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United States giving 130 million in aid to Syrian rebels
^ Look up rods from God
TheRealThing Wrote:I've tried to tell you and others that I, at one time agreed with the dems on many things. When they took the liberal progressive fork in the road I bailed. As has been pointed out, the parties sort of flip flopped in times past. Long ago, it was the republicans who espoused liberal progressivism. Nowadays, it is the republicans who are the true patriots and are closer to having their fiscal house in order. Both parties are largely responsible for the mess we're in. But, as long as dems actively and openly campaign on platforms that include planks outlining moral irresponsibility, hair on fire fiscal recklessness, a government run health care system and bow to the wishes of environmentalists, I will never vote democratic.

Look at it like this. This nation's life blood is embodied in accessibility to cheap energy and, as good fortune would have it, bountiful reserves of fossil fuels are easily accessible in country. Not only would exploitation of same keep energy sources affordable to industry and John Q Public, millions of sorely needed high paying jobs would be produced. But, the EPA has successfully thwarted such exploitation of fossil fuels, endangering the well being and interests of the entire nation and, in so doing has denied the government and folks they are supposed to serve, a viable source of revenue in taxes and earnings. Supposedly I guess, because we're tore all to pieces, worrying about snail darters and such being threatened by coal mining. But, it's pretty darn odd that when wind power, one of coal energy's intended replacements, has been proven to be the cause for the slaughter of 39 million birds a year (hit by the blades of the green energy industry's wind turbines), these same bleeding hearts can stomach that without so much as a peep in protest (pun intended).

Don't you ever get tired of having smoke blown up your leg vector? I know I do.

The true democratic party is dead now. The old dems of which there are still a few where right about a lot of things.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Few Americans like giving foreign aid to Muslim countries, but in the case of Pakistan, there were no good alternatives. It is very possible and quite likely that Musharraf did not know where Bin Laden was hiding. There are many Taliban supporters within Pakistan's military and government, especially in the mountains near Afghanistan. Musharraf has many political enemies in the country and he is currently under house arrest after he returned to the country to run for Prime Minister.

Now, why don't you share with us how vector would have moved troops and supplies into Afghanistan without Pakistan's approval? There is no similarity at all between doling out money to Pakistan to gain a land route for our military into Afghanistan and giving money directly to Muslim extremists fighting Assad shoulder to shoulder with al Qaeda. What do we stand to gain in Syria if al Qaeda gains control after ousting Assad from power? What do we get for that $130 million?

20 billon$ and hid the guy that killed 3000 americans I believe we got bin laden without there premison
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Few Americans like giving foreign aid to Muslim countries, but in the case of Pakistan, there were no good alternatives. It is very possible and quite likely that Musharraf did not know where Bin Laden was hiding. There are many Taliban supporters within Pakistan's military and government, especially in the mountains near Afghanistan. Musharraf has many political enemies in the country and he is currently under house arrest after he returned to the country to run for Prime Minister.

Now, why don't you share with us how vector would have moved troops and supplies into Afghanistan without Pakistan's approval? There is no similarity at all between doling out money to Pakistan to gain a land route for our military into Afghanistan and giving money directly to Muslim extremists fighting Assad shoulder to shoulder with al Qaeda. What do we stand to gain in Syria if al Qaeda gains control after ousting Assad from power? What do we get for that $130 million?

how about the 1 trillon we have spent in Iraq now iran has a ally was that worth it?
vector Wrote:how about the 1 trillon we have spent in Iraq now iran has a ally was that worth it?

You do remember that Iran and Iraq got in a bit of a scuffle a while back right? And by scuffle I mean one of the most destructive per capita wars in the history of mankind. Something around 1.2 million people died. They might play nice but they hate each other.
PaintsvilleTigerfan Wrote:You do remember that Iran and Iraq got in a bit of a scuffle a while back right? And by scuffle I mean one of the most destructive per capita wars in the history of mankind. Something around 1.2 million people died. They might play nice but they hate each other.

not any more just look at this picture this guy was our friend at one time

PaintsvilleTigerfan Wrote:You do remember that Iran and Iraq got in a bit of a scuffle a while back right? And by scuffle I mean one of the most destructive per capita wars in the history of mankind. Something around 1.2 million people died. They might play nice but they hate each other.
Like I said they may play nice but they will always hate each other. There is a racial issue as well. Many Americans forget that not all middle easterners are Arabs. Iran is a massively Persian majority nation, while Iraq is Arab. These races absolutely hate each other and always will. Like I said they may play nice for now but it won't last.
PaintsvilleTigerfan Wrote:Like I said they may play nice but they will always hate each other. There is a racial issue as well. Many Americans forget that not all middle easterners are Arabs. Iran is a massively Persian majority nation, while Iraq is Arab. These races absolutely hate each other and always will. Like I said they may play nice for now but it won't last.
but I believe they hate the west more
vector Wrote:but I believe they hate the west more

I doubt it.
vector Wrote:not any more just look at this picture this guy was our friend at one time


is this the picture your talking about?

you know it's cold outside when you see a democrat with his hands in his own pockets
WideMiddle03 Wrote:you know it's cold outside when you see a democrat with his hands in his own pockets

LOL, that's for sure!
^ I thought you were retired. Are you planning on spending your retirement on BGR? WOW!
TheRealVille Wrote:^ I thought you were retired. Are you planning on spending your retirement on BGR? WOW!

