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United States giving 130 million in aid to Syrian rebels

look at this
giving away 130 million to syrian rebels
john kerry reminds me of the publishers clearing house
im sure many countries are thrilled when he comes knocking at there door to give them money
Yet we can't open up the people's house for tours
Syrian rebels = al Qaeda

This administration obviously learned nothing from the debacles in Libya and Egypt - or maybe they did and they want more Islamic regimes in the Middle East.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Syrian rebels = al Qaeda

This administration obviously learned nothing from the debacles in Libya and Egypt - or maybe they did and they want more Islamic regimes in the Middle East.

I think they know exactly what they're doing. We can fund Jihad, and we can fund terror but, the white house tours are over!
TheRealThing Wrote:I think they know exactly what they're doing. We can fund Jihad, and we can fund terror but, the white house tours are over!
If al Qaeda fails to depose Assad, I will be surprised if the Syrian "freedom" fighters do not qualify for political asylum in the U.S.
That 130 million would have been much more productive feeding hungry kids in this country....
Congressional estimates suggest the U.S. gave $18 billion to $19 billion to Pakistan since 9/11.

Read more:

now that would feed a lot of kids
^Remind me again why I am paying more taxes?

“Relax, all right? Don’t try to strike everybody out. Strikeouts are boring! Besides that, they’re fascist. Throw some ground balls – it’s more democratic.”

Crash Davis
vector Wrote:Congressional estimates suggest the U.S. gave $18 billion to $19 billion to Pakistan since 9/11.

Read more:

now that would feed a lot of kids
Were you opposed to the war in Afganistan, which was initiated to destroy the al Qaeda training camps that were operating in the open and with the support of the Taliban?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Were you opposed to the war in Afganistan, which was initiated to destroy the al Qaeda training camps that were operating in the open and with the support of the Taliban?

yes but give that kind of money to a country that was hiding the guy behind 911 well what do you thank and how about the pict of your boy bush2 and part of the evil empire

this could be you if john kerry comes knocking at you're door
WideMiddle03 Wrote:[Image:]

this could be you if john kerry comes knocking at you're door

widemiddle empty on top :biglmao:
vector Wrote:yes but give that kind of money to a country that was hiding the guy behind 911 well what do you thank and how about the pict of your boy bush2 and part of the evil empire
How would you have moved our troops, planes, tanks, vehicles, supplies, etc. into Afghanistan? Would you have simply invaded a nuclear armed Pakistan on the ground? Violated their airspace without permission? Should we have cut a deal with Iran or Turkministan instead? Or maybe we should have developed space-based lasers and destroyed the training camps and terrorists fleeing from them from a safe distance.

It is much easier to regurgitate talking points from the crazy left wing websites that you frequent than to formulate a reasonable alternative solution to a problem, isn't it? I don't like the fact that our government, both under Bush and Obama, has spent billions of dollars in Pakistan. My friends from India have a hard time understanding why the U.S. has put so much money into the pockets of Pakistan, which is the source of terrorist attacks on Indian soil.

We could not allow al Qaeda and the Taliban to continue training terrorists in Afghanistan after 9/11 without striking back. Besides, Musharaff had a secret deal with our government that allowed the U.S. to conduct "secret" raids and drone strikes inside of Pakistan. So, the money that was sent to Pakistan is what resulted in the death of most of al Qaeda's leadership, including Bin Laden's. Without Pakistan's cooperation, the al Qaeda and Talban leaders would have been able to rest comfortably in Pakistan until the U.S. decided to pull our troops out of Afghanistan.

So, put your crazy talking points down and tell us what should have been done to allow us access into Afghanistan. Tell us what you would have done, had you been in the shoes of Bush and Obama? (Hint: Afghanistan is a land-locked country with no beach front property - a naval landing was not an option.)
do you believe in giving Pakistan 18 billon$ for hiding the guy who was behind 911? and then cry about Obama and Kerry giving 130 millon$ dollars to the rebels in Syria that is trying to get rid of a dictator

Some men are born evil, some achieve evil, and some have evil thrust upon them. Bashar al-Assad of Syria falls into the third category; but from the point of view of his victims, it hardly matters. For them, evil is evil and death is death. The psychological origins of a man’s crimes don’t make them less real or horrible to those who suffer from them

