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Knott County Football 2019
[Image:] Bolz Pat Nation is fired up like a mutha! Magz said big guy wez got to get few more playas out brutha! Wez may struggle but ole Fatpat and the Pats be tearing up concessions and taking tailgating to new levels bruh! #allpartoftheplan #epictailgating More mash taters please!!!
fatpatfan Wrote:[Image:] Bolz Pat Nation is fired up like a mutha! Magz said big guy wez got to get few more playas out brutha! Wez may struggle but ole Fatpat and the Pats be tearing up concessions and taking tailgating to new levels bruh! #allpartoftheplan #epictailgating More mash taters please!!!
I need to come have supper. lol
[Image:] Bolz ole Fatpat said Magz whats the plan for the offense brutha! Magz sad big guy wez trying something new baby! Wowza! Entourage was freaking speechless bruh! #moreplayasneeded #tatertonguetied #genius More mash taters please!!!
[Image:] Bruthas its hot as grammys kitchen at the ole summer family reunion! Magz called this morning and said big guy time to rise cuz wez got a big day brutha! Ole Fatpat rolled out of bed at the crack of freaking dawn and hit Hindmy wide open! By 1 o clocky the heat was getting to Magz and the entourage baby! Magz looked over and said big guy crank that #$%^ air up! Ole Fatpat said lil guy its cranking at mach speed! Ole Fatpat called the local HVAC to work on the 5 heat pumps beside the ole mobile homey! Something snapped in the ole thermostat like a mutha and a big guy and heat dont mix baby! Time to rise Patriot Nation but the temps need to cool off like the other side of ole Fatpats pillow bruh! #somethinggototgive #carmaxacbigguysbestfriend More mash taters please!!!
[Image:] Bolz last week and the summa was a wild ride bruthas! Magz is pumped like a mutha baby! Ole Fatpat and Pat Nation traveled to Harlan Independy for battle scrimmy over the weekend! #pineymountainisakilla #concessionsandpats #wezbak More mash taters please!!!


#fatpatsmotivationspeech #patsberollin More mash taters please!!!
Bolz ole Magz said Fatpat wez traveling to Pineyville to scrimmy Williamsburgy! Says we taking a shortcut big guy! Wowza! Fatpat is pumped the $#%@ up baby! Entourage be traveling at one speed and thats wide freaking open bruh except for the shortcuts! Shaba! #concessionsbetterberocking #cantstopthepatriottaterbus #allsystemsgo #havemercy More mash taters please!!!

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