rights, and a runaway EPA will be very hard to unravel. However, a President Trump would be more prone to say "too bad" to those permanent passengers on the US taxpayer gravy train, and do what is necessary to fix all those things.
Spot on with Trump.

How funny it would be to see him handle climate vs. jobs. I wonder which one would win Confusednicker:

I swear the man keeps pulling on my heart strings, now with talk of shutting down mosque Confusednicker:
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:^
Spot on with Trump.

How funny it would be to see him handle climate vs. jobs. I wonder which one would win Confusednicker:

I swear the man keeps pulling on my heart strings, now with talk of shutting down mosque Confusednicker:

Not only that, but there is something here that is glaringly obvious. Any time you see liberals dog piling somebody the way they are doing Trump, you can bet they are scared to death. In this case, and with no ties in the form of debts owed to the President makers on the left, and with his thumb on the heartbeat of the conservative base, Trump has no worries about retribution from donors to whom he would have had to swear some weird ideological oaths.

I guarantee lefties are sweating bullets despite their quavering choruses to the contrary. And since there is some degree of uncertainty as to the outcome this election season, said libs really do want a RINO or at least an establishment Republican in the first seat. Such a man would undoubtedly be the most reluctant to undermine recent liberal efforts to terraform the social and political climates of the US. Liberals have invested a lot in that effort, which admittedly seems to have made the low info types more likely to accept the transformative vision of the past 7 years. And you can bet that the little rabid chipmunks are very busily writing regs as we speak.
I saw pieces of three interviews given from Rubio, Cruz and Trump. The question put to them was about what they would do with the current terrorists situation with ISIS. Rubio and Cruz gave thoughtful and intelligent answers. When they asked Trump, he simply said "I would blow them all to hell."

Like him or not, at least his answers are direct and you don't have to guess the direction he is going.
TheRealThing Wrote:Not only that, but there is something here that is glaringly obvious. Any time you see liberals dog piling somebody the way they are doing Trump, you can bet they are scared to death. In this case, and with no ties in the form of debts owed to the President makers on the left, and with his thumb on the heartbeat of the conservative base, Trump has no worries about retribution from donors to whom he would have had to swear some weird ideological oaths.

I guarantee lefties are sweating bullets despite their quavering choruses to the contrary. And since there is some degree of uncertainty as to the outcome this election season, said libs really do want a RINO or at least an establishment Republican in the first seat. Such a man would undoubtedly be the most reluctant to undermine recent liberal efforts to terraform the social and political climates of the US. Liberals have invested a lot in that effort, which admittedly seems to have made the low info types more likely to accept the transformative vision of the past 7 years. And you can bet that the little rabid chipmunks are very busily writing regs as we speak.

Do you remember when I started that thread 7 or 8 months ago about how Trump would still be in the race and probably leading in polls at this point, all the while the media is just now coming around to the fact that hes a legitimate threat. Not one source of media, Fox included, said anything other than Trump would wither away. That isn't so. They tried to make the peoples minds up for them again and this time the people aren't listening. We finally turned the media as the bad guy and people are actually doing the opposite of what the pundits are telling them to.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Do you remember when I started that thread 7 or 8 months ago about how Trump would still be in the race and probably leading in polls at this point, all the while the media is just now coming around to the fact that hes a legitimate threat. Not one source of media, Fox included, said anything other than Trump would wither away. That isn't so. They tried to make the peoples minds up for them again and this time the people aren't listening. We finally turned the media as the bad guy and people are actually doing the opposite of what the pundits are telling them to.

Amen brother! You were right. Not only did FOX participate to that end, they have been leading the charge in my view. They actually did a story featuring Trump yesterday and after a bout of some unceremonious insults aimed at Trump, instead of interviewing him, when they went to the guest it turned out to be Ben Carson.

