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Brokeback Mountain
It probably is a good movie. I might go see it sometime or just wait until it comes out. But gay cowboys... hmmm that's kinda odd lol
BallaBaby Wrote:Exactly, I bet if it were 2 gay cowgirls the guys would be saying something totally different even though they won't admitt

Yeah for real. Two lesbian cowgirls......guys would flock to see it.
listen if it was a love story with 2 cowgirls set up the exact same way then NO it would still be lame as hell and why go see it.
but now if it was a porno with cowgirls then yea it would be hot!
isn't this the story about the gay cowboy in the village people ?
BelfryPride Wrote:Yeah for real. Two lesbian cowgirls......guys would flock to see it.

They're still denying it know they would go see it.
Vincent Vega Wrote:listen if it was a love story with 2 cowgirls set up the exact same way then NO it would still be lame as hell and why go see it.
but now if it was a porno with cowgirls then yea it would be hot!

BallaBaby Wrote:They're still denying it know they would go see it.
Hey, I never denyed it at all....
It's not like cowboys and indians people!! It's kinda farm-like...not with guns and buffalo. GEEEEZZZZZZ! Yes it is a great movie, but I can defend it until I'm blue in the face and it won't change some people's minds.
DOC Wrote:I could never watch a movie that has men kissing and sleeping with one another. And I realize it goes on all over the world at about a rate of 5% of the population. I'm not a hater, I just don't want to put myself in a position to be around it. For instance, if I were in a theater and two men....or women....were kissing and making out in front of me, I would move to another part of the theater. I kind of agree with the military viewpoint, don't ask...don't tell, and don't publicly exhibit. What happens in anyone's homosexual sex life behind closed doors is none of my business, but please keep it out of public view.

But why do they have to be behind closed doors? Why is it that they should be limited to the confinements of their homes to be able to exspress themselves... and what makes you different, what makes you so much better then them that you get to freely express yourself out in public... that may offend someone else, does that mean you should stop...

everyone is offended by something and if everyone had to alter their lives and limit themselves because of it.. well it would be a sad world.. and boring..

and to get back on topic.. i plan on watching the movie.. i love heath
I wouldnt watch the movie either.Im not a hater of anybody but I dont have to like or approve of that life style.The bible sayes man shall not lay with man and woman shall not lay with woman and being a christian that is what I live by.
I agree uk b rockin!!!! Ugh and jennirave, can we please not bring the bible into this? It's about a movie, I don't want to turn it into a religious thread.
I was thinking the same thing Cali
She was just stating why she wouldn't want to watch it.. What's wrong with that??
How many gay cowboys have u ever heard of?.....There cowboys and theyre not suppsed to be gay!!!!
crazytaxidriver Wrote:She was just stating why she wouldn't want to watch it.. What's wrong with that??

We just wanted to know who would watch it, didn't really want to bring the bible into all of this, there's been enough threads about that already.
never heard of it
That movie caused John Wayne to roll over in his grave!
looks like this movie has 7 Golden Globe nominations for tonight...

I think I would like to watch this movie. Honestly I had never heard of it before Cali brought it up but I have read alot about it lately. I like both actors that play in this movie and although the movie is a bit out there, I have an open mind plus I like dramatic movies so I will watch it when it comes out on dvd.

To the person who said if it was about 2 cowgirls...I one would be complaining and all the guys would flock to see it...thats reality..its harsh but true...
true i would flock to see it if and only if it were cowgirls
Doc Holliday Wrote:true i would flock to see it if and only if it were cowgirls

reading those words and knowing they are coming from you just cracks me
Haha me too bgg
Eagle Football Wrote:How many gay cowboys have u ever heard of?.....There cowboys and theyre not suppsed to be gay!!!!

cowboys can be gay if they want to. no one is "supposed" to be gay. its not like someone is born and someone tells them they have to be gay. And this is far from a western movie. its about real cowboys, not stereotypical cowboys that you see in john wayne movies. they are sheep hearders. hardly cowboys. no gun slinging, no high noons or any of that other junk.

i have seen this movie. Everyone on this board who felt strongly enough to voice their opinion should see the movie. This state is backward enough, something needs to be done to make more people open minded. Back in the 50's people felt the same way about african americans as people are treating gays today. I garantee you in the next 50 years the gay community will be seen as your typical everyday american. its innevitable so everyone might as well get used to it now.

Let me warn you if you plan on seeing it. BE PREPARED. they slam you with the sex scene within the first 30 min of the movie. its quite shocking and it is a little bit more graphic than i would like to see. I was not prepared and quite startled. it takes alot to offend me or make me look away but i definitly had to more than once.

I just encourage everyone to at least try to see this movie. the story is great and the cinematography is amazing. It is a movie that is going to change everything. they deserved every golden globe they got.
PvilleCheerAlum Wrote:cowboys can be gay if they want to. no one is "supposed" to be gay. its not like someone is born and someone tells them they have to be gay. And this is far from a western movie. its about real cowboys, not stereotypical cowboys that you see in john wayne movies. they are sheep hearders. hardly cowboys. no gun slinging, no high noons or any of that other junk.

i have seen this movie. Everyone on this board who felt strongly enough to voice their opinion should see the movie. This state is backward enough, something needs to be done to make more people open minded. Back in the 50's people felt the same way about african americans as people are treating gays today. I garantee you in the next 50 years the gay community will be seen as your typical everyday american. its innevitable so everyone might as well get used to it now.

Let me warn you if you plan on seeing it. BE PREPARED. they slam you with the sex scene within the first 30 min of the movie. its quite shocking and it is a little bit more graphic than i would like to see. I was not prepared and quite startled. it takes alot to offend me or make me look away but i definitly had to more than once.

I just encourage everyone to at least try to see this movie. the story is great and the cinematography is amazing. It is a movie that is going to change everything. they deserved every golden globe they got.

Couldn't agree with you more! Ahhh finally, someone who understands what I've been trying to say!!

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