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Allen Central-64 Sheldon Clark-58
Allen Central doesn't have the best record around (3-14) but they got away with the big win tonight over Sheldon Clark in the All A. Good luck against the Tigers tomorrow. Good job
Nice win for AC.. congrats!!
Congrats AC good job, I knew you guys could do it.
Big win for the Runnin Rebels, could be the confidence booster that this struggling team in dier need of...Congrats.
Allen Central was led in scorin by Ryan Collins with 22, Josh Martin had 14, Alex Hammonds 13, Tyler Slone 9 and Nick Music had 6.
Congrats AC, nice job!
Congrats ac..this is a hugh win for them.
Congrats AC. Hard work pays off. How many did May have?
29 I think
"rosco" Wrote:THE SOUTH HAS ROSE AGAIN!!!! Congrats AC

Congrats Rebels
Congrats AC..looks like you all might have finally got it together.
Great win for the Rebs and their Coach who still is one of the best. This team works as hard as anyone around and it only takes a game to turn things around. Good luck tomorrow night.
Nice win for the rebels, could be the confidence booster that they needed. I was at the game and Acs fans was in it from the start. It helped the rebels and there fans keep the Ac players pumped all night. Also to me there was alot of bad calls on ac, especially considering ac was playing at home. But all in all nice game Ac way to stick in there and get the win.
OMG ac with a big win
Bigtime W AC!!! Congrats and good luck!
Congrats to AC they out played, out hustled and out executed my boys tonight. SC is struggling, hopefully they can get things strightened out before districts.
WOW and i can;t belive i took SC over them shows u a undedog can still win....Congrats AC
I knew ac could do it...........good job rebs
How'd May do for SC.
Nice game for AC. One good win doesn't make a season! However I think AC is heading in the right direction. Everyone who started tonight was a jr or younger. You (meaning the rebels) need to keep working and working because I believe you can make a bigger noise in the District Tour. than what most give you credit for, but remember you have to earn it (on the court) JUST LIKE YOU DID TONIGHT!!!!!!
CONGRATS GUYS YOU DESERVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"PC_U_KNOW_98" Wrote:How'd May do for SC.

He had 29 pts and 16 of those were in the 4th qrt
CONGRATS REBELS!!! Now go out there and get the "untouchable" tigers tomorrow
great win for martin's rebs
This was a good game to attend. Both teams really got after it and the lead changed hands a few times. Allen Central seemed to make plays when they needed to where as SC didn't. May ended up with 29, but anyone watching could tell he didn't find his stroke untill late. But when he did find it he packed SC. The effort was there, but the execution was not. Hopefully SC will get back on track around before district tournament. There is no room for error in the 57th. Congrads to AC. Good luck
Never count the Runnin Rebels out, maybe down but never out.Great game SC.The May kid almost beat us all by himself!
Congrats to AC, I sure never saw this one comin... Great win for the Rebels.
I don't think a lot of people seen this one coming. But AC aint going to just walk out and hand anyone the game. I watched them play @ The Hoops Classic and they fought the hole time there! A bunch of scrappers. Good Job AC!

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