If you want to see the news, you're going to have to go over to FOX Business. Evidently, all the conservative issues are dealt with over there leaving the single digit IQ types to troll the airwaves of FOX NEWS. :biggrin:
If all media was a 100% unbiased news cycle, they would have been talking about how Bush had no chance to win instead of Trump.
Unless I have a change of heart, the only Republican candidates that I will be voting for will be Cruz or Trump and I may still change my mind about Trump. I like Carson, but he has already begun to fade and I expect that he will be out of the race before or immediately after the South Carolina primary. I will not vote for Rubio.

Aside from Trump and Cruz, I believe the other remaining GOP candidates will move sharply toward the center if they win the nomination. Trump and Cruz are used to the ridicule and insults that Democrats and the media hurl in their direction and they seem to thrive on it. Their styles are different, but both men are great counter punchers. I do not expect that their positions will shift much for the general election.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Unless I have a change of heart, the only Republican candidates that I will be voting for will be Cruz or Trump and I may still change my mind about Trump. I like Carson, but he has already begun to fade and I expect that he will be out of the race before or immediately after the South Carolina primary. I will not vote for Rubio.

Aside from Trump and Cruz, I believe the other remaining GOP candidates will move sharply toward the center if they win the nomination. Trump and Cruz are used to the ridicule and insults that Democrats and the media hurl in their direction and they seem to thrive on it. Their styles are different, but both men are great counter punchers. I do not expect that their positions will shift much for the general election.

^Pretty much my state of mind exactly. But you're right about the liberal assault awaiting any GOP President, it will be unfair, untrue and likely unprecedented. Liberals started really pouring it on during the Reagan Administration, and it's only gotten worse. But it will take on epic proportions if Cruz or Trump get elected and yet I believe you are right, the criticisms, lies and exploitations, will become meaningless if we are fortunate, and one of those two becomes President. Just how far the libs are willing to sink in order to disrupt the coming Presidency is likely reflected in the 7 year long food fight we've seen during their own party's tenure. It has been embarrassing but worse, it caused the hard fought and much deserved stature of the US in the world to fade noticeably. If they'd do it to themselves, you know they will do it to Republicans.

One thing is certain. The left are really sweating bullets this time around as Hillary's most potent enemy so far (other than the ongoing FBI investigation and her underwhelming record) has been her own big mouth. I will admit that last time around the Dems made a lot of hay out of nearly nothing, and Mitt was defeated. I agree that it was his own fault, but differ about the nature of that fault. He should have taken on the DNC distortions and corrected the record. Instead he acted as if he was above addressing the slander, and thus even though most of it was stupid and shallow, a lot of it still stuck.

We need Trump or Cruz
Climate Change, an idea unsupported by real science, the irony of which is as follows. Though the weather is not a threat to the survival of mankind, his efforts to control the weather just might get the job done anyway. Not counting the lost revenues associated with unrealistic EPA mandates in the form of lost jobs, manufacturing, and industry, we as a nation have already spent hundreds of billions of dollars to fight something that is not there. Now we stand poised to spend possibly trillions more and one might reasonably ask; "what is the eventual reward for all this sacrifice?" The answer though whimsical in the most optimistic terms imaginable, lies in the article below. Which BTW, is well worth one's time to read. :biggrin:

"And if we measure the impact of every nation fulfilling every promise by 2030, the total temperature reduction will be just 0.048°C by 2100. Even if we are overly optimistic and assume that every one of these promises would be not only fulfilled but extended for another 70 entire years, and there is no "CO₂ leakage" to non-committed nations, all the Paris promises will achieve is to reduce temperature rises by just 0.17°C by 2100."

And again FTR, mankind just recently achieved the sophistication of instrumentation and discipline necessary to even measure temperature variations as subtle as 0.17 of a degree. But according to your commander-in-chief, we should all be running to a cave somewhere in terror for fear of climate change.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Unless I have a change of heart, the only Republican candidates that I will be voting for will be Cruz or Trump and I may still change my mind about Trump. I like Carson, but he has already begun to fade and I expect that he will be out of the race before or immediately after the South Carolina primary. I will not vote for Rubio.

