
Full Version: Kentucky vs Iona UPDATES
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Woo in for Thomas
Bradley for three and its good. 50 to 39.
Bradleyhas six points in the game.
Moss with the steal to Rondo.
Rondo all the way and gets the layup. 52 to 39.
Iona calls the timeout.
11:46 to go UK 52 to 39.
Cats looking pretty good. Need to put them away now.
Burtt misses the three Rondo with the board adn takes it down to Bradley misses a three Perry misses the put back Moss gets it loses it and Iona on the break.
Burtt maes the three. 52 to 42.
Moss gets fouled hard.
Under 12 timeout with 10:55 to go in the game.
Moss to the line makes the first. 53 to 42.
Was Burtt third foul
Moss misses the second but Pery with the board.
Bradley misses the three and Springer with the board.
Woo knocks it out of bounds.
Burtt gets it knocked out of bounds.
Burtt throws it up Sparks with the board long pass to Bradley and the basket.
Uk with 15 assist.
Moss called for the foul.
Iona inbounds and Soliver draws the foul on Woo.
Woo's third foul.
Soliver at the line misses the first.
Makes the second
Sparks throws it away.
Under 10 minutes to go.
Burtt with two. 55 to 45 UK.
Thomass misses the three but Sparks gets the board then slides out of bounds.
Soliver gets tied up but Iona calls the Timeout first.
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