So, the money that was sent to Pakistan is what resulted in the death of most of al Qaeda's leadership, including Bin Laden's

maybe some of there leadership but the man behind it all bin laden they hid him and took our money you still have not answer my ? about the pict of your boy bush2 and part of your evil empire
vector Wrote:yes but give that kind of money to a country that was hiding the guy behind 911 well what do you thank and how about the pict of your boy bush2 and part of the evil empire
didn't President Obama carry on this policy as well?
vector Wrote:do you believe in giving Pakistan 18 billon$ for hiding the guy who was behind 911? and then cry about Obama and Kerry giving 130 millon$ dollars to the rebels in Syria that is trying to get rid of a dictator
The Syrian rebels are al Qaeda.

vector Wrote:Some men are born evil, some achieve evil, and some have evil thrust upon them. Bashar al-Assad of Syria falls into the third category; but from the point of view of his victims, it hardly matters. For them, evil is evil and death is death. The psychological origins of a man’s crimes don’t make them less real or horrible to those who suffer from them

So, the money that was sent to Pakistan is what resulted in the death of most of al Qaeda's leadership, including Bin Laden's

maybe some of there leadership but the man behind it all bin laden they hid him and took our money you still have not answer my ? about the pict of your boy bush2 and part of your evil empire
I agree that Assad is an evil man, but that fact does not excuse forking over money directly to an al Qaeda affiliate who oppose him. There is no law that requires the United States to choose sides in a war between two faces of evil.

As for your question, I have no idea what you are babbling about. Ask the question in clear, concise English and I may give it a shot. However, I fear that your constant references to "your boy bush2" reflect the level of your intellect, so getting a single, well constructed question from you may be demanding too much of your limited capabilities.
nky Wrote:didn't President Obama carry on this policy as well?
Sure he did, for going on five years now, but it was Bush's fault that he spent the money. However, Obama was solely responsible for personally killing Bin Laden. I think he did it with a joystick from the Oval Office.
this is one country the US has no business being involved with- either side. Once it's all said and done will either side be friendly to the US?
nky Wrote:this is one country the US has no business being involved with- either side. Once it's all said and done will either side be friendly to the US?
:Thumbs:In any war where the victors are Muslims, the US will be forced to buy whatever cooperation the winning side gives us. If we are going to pay bribes, then we might as well save our money until we know which side will be able to give us something in return. Kerry would not squander any of the Heinz fortune this way - his wife would not allow it.
nky Wrote:didn't President Obama carry on this policy as well?

yes and I don't AGREE WITH IT
^ yet you blame only President Bush
nky Wrote:this is one country the US has no business being involved with- either side. Once it's all said and done will either side be friendly to the US?

look what we did in Iraq iran now has an ally
nky Wrote:^ yet you blame only President Bush

no they was crying over Obama giving the rebels 130 millon$ but you never hear them say anything about the billons we have give Pakistan who hid the guy that killed over 3000 americans
vector Wrote:no they was crying over Obama giving the rebels 130 millon$ but you never hear them say anything about the billons we have give Pakistan who hid the guy that killed over 3000 americans

The CIA had Osama Bin Laden in the cross hairs on Bill Clinton's watch and he was too lily livered to give the okie doke to take him out. I haven't seen where you said anything about that. And, many on here have said plenty of times how much a national shame it is for America to keep on financing Jihad over in the middle east and on our own soil. I guarantee you, at least part of the money used by the 911 terrorists came from US taxpayer's hard earned pay checks. The United States doles out about 51 billion in foreign aid to countries like Egypt, Russia, Libya, Iraq, China, Afghanistan, India, Pakistan, Syria, North Korea and other countries that would happily pour gas on the bon fire they would like to see consume America.

If I had my way, none of these guys would get the first dime's worth of US treasure. And I have raised my voice in opposition many times about Egypt and Pakistan as well as many others who get aid. Both parties try to buy influence and favor with our tax dollars. Neither of them feel like they have to answer to us for it and I for one hate the very idea of doing it. I mean, what kind of moron would give aid money to China, to whom we already owe our soul? We have to BORROW money from China so that we may give 51 billion away to people who hate us for living.
TheRealThing Wrote:The CIA had Osama Bin Laden in the cross hairs on Bill Clinton's watch and he was too lily livered to give the okie doke to take him out. I haven't seen where you said anything about that. And, many on here have said plenty of times how much a national shame it is for America to keep on financing Jihad over in the middle east and on our own soil. I guarantee you, at least part of the money used by the 911 terrorists came from US taxpayer's hard earned pay checks. The United States doles out about 51 billion in foreign aid to countries like Egypt, Russia, Libya, Iraq, China, Afghanistan, India, Pakistan, Syria, North Korea and other countries that would happily pour gas on the bon fire they would like to see consume America.