Aside from Trump and Cruz, I believe the other remaining GOP candidates will move sharply toward the center if they win the nomination. Trump and Cruz are used to the ridicule and insults that Democrats and the media hurl in their direction and they seem to thrive on it. Their styles are different, but both men are great counter punchers. I do not expect that their positions will shift much for the general election.

Here here, brother Hooter!!

Granny Bear Wrote:I saw pieces of three interviews given from Rubio, Cruz and Trump. The question put to them was about what they would do with the current terrorists situation with ISIS. Rubio and Cruz gave thoughtful and intelligent answers. When they asked Trump, he simply said "I would blow them all to hell."
Like him or not, at least his answers are direct and you don't have to guess the direction he is going.

Which is the only acceptable response...The mind of an Islamic terrorist does not allow them to be rational, to negotiate, or to compromise to a reciprocal existence.
Granny Bear:1944269 Wrote:I saw pieces of three interviews given from Rubio, Cruz and Trump. The question put to them was about what they would do with the current terrorists situation with ISIS. Rubio and Cruz gave thoughtful and intelligent answers. When they asked Trump, he simply said "I would blow them all to hell."
Like him or not, at least his answers are direct and you don't have to guess the direction he is going.
11-19-2015 03:25 AM

Bob Seger Wrote:Which is the only acceptable response...The mind of an Islamic terrorist does not allow them to be rational, to negotiate, or to compromise to a reciprocal existence.

Exactly. Not only will they never consider any form of compromise, as long as there is even one infidel top side of the dirt, they will keep trying to kill every one of us until they are stopped. And I mean militarily stopped.

Therefore you can put me down on the Trump side of the ledger. And FWIW, you watch how fast the terrorist horns get pulled in if he gets elected.
As I said back in June, there are only 3 candidates that should still be in the race and the rest should quit trolling the other candidates and hurting there chances at the nomination.


The rest have absoloutly no shot at winning just as I said a long time ago. I was giving Bush a maybe still back then but only because I thought the RINOs would go for him instead of Rubio and his war chest is huge. Not so much and ive now eliminated him. I knew the Republican voters would never elect Fiorina, Carson, Christie, Paul, etc and they are wasting the voters times, and there states and jobs times staying in the race.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:As I said back in June, there are only 3 candidates that should still be in the race and the rest should quit trolling the other candidates and hurting there chances at the nomination.


The rest have absoloutly no shot at winning just as I said a long time ago. I was giving Bush a maybe still back then but only because I thought the RINOs would go for him instead of Rubio and his war chest is huge. Not so much and ive now eliminated him. I knew the Republican voters would never elect Fiorina, Carson, Christie, Paul, etc and they are wasting the voters times, and there states and jobs times staying in the race.

They could all still serve the common good if they spend some of those campaign funds in exposing Hillary. Outside of an invitation, Rand Paul will never see the inside of the Oval Office and he should get out though, I believe he is a good Senator for Kentucky. Fiorina could do well as Secretary of State. Carson has been delivering the truth to black people who would all do well to heed his advice and though a great man, has no chance. Jeb just sounds like yesterday's news. Christie should be US Attorney General. Kasich is just plain out of contention. :biggrin:
TheRealThing Wrote:They could all still serve the common good if they spend some of those campaign funds in exposing Hillary. Outside of an invitation, Rand Paul will never see the inside of the Oval Office and he should get out though, I believe he is a good Senator for Kentucky. Fiorina could do well as Secretary of State. Carson has been delivering the truth to black people who would all do well to heed his advice and though a great man, has no chance. Jeb just sounds like yesterday's news. Christie should be US Attorney General. Kasich is just plain out of contention. :biggrin:

lol.....Well now that is certainly a diplomatic way of saying it...I'll be a little more blunt about it though.

.......He's embarrassingly annoying to the point that before he even opens his mouth, I want to say ....just shut up!!
^^ :thatsfunn You do have a way.

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