
Full Version: Only way I'd vote for Obama!
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I could put everything I dislike about him aside if he would just do one thing.

That is put and end to the BCS and install an 8-16 team playoff.
Beetle01 Wrote:I could put everything I dislike about him aside if he would just do one thing.

That is put and end to the BCS and install an 8-16 team playoff.
I would vote for Satan if he would do that right there.
This just in: "McCain and Palin reject playoff system for D1 football because, apparently, Karl Marx once said that fairness is a good value."
Marx wouldn't be involved with competive sports on that level, unless the good players had to give up some of their skill so that the untalented players could compete with them.
Beetle01 Wrote:Marx wouldn't be involved with competive sports on that level, unless the good players had to give up some of their skill so that the untalented players could compete with them.

Apparently, and I've suspected this before, you've never read Marx.... maybe others interpretations of him, but never the source. Anyway, good joke.