If I had my way, none of these guys would get the first dime's worth of US treasure. And I have raised my voice in opposition many times about Egypt and Pakistan as well as many others who get aid. Both parties try to buy influence and favor with our tax dollars. Neither of them feel like they have to answer to us for it and I for one hate the very idea of doing it. I mean, what kind of moron would give aid money to China, to whom we already owe our soul? We have to BORROW money from China so that we may give 51 billion away to people who hate us for living.

hell I can't believe we agree on something
vector Wrote:hell I can't believe we agree on something
Few Americans like giving foreign aid to Muslim countries, but in the case of Pakistan, there were no good alternatives. It is very possible and quite likely that Musharraf did not know where Bin Laden was hiding. There are many Taliban supporters within Pakistan's military and government, especially in the mountains near Afghanistan. Musharraf has many political enemies in the country and he is currently under house arrest after he returned to the country to run for Prime Minister.

Now, why don't you share with us how vector would have moved troops and supplies into Afghanistan without Pakistan's approval? There is no similarity at all between doling out money to Pakistan to gain a land route for our military into Afghanistan and giving money directly to Muslim extremists fighting Assad shoulder to shoulder with al Qaeda. What do we stand to gain in Syria if al Qaeda gains control after ousting Assad from power? What do we get for that $130 million?
vector Wrote:hell I can't believe we agree on something

I've tried to tell you and others that I, at one time agreed with the dems on many things. When they took the liberal progressive fork in the road I bailed. As has been pointed out, the parties sort of flip flopped in times past. Long ago, it was the republicans who espoused liberal progressivism. Nowadays, it is the republicans who are the true patriots and are closer to having their fiscal house in order. Both parties are largely responsible for the mess we're in. But, as long as dems actively and openly campaign on platforms that include planks outlining moral irresponsibility, hair on fire fiscal recklessness, a government run health care system and bow to the wishes of environmentalists, I will never vote democratic.

Look at it like this. This nation's life blood is embodied in accessibility to cheap energy and, as good fortune would have it, bountiful reserves of fossil fuels are easily accessible in country. Not only would exploitation of same keep energy sources affordable to industry and John Q Public, millions of sorely needed high paying jobs would be produced. But, the EPA has successfully thwarted such exploitation of fossil fuels, endangering the well being and interests of the entire nation and, in so doing has denied the government and folks they are supposed to serve, a viable source of revenue in taxes and earnings. Supposedly I guess, because we're tore all to pieces, worrying about snail darters and such being threatened by coal mining. But, it's pretty darn odd that when wind power, one of coal energy's intended replacements, has been proven to be the cause for the slaughter of 39 million birds a year (hit by the blades of the green energy industry's wind turbines), these same bleeding hearts can stomach that without so much as a peep in protest (pun intended).

Don't you ever get tired of having smoke blown up your leg vector? I know I do.
Its hard to fathom why we give aid to any foreign countries in an economic explosion like this one even if it means helping national security.

Imagine how much moey we would save if we cut off foreign aid to all middle eastern countries AND entitlements.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:How would you have moved our troops, planes, tanks, vehicles, supplies, etc. into Afghanistan? Would you have simply invaded a nuclear armed Pakistan on the ground? Violated their airspace without permission? Should we have cut a deal with Iran or Turkministan instead? Or maybe we should have developed space-based lasers and destroyed the training camps and terrorists fleeing from them from a safe distance.

It is much easier to regurgitate talking points from the crazy left wing websites that you frequent than to formulate a reasonable alternative solution to a problem, isn't it? I don't like the fact that our government, both under Bush and Obama, has spent billions of dollars in Pakistan. My friends from India have a hard time understanding why the U.S. has put so much money into the pockets of Pakistan, which is the source of terrorist attacks on Indian soil.

We could not allow al Qaeda and the Taliban to continue training terrorists in Afghanistan after 9/11 without striking back. Besides, Musharaff had a secret deal with our government that allowed the U.S. to conduct "secret" raids and drone strikes inside of Pakistan. So, the money that was sent to Pakistan is what resulted in the death of most of al Qaeda's leadership, including Bin Laden's. Without Pakistan's cooperation, the al Qaeda and Talban leaders would have been able to rest comfortably in Pakistan until the U.S. decided to pull our troops out of Afghanistan.

So, put your crazy talking points down and tell us what should have been done to allow us access into Afghanistan. Tell us what you would have done, had you been in the shoes of Bush and Obama? (Hint: Afghanistan is a land-locked country with no beach front property - a naval landing was not an option.)

Sounds awesome... lets do it.

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