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Donald Trump
It seems that all liberals like to paint Donald Trump as some kind of buffoon, at least when it comes to foreign policy. Even though Trump does have the distinction of having done hundreds of millions of dollars worth of trade with China. While on the other hand, I doubt if Obama has even so much as ordered WonTons online. And yet, I believe Trump is exactly right about a few things.

First, I liked his stance last election when Obama and the DNC were howling about Romney's refusal to release at least 10 years worth of federal tax returns. Folks, anybody knows the wealth of personal information available on 1040's and Romney released records for two full years. At any rate, Mr Trump suggested that if Obama wanted to see 10 years of Mr Romney's tax records so desperately, he should step up and volunteer to release his own college transcripts. He even offered to donate 5 million dollars to the charity of Mr Obama's choice to sweeten the deal. Well, I guess those tax records weren't that important after all, LOL.

Second, The Donald believes China treats us with disrespect, taking us to town by manipulating currency and they always negotiate with us like we're stupid, laughing about it openly once the deal is closed. Here is a good example about what he was talking about; WASHINGTON (AP) — Evidence of an unrelenting campaign of cyberstealing linked to the Chinese government is prompting the Obama administration to develop more aggressive responses to the theft of U.S. government data and corporate trade secrets.

The Obama administration is expected to announce new measures Wednesday, including possible fines and other trade actions against China or any other country guilty of cyber-espionage. Officials familiar with the administration's plans spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly about the threatened action.

The Chinese government denies being involved in the cyberattacks cited in a cybersecurity firm's analysis of breaches that compromised more than 140 companies. On Wednesday, China's Defense Ministry called the report deeply flawed.

LOL, I can hear the scolding now. Mr Obama speaking: "listen you, first I need to borrow another couple of trillion bucks, and second, is there anyway I can help you guys get what you need?"

Third, Trump still can't get past his doubts and suspicion about Obama not meeting strict compliance with being a narural born citizen. And, who can blame him? Even Obama's hand written bios don't agree with each other.
People can say what they want about Trump, but he has made it somewhere. He may have "inherited" his wealth, but he had the opportunity to run it in the ground and he didn't. Liberals are jealous of people who succeed and want to take away every opportunity for people like trump to pursue their dreams. They know deep down that they will never be anything in life and will never be working anything higher than minimum-wage jobs, so they want to bring everybody else down with them. Not because they're not smart enough or talented enough, but because they don't want to work for it.

BTW, TRT - I vaguely remember reading this, but didn't somebody offer Trump's charity a bunch of money for releasing his birth certificate and documentation? And then when he released it, they claimed to be "joking." He is now filing a lawsuit against that person.
Yeah, it was Bill Maher. “He promised me $5 million for charity if I provided certain information,” Trump said. “Well I provided the information. He didn’t pay. So today I sue Bill Maher for $5 million for charity.”
love it.
TheRealThing Wrote:Yeah, it was Bill Maher. “He promised me $5 million for charity if I provided certain information,” Trump said. “Well I provided the information. He didn’t pay. So today I sue Bill Maher for $5 million for charity.”

He told Donald Trump to prove that his parents were not Apes...

I am not a fan of either person but I dislike Bill Maher more so I am glad Trump filed suit even though it seems wasteful...

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