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Florida Man Charged With Felony for Allegedly Stealing $1 Cup of Soda From McDonald's
A Florida man was arrested and held on $6,500 bond after police in Collier County said he left a McDonald's without paying for a cup of soda valued at $1.
Mark Abaire, 52, had apparently asked staff at the Naples restaurant for a courtesy cup of water, but instead he allegedly filled the cup with soda from the soda fountain and sat outside of the restaurant, according to a story in the Naples Daily News which cited the police report of the Thursday incident.
Abaire allegedly refused to pay for the soda when he was asked to do so, refused to leave the restaurant and cursed at the manager, the Naples Daily News also reported.
Abaire, whose aliases include "Red" and "Clown," has a long list of prior arrests, according to records from the Collier County Sheriff's Department.
He was charged with petty theft, trespassing and disorderly intoxication after the Thursday arrest, and sent to Collier County jail. Petty theft is usually a misdemeanor, but because Abaire has previous convictions for theft, the charge was upgraded to a felony. The trespassing and disorderly intoxication charges are misdemeanors.
Abaire could face five years in prison if he is convicted of the felony.
Records indicate Abaire will return to court on May 14.


“Relax, all right? Don’t try to strike everybody out. Strikeouts are boring! Besides that, they’re fascist. Throw some ground balls – it’s more democratic.”

Crash Davis
Really, we are gonna waste close to over 20K dollars to prosecute the thelft of $1.00 Soda?
^he is a repeat offender so maybe a number of years putting him away will do him and society some good.
lol i use to do the same thing as a kid all the time because water was free and you could get the cup, pour it out and get pop. But, the manager went ape shit on us one day and we were no longer welcomed :biggrin:
McDonald's is AWESOME.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:lol i use to do the same thing as a kid all the time because water was free and you could get the cup, pour it out and get pop. But, the manager went ape shit on us one day and we were no longer welcomed :biggrin:

HAHA yeah we did that too!
McDonalds is stingy lol. But I understand their reasoning.
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Hammer: How may I help you sir?
Rib Joint Customer: How much for an order of ribs?
Hammer: Two Fifty
Rib Joint Customer: Two Fifty? How many ribs do I get with that?
Hammer: Ahhh, about five
Rib Joint Customer: Five
[does math on his hand]
Rib Joint Customer: So I guess that's about fifty cents a rib, huh?
Hammer: Yeeaaa, about
Rib Joint Customer: K, lemme get one
Hammer: Right on
[yells to the cook]
Hammer: One order
Slammer: One order of ribs
Rib Joint Customer: No, no... no, no... one rib
Hammer: [Holds up finger] One. Rib.
Rib Joint Customer: I sure am hungry
Hammer: Uhhhh, make that... one... rib... to go
Slammer: One rib?
Hammer: One rib...
Hammer: What else?
Rib Joint Customer: You got any soda?
Hammer: [says slowly] One... dolla...
Rib Joint Customer: Aww, come'on now... look out for a brotha... man... come'on... Hey check this out, why don't you let me get a sip for fifteen cents
Hammer: [Pissed] My cups cost more than fifteen cents!
Rib Joint Customer: Alright, F - - the cup, pour it in my hands for a dime
Hammer: [Grabs him by his shirt] Look you greasy hair Jheri curl wearin - - Pay me & get the hell out of my store
Rib Joint Customer: [Takes out change, counts it] ...
[Then, pulls out a HUGE wad of bills]
Rib Joint Customer: ... You got change for a hundred

“Relax, all right? Don’t try to strike everybody out. Strikeouts are boring! Besides that, they’re fascist. Throw some ground balls – it’s more democratic.”

Crash Davis

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