
Full Version: Where does Tussey go from here???
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Just wondering what you all think on this...Where does everyone think Tussey will end up and why...
I heard she wasn't interested in getting back into coaching. :golf:
I heard she wasn't interested in getting back into coaching. :golf:
hmmmmm never know she may decide to help out again at PC that would b kinda funny after all this crap....dont c it happening though....she loves it at PC though we talk every day
A break is sometimes good.
Why was she removed?
She should coach somewhere... She's a really good coach
There is a thread for that Belfry...

Yeah i agree 15thregioncrazy but i do hope she will stick around PC and help maybe if her heart is in it...
Her and the principal didn't see eye to eye on some things is what I heard so he asked requested her to resign. She didn't want to but didn't want to fight. May peace be with you both.
"BelfryJustice" Wrote:Why was she removed?