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Best Broadcaster in Eastern KY area?
I'm waiting to see who the first person is that says Ken Hall and Charlie Pinson or the Grigsby guy from WPRG Smile
it has to be the guy who does johnson central's games great announcer
tomcatin Wrote:Dicky martin is a great announcer.People get upset for his negative comments about the teams ashland is playing.Get a life people thats what good announcers do but on the other hand if ashland is playing like crap he doesnt sugar coat it like MOST high school announcers do he will say we are STINKING UP THE FIELD.
If Dicky's only negative comments were directed toward what he sees on the field I don't think many people would have a problem with it. But he doesn't do that. He takes situations and makes them personal. Usually stuff that has nothing to do with the game he is calling. He is a pompous windbag. He does a good job with play by play and it is a real shame he doesn't stick to that.

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