Bout time you posted. vector has been hanging around for hours waiting to like something. Confusednicker:
TheRealThing Wrote:Bout time you posted. vector has been hanging around for hours waiting to like something. Confusednicker:

maybe vector finally got a job Confusednicker:
Try to capitalize the name of our country next time WM, haha.
PaintsvilleTigerfan Wrote:Like I said they may play nice but they will always hate each other. There is a racial issue as well. Many Americans forget that not all middle easterners are Arabs. Iran is a massively Persian majority nation, while Iraq is Arab. These races absolutely hate each other and always will. Like I said they may play nice for now but it won't last.

Lol what? They're not playing nice for now...they're killing each other everyday in Iraq, Syria, East Africa, Philippines, ect. There is a Sunni attack on Shiite/Shia every single day on Iraq.

In Afghanistan, the Taliban fought Arabs and still do, and hate them. You ask a normal Afghan if there is any Al-Qaeda or Mujahideen in his village/area, he respond with "there are no Arabs here"... the Taliban is almost all non-Arab, but the Pakistani Taliban welcomes them, and the Afghan Taliban are working with them just because they have a common enemy, us. They usually don't even want ANY Arabs in their country, they traditional hate them as much as they've always hated Jews and hated us for the last 60 years.
vector Wrote:how about the 1 trillon we have spent in Iraq now iran has a ally was that worth it?

You kidding man? Iran is not an ally of Iraq, and won't be as long as Iraq is ALLIED WITH ONE OF THEIR BIGGEST ENEMY, THE UNITED STATES! LOL!
vector Wrote:how about the 1 trillon we have spent in Iraq now iran has a ally was that worth it?

vector Wrote:yes but give that kind of money to a country that was hiding the guy behind 911 well what do you thank and how about the pict of your boy bush2 and part of the evil empire

Come on man, do your research and stop making yourself look like a vegetable.

For one, Pakistan was not hiding OBL. It's likely that absolutely no one in the Pakistani government knew, not even ISI. They might've suspected it, but no way they kee where. OBL wouldn't even step outside without being under something, all windows converted, no phone or TV lines of any kind went to the compound, and he only had one courier, that was it. He's not dumb enough to let a Pakistani official or ISI officer known of his whereabouts, when they could easily turn for the $10,000,000+ reward for info leading to his death/capture...
vundy33 Wrote:Try to capitalize the name of our country next time WM, haha.

ok but honestly vundy i think adding washington dc would make the title too big
I'd like to hear some conservative opinions on this compared to giving aid to Afghanistan in the 80's and the Contras in Nicaragua as well to fight Communism. I'll hang up and listen. :popcorn:
^comparing apples to oranges. The Aid in Afghanistan/Contras in the 1980's was really geared toward fighting Communism where ever it was. Part of the Cold War policy of the Truman Doctrine

Giving money to the Syrian rebels I don't know where their loyalties fall.
I understand the policy of containment as a broad policy, but is giving money/weapons/training to the Freedom Fighters in Afghanistan and all these things to the Contras (who were known to have violated many human rights) any different? Did their loyalties really fall with the United States?
In Afghanistan the Mujahideen fell in line with us for the most part, a large part of the Mujahideen made up the Northern Alliance that helped in our fight with the Taliban
vector Wrote:how about the 1 trillon we have spent in Iraq now iran has a ally was that worth it?
Iraq and Iran have never been allies, they are not currently allies, and they are not likely to be allies in the future. You must have forgotten that the two nations fought a war before the United States' military ever stepped foot in Iraq. Most Iraqis are Arabs who speak Arabic. Most Iranians are Farsi-speaking Persians.

The Iranian tyrants would welcome a chance to convert or exterminate the Sunnis in Iraq. Shias represent the majority in both Iran and Iraq, but few Iraqi Shias fought for Iran in the war between the two countries. There are enough Iraqis who hate the Iranians to ensure that they will never become close allies. None of the Arab countries in the Middle East trust Iran.
Disco Stu Wrote:I understand the policy of containment as a broad policy, but is giving money/weapons/training to the Freedom Fighters in Afghanistan and all these things to the Contras (who were known to have violated many human rights) any different? Did their loyalties really fall with the United States?
Whether or not their loyalties fell with the United States was of no consequence. What was important was that they were fighting against communists and assisting them with that effort drained resources from the Soviet Union. You seem to have more of an issue with past U.S. actions, which were at least arguably in our national interest, than you do with the Obama administration's support of rebels in the Arab world who have actually been fervently anti-American. Why is that?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Iraq and Iran have never been allies, they are not currently allies, and they are not likely to be allies in the future. You must have forgotten that the two nations fought a war before the United States' military ever stepped foot in Iraq. Most Iraqis are Arabs who speak Arabic. Most Iranians are Farsi-speaking Persians.

The Iranian tyrants would welcome a chance to convert or exterminate the Sunnis in Iraq. Shias represent the majority in both Iran and Iraq, but few Iraqi Shias fought for Iran in the war between the two countries. There are enough Iraqis who hate the Iranians to ensure that they will never become close allies. None of the Arab countries in the Middle East trust Iran.

time will tell

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