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Could We Ever See A Shelby Valley/Pikeville Series?
Just to be clear, I always root for Valley, and all the Pike County teams. But the fans are way ahead of themselves. I would also welcome Valley in Class A. I would rather play Valley than anyone in Pikeville's district. But to add Valley to the schedule with all the district teams Pikeville already has to play will never happen. And it shouldn't. End of story.
I think we have really hit some nerves with Pikeville fans in this thread, they are pulling out EVERYTHING to down Valley in any way that they can. You all really don't like being compared to Valley do you? Remember, you all may go to a different school, but you still hang out with and live in the same places Valley kids do.
First off I want to say that I would not mind to see this game become an every year rivalry. I think it would be a good and competitive series.
Second of all I want to say that all of this talk about SV moving down to 1A is crazy. Here are some numbers from the KHSAA website: Betsy Layne is the largest 1A school that plays football and they have 235 boys per 4 grades. Pikeville is I believe the 5th or 6th largest 1A school with 191 boys per 4 grades. Shelby Valley comes in with 333 boys per 4 grades. To put that into perspective, Belfry comes in with 351 boys per its 4 grades. If I am not mistaking, the KHSAA determines your class in football by your current 4 year boys enrollment. If that is indeed the case then SV would have to lose 100 boys per 4 years or 25 boys per grade. I don't see that happening anytime soon.
You can check these numbers on this site:

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