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Betsy Layne 79 South Floyd 64
A sad, sad situation at SF. Barry has his hands full with trying to pull this team together. It seems that SF rises to greatness and then withing days they self destruct. Sad.
Side note regarding crowd from SF: McDowell Elem., Osborne Elem., and SF Middle School all had games tonight. It is hard to be 3 or 4 places at once!
Congrats Betsy Layne!
Congratulations To Betsy Layne For A Big District Win At Home. Time For South Floyd To Regroup And Start Playing Smarter. :CE_DP_Ste Confusedalute:
An all-round bad night for South Floyd.
"basketballstar" Wrote:I'm not bias. SF and BL met earlier in the season and at one point SF was winning by 20. They also won the game, with ETHAN and RYAN. Ryan and Ethan are a big role in SF's scoreing. Ryan averaging like 16, and Ethan averaging 17. Going by that, thats 33pts combined. With 33pts SF would have beat BL what?? 97-79..No way BL is better

How did you come up with that score. Our starters were pulled out at 6 minutes to go in the 4th. If they would have stayed in, I'm sure they would have scored some more. Don't you?

They only beat us by 2 on 2 freethrows with 1.3 seconds to go in the game. If the foul would not have been called, the it would have been OT, the no one knows what would have happened.
Many Raider Fans Were At The Feeder School Games, Also Some Of Chose To Sit Out Due To The Fact That Sf Was Without Little And Johnson. Raiders Get Your Heads Up, Somebody Better Start Rebounding Instead Of Trying To Find Their Spots Behind The Arc. Last Two Games Have Been Without Defense Or Rebounding, Wake Up- The District Is Coming Up Fast. As For The Loss, You Probably Validated Their Season- Nonetheless You Can Still Defend Your Crown If You Get Your Heads Out Of Your Rears!
Good job BL,kepp up the good work
Congrats on the "W" BL. SF, get your heads on straight, this isnt the time of year to lose it.
Betsy Layne stomped Sf this time but i guarentee that next time these 2 teams play that sf beats them by 15+
Listened to the game on the radio.. Sounded like SF didn't know what to do without the presence of their big man inside.. Three's are good, but when you shoot 39 in one game, there is definitely something wrong, unless you are an unbelievably great shooting team from behinf the arc, and even then 39 is a rather large number and can obviously get you beat.
"PC_U_KNOW_98" Wrote::wtf1: jayblackcat IS FROM PRESTONSBURG. I haven't see BL play this year so I can't say they are better than SF, I can say that SF is a hell of a team. I can see where not having Ethan and Ryan hurt, but you can't say they would have won had they been playing cause you don't know if they woulda been shooting good or not.

Why did Ryan Johnson get thrown out?
They just don't get it do they, you would think that the nickname would be enough to figure it out, but I guess not.
"jayblackcat2006" Wrote:They just don't get it do they, you would think that the nickname would be enough to figure it out, but I guess not.
To figure out what.........
"Homer Simpson" Wrote:Your opinions mean nothing to me or ne 1 eles
"OU_Bruiser" Wrote:To figure out what.........
I AM FROM P-R-E-S-T-O-N-S-B-U-R-G, so why would it make me angry or feel any negative emotions if Prestonsburg was beating a team handily?
"JuSt_A_fAn" Wrote:Why was Johnson threw out and why did Ethen and Little not play?
little didnt play b/c he flipped the fans off at richmond, eathan hert his foot at practice and ryan was cursing at the refs and other players.he also dont get to play the next game b/c of that.
Waita go BL!
When Johnson and Coach Hall got the T's BL got to shoot about 15 free throws....IMO thats not right at all....very poorly called game!!
it was actually 8........ 2 for the foul, 2 for the first T, 2 for the second T on ryan, and 2 for the T on coach hall.
"jayblackcat2006" Wrote:I AM FROM P-R-E-S-T-O-N-S-B-U-R-G, so why would it make me angry or feel any negative emotions if Prestonsburg was beating a team handily?

:BigLaugh: LMFAO, maybe he gets it now, MAYBE :Hammer3: .
Quote:it was actually 8........ 2 for the foul, 2 for the first T, 2 for the second T on ryan, and 2 for the T on coach hall.

Ever heard of sarcasim???
"PC_U_KNOW_98" Wrote::BigLaugh: LMFAO, maybe he gets it now, MAYBE :Hammer3: .
Yeah man, but then again, I thought my screen name would guide him in the right direction... look what has happened there.
"SF_RAIDER_CRAZY" Wrote:Ever heard of sarcasim???
yes i have but i wasnt just telling u i only said it to let others know b/c they might have thought that u were serious.. ment know harm by it and wasnt trying to be a smarta** so sorry if i made u feel that i was...

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