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Weak schedule????
mysonis55 Wrote:They do not recruit. Recruiting is done by coaches or administrators. The only thing that occurrs here is a family member may decide to talk with their kid and suggest they go where they get better coaching and a better chance. But, a big majority of them swap because their dad played there. Besides that, there is only 36,000 total people in Graves County. Therefore no where near the same as a private school in those big cities that can offer privileges to athletes to come there and have over 36,000 kids to choose from in their recruiting areas.

So it is pretty much the same as a kid going to CAL to get a better education except you don’t have to pay 12 or 13 thousand dollars per year. That’s the privilege the parents get is having to pay that bill. There are no scholarships, none of that BS. These kids put in the work just like your kids. There are no privileges on the football field, except the privilege of representing your school. As many backers as Mayfield seems to have, they should have the best facilities in the state if they put their money where their mouth is.
single shot Wrote:100% agree, you prolly know as I do some of the exigencies of the trip over this year, but I don't believe a different trip would have mattered. Mayfield is gonna bring home the title this year it doesn't matter what they're schedule looks like, baring a nuclear disaster if they show up and play I'd put money on them winning big!

It wouldn’t have. Like I said before, the only difference it would have made was maybe a somewhat closer score. But MF brought their A game and came to play. That’s why I think if the same team goes to Kroger they’ll come back with something out of the hardware aisle.
football fan42 Wrote:So it is pretty much the same as a kid going to CAL to get a better education except you don’t have to pay 12 or 13 thousand dollars per year. That’s the privilege the parents get is having to pay that bill. There are no scholarships, none of that BS. These kids put in the work just like your kids. There are no privileges on the football field, except the privilege of representing your school. As many backers as Mayfield seems to have, they should have the best facilities in the state if they put their money where their mouth is.

I'm all for the better education. Both of my kids went private when that was the best option and when we moved here public was the best option-so I don't have any animosity either way. With that being said, every private school I'm aware of offers "needs-based" scholarships with the public supporters interpreting that as the private school needing a 4.3 forty time. I'm for the kids and them taking advantage of whatever opportunities are available. Let's compete in the classroom and on the football field. :Thumbs:
Private schools recruit, public schools with elite sports programs recruits. Let’s just call it what it is. Mayfield recruits, Corbin recruits, trinity, st x, lex cath, belfry, Boyle, beechwood, THEY ALL RECRUIT!! The only difference between public and private...... it’s a little easier for private schools to obtain eligibility for theirs. Now I’m not a big fan of private schools playing in the same league without a multiplier or something like that, because of how much easier it is for them. They can pull a kid across town and he’d be able to play almost immediately. But if a public school did that without an address change, there’s gonna be a hold up for them. But that’s a different conversation. Point being, most elite programs in KY recruit. Name me one that don’t and I’ll show a liar.
Anyone that suggest Mf has a weak schedule doesn't know of what they speak. Is their district weak? (Yes, not their fault) Has their playoff schedule been weak? (Again Yes, but not their fault). They play all the best WK teams and drive halfway across the state to play Corbin. Plus Union City is a perennial power in TN.
Ghostofjoey Wrote:Anyone that suggest Mf has a weak schedule doesn't know of what they speak. Is their district weak? (Yes, not their fault) Has their playoff schedule been weak? (Again Yes, but not their fault). They play all the best WK teams and drive halfway across the state to play Corbin. Plus Union City is a perennial power in TN.

We can’t seem to find anyone who suggested that Mayfield’s schedule was weak other than the creator of this thread.
^^^Hahah. I just thought I missed it. But I’ve never seen one that said so?? I’m just going to start random threads haha. Whoever said corbins school buses aren’t the right shade of yellow is a fool!!

I’m just messing with ya 55. We are going to have to find a random week for each fan base to go at each other next year though. Otherwise, good luck Saturday. I don’t think the game will be in doubt very long. Unless mayfield decides not to show up.

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