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Reasons why you have dumped the person you were dating
I have only had two reason to dump the ladies I have been with

Everyone( but 2) cheated on me so I dumped them.
The two, who did not chet lied to me, so I dumped them.
NCF, what are you doing to cause these women to do this? Don't take this as a joke or being critical, but honestly, this is four women. That's not a coincidence? I know you lost a child. Is this something that is contributing to how your relationships are going? Is it possible that something subconsciously is coming out in your persona that may cause those around you to not be as open or trustworthy?
Of all my relationships that I've been in I've always been the one that got dumped...

However a couple times I quit talking to a chick, although we weren't dating.
I've really only been in one serious relationship before my marriage and the reason I dumPed her was simple...she was a BITCH!!
Of the 3 I dumped and 1 that was mutual, 1 cheated on me, 1 was insane, 1 was too needy, and 1 threw a frying pan, chair, remote control, lamp, and clock at me.
Stardust Wrote:NCF, what are you doing to cause these women to do this? Don't take this as a joke or being critical, but honestly, this is four women. That's not a coincidence? I know you lost a child. Is this something that is contributing to how your relationships are going? Is it possible that something subconsciously is coming out in your persona that may cause those around you to not be as open or trustworthy?

Enough said there Dusty. Women talk about men cheating, but men could not cheat without a woman to cheat with. Its the women. :lmao:
Oddly enough, I have dumped all of mine except for one ended relationship. That one was weird. We were joking about dating while we were in chorus class and a few people around us said that we should, we agreed and started dating. We went to one concert together and just drifted apart. Never called each other, never saw each other, etc... She got pregnant about 1-2 years later.
toussaints Wrote:Of the 3 I dumped and 1 that was mutual, 1 cheated on me, 1 was insane, 1 was too needy, and 1 threw a frying pan, chair, remote control, lamp, and clock at me.

How come you did not tell us what you did to prompt all of these reactions....Confusednicker:
Stardust Wrote:How come you did not tell us what you did to prompt all of these reactions....Confusednicker:

i was too busy dogging random flying objects at me in order to remember what I did wrong.
Stardust Wrote:NCF, what are you doing to cause these women to do this? Don't take this as a joke or being critical, but honestly, this is four women. That's not a coincidence? I know you lost a child. Is this something that is contributing to how your relationships are going? Is it possible that something subconsciously is coming out in your persona that may cause those around you to not be as open or trustworthy?
It's a lot more than 4 women.I have been cheated on by every woman I have had a relationship with since I was 16, but two and they were the ones who lied to me.

Has nothing to do with my son passing.I quit having relationships way back when Pikeville played Lawrence County in the Pike County Bowl(Can't remember the year, but remember the bowl.
If i didnt like boobies and ass so much, i wouldnt have one. Id just go to work and watch sportscenter all day.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:If i didnt like boobies and ass so much, i wouldnt have one. Id just go to work and watch sportscenter all day.
If it wasn't for liking women, men would just live in a cave, cook meat over a fire, and jack. I dare say, life would probably be easier, as long as it lasted. :biggrin:
Being that I'm still a young buck compared to most of you all I have few stories but one I will share is this. In High School me and this girl was talking and going out all the time. One night I decide I'm going to surprise her at her house. I show up she's not there and her mom say's "She's with (insert name)." I said "Oh okay." So I stick around and her dad offers me to play some Rockband. I couldn't turn it down so me and her dad was cutting a shine. Then she walked in with that other guy. Knowing I had every right to cuss the paint off that wall, but just so I could make a hell of a story out of the situation I said "How was your night?" and all she said "Um me and him are going upstairs." So then I went back to playing Rockband and went home. Safe to say I haven't talked to her since besides a few drunken calls.
^At least she was honest, WOW! How drunk was the dad again? lol
They always just want to "talk" and keep saying "What are you thinking about."
I don't really dump chicks...only time I have is the one that cheated on me, which I've already mentioned, and two others who have lied to me..but that's it. I don't even really mind the one that cheated on me because of how awesome of a slut story I have now, lol.

But yeah, I'll break up with a girl if they cheat or lie, also if it just doesn't feel right. I don't date for sex, that's what going out to the bar/club is for. If I date a girl, I already really care about them. Last year, I dated this beautiful girl, just beautiful. She has a perfect butt, which is a must for me because I love them, and perfect boobs to top it off. A bit big for me, but meh. Anyway, I got vagina-whipped quick, and it ended up screwing me hard. Not only was she a complete freaking psycho, her mom was too, and she had this short little annoying ex that was a Duke fan..made it even harder to restrain myself from breaking his little ugly Duke face. This chick tried to stab me in the neck with scissors, really tried to, and actually got me in the back and on the arm. All because I didn't want to shower with her. She was too short for the shower, if you get my drift.

Point of the story is, don't let looks alone make you date a me, I know it's tough, so so tough, but it almost always turns out bad. If you must, watch yourself, closely...or just end it after you get your fill.

I have only let that happen 3 times, twice it was a huge mistake, the other time the girl turned out to be awesome. Would've been a perfect wife. She was beautiful, way way to good looking for me..could cook, and would've made some awesome babies...the three things I look for. But, fate intervened. If you can get a chick like that, stick with it. But just do not let the vag make decisions for the time it feels so right, but it rarely is, lol. Most of us can attest to that.

Gah, I love women more than anything. But they have definitely caused me more pain than anything else on earth, lol. Mmmmhhh. Can't wait till tomorrow night...nomnomnom.
Well, I've not told a story because I haven't dated a lot of people. I've dated 3 girls. First two was in middle school were things were not very serious. But I've dated this girl I'm with currently since my freshmen year of high school. Me and her have been through so much and she's put up with so much from me. We've broke up a couple times, but always seem to get back together. This girl is perfect, everything a guy needs. Well.. all I need! I'm blessed to have her!
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I haven't really dated a whole lot so this is a foreign topic to me. Still trying to grow that set of balls and ask a girl out lol.
My wife always seems to ask me why i get on (and i quote) "that kentucky football rivals crap all the time".

Other than that its all good. :biggrin:
I don't date all that I said, I have to like a girl alot to commit that much. I've noticed that all of my relationships will either last just a few weeks, or a long damn time. It's like every 2 or 3 girls, I'll go crazy for one and date her for a year before it ends badly.

I just wish all women weren't she-devil sluts..
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:My wife always seems to ask me why i get on (and i quote) "that kentucky football rivals crap all the time".

Other than that its all good. :biggrin:

leave her now! JUST KIDDING..............or am I? Big Grin
LWC Wrote:leave her now! JUST KIDDING..............or am I? Big Grin

Dusty for sure would leave his wife if she said ANYTHING negative about BGR, lol.

He be like :gtfo:...
LWC Wrote:leave her now! JUST KIDDING..............or am I? Big Grin

lol she knows her place :biggrin:

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