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Don't understand recruiting
Why, if you have full ride offers, would you walk on anywhere? If some school offers you a full ride it is because they think you can play for them and they are willing to make a financial committment to fully fund your education because of that belief. It is an honor to receive a full scholarship, no matter the school.

When you walk on (preferred or whatever). They may like you but they don't believe you can be player for them. Don't care what they tell you. If they think you are a player they will pay up. I know some walk ons earn scholarships and become great players but that is not the case for most. Most walk ons stick around for a year or two, realize they cannot play at that level, then quit football or transfer to a school they can play (where they may or may not get money). And now that walk on owes money in student loan debt.

Don't walk on at a school because you grew up being a "fan" of that team. Go take the scholarship from the coaching staff that is a fan of you! The coaching staff that has determined that you are worth committing on of their scholarships too. If you pass up a scholly to go wear the uniform of a school you grew up liking then you are basically, in most cases, paying for an ultimate fan experience.
I'll throw you a curveball.

What if that kid doesn't need an athletic scholarship? What if they already have an academic scholarship or are fortunate enough to have financial means to pay for their education?

A little bit different, but here is my perspective.
I had the opportunity that I could have played NAIA basketball at three schools,obviously NAIA is not a true scholarship, as much as it is a financial aide package they put together. Either way, between my academics, coming from Appalachia, and what they had to offer I had three opportunities I could have chose where school was paid for.

With all due respect to those three fine schools, none of them is where I wanted to attend college. They were all too small, didn't have the major I wanted, and I didn't want to devote the majority of my free time to playing basketball. I had a full academic scholarship to EKU and chose to go there instead and ended my basketball career (well intramurals but you get the point).

Long story short, I see your point if this is the only option a kid has for a free collegiate education, but unless we know the parameters of their decision, I cannot fault a kid for choosing to attend the school they WANT to attend, especially if there are alternate means to have their financial burden taken care of.
I can see someone chasing a dream and walking on somewhere. It's whatever floats your boat. People are different.
Baseball scholarships are a different animal that I don't completely understand. LoL. If a kid has academic schollys to got where he wants I don't blame him for going to school he wants but if that school is not willing to offer him a full ride for football they are still communicating to him they don't believe in his ability as much as a player on scholly.

I just think kids need to take a more business like approach and look out for themselves in these decisions. I think many kids are making these decisions cause they get more attention when they have one of these media events when they are picking between a couple big D1 schools. The average fans think its awesome but in reality they are choosing between a couple big schools to walk on and leaving A FULL RIDE on the table.
I had a buddy who was a Robinson scholar and was going to UK for free already. Had some offers from small places but UK asked him to prefer walk-on and he jumped all over it. He got to live that life for years being on a SEC football team traveling to some cool places to place. It’s all situational.
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I always tell kids to go to the school where they think they will be happy if you remove football from the equation. Odds are most kids do not play the full 4 to 5 years, so go somewhere that has the degree you want to go after, and somewhere you can be happy if you did not play football the whole time, I don't care if that's at a NAIA school or the SEC.
Just my two cents worth, but having a child that had the preferred walk-on at some of the larger schools including UK and then getting full ride scholarship offers from others, ultimately choosing EKU at a full ride. Now along with the free education, housing, and unlimited meal plan, he also was able to keep his KEES money to apply towards pencils, clothes, shoes, etc... But they believed in him! That was the ultimate deciding factor! He played all four years and was doing what he loved, all the while being debit free. Yes he could have walked on at some D1 schools, maybe worked into playing time, maybe worked into a scholarship even. But they didn't believe in him enough at the start, so the question would have to be raised is that D1 or dream school worth the extra money to fight for a chance to be recognized or overlooked again. Just our experience, and there has never been any regret in our decision to go where he was wanted, not just considered.

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