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Ryan Adams
Anyone else around here a fan of Ryan Adams?
His cd, Heartbreaker is awesome.
NO, what kind of music is it?
Uh, not sure what to really categorize it under. Mmmm good music? If you dl music, dl Come Pick Me Up and To Be Young.
Ryan Adams is ok, def. not my favorite though.
Ill have to check him out.. Long as he doesnt sound like John mayor.. JM gives me the creeps..
Just dl it, then criticize me later haha
Ryan adams.... isn't he like a jazz/pop style player?? or something lke that
Yea, some of it could be placed under folk rock too.
Yeha I think i have heard some of his stuff.
I have never heard of him.. Is he old or new
He's very good, but there are people I consider better.
Right on QQ John Mayer is a f@* I think everytime he comes on the radio I about wreck trying to change stations lol....Xm Radio is very spoiling does anyone agree that has it?....
you all need to stop bashing John Mayer...he's my favorite and I am not
She's not lying guys.. She'll fight over that guy lol.. It would be pointless but she'll do it lol

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