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Should Republicans show him the same courtesy GW recieved starting from day one? I think so.
Beetle01 Wrote:Should Republicans show him the same courtesy GW recieved starting from day one? I think so.

Of course the Republicans will battle him, mindful, of course, should he win by too much of a plurality. This is not surprising. Ever watched the Prime Minister's Questions thing? Differing viewpoints bring about strong debate, even going to ridicule and booing and jeering. When the campaigns spend months being negative and critical, then in the Inaugaration Address "extend the hand of friendship" or whatever, it's pretty much an empty gesture. Checks and balances requires a lot of debate between the parties. I think the problem is the uncivil nature of the discourse, not the strong disagreement on issues.
Of course there shouldn't be too much of a checks and balances as the Dems will have full control of both the house and Senate, probably even a 60% majority, which will allow them to pass anything they want. We will see how well these Dem policies do, they will have no excuse for failure, luckily we will only have to suffer through 2 years until mid term elections, when at that point Republicans are liable to win every election.
Beetle01 Wrote:Of course there shouldn't be too much of a checks and balances as the Dems will have full control of both the house and Senate, probably even a 60% majority, which will allow them to pass anything they want. We will see how well these Dem policies do, they will have no excuse for failure, luckily we will only have to suffer through 2 years until mid term elections, when at that point Republicans are liable to win every election.

Given the fickleness of the public, I don't doubt your prediction. However, what if the country turns around somewhat?
thecavemaster Wrote:Given the fickleness of the public, I don't doubt your prediction. However, what if the country turns around somewhat?

what if it gets worse? history shows dem leaders don't do well in times of economic turmoil
Beetle01 Wrote:what if it gets worse? history shows dem leaders don't do well in times of economic turmoil

Recent history suggests your analysis flawed. George Bush I ...economic slowdown... Bill Clinton elected (twice)... Five Republicans that I can think of in my weekly contacts said this: "I most always vote Republican, but I'll have to admit that the best I ever had it (economically) was under Bill Clinton." If the economy gets worse, "throw the bums out." Also, I don't think it wise to count McCain out just yet.
Clinton rode an economic wave, it wouldn't have mattered if a monkey was in the white house. Name 3 policies Clinton had that you can attribute to those great economic times?
Beetle01 Wrote:Should Republicans show him the same courtesy GW recieved starting from day one? I think so.

Well that's really putting America first there Beetle.

Come to think of it I'm glad you didn't qualify for military service cause all you care about is your own selfish needs.

Nevermind what the Republicans did and said about Bill Clinton. That's what started this whole Divided America thing and people like you are to blame.

If the guy gets elected it would be our patriotic duty to give him the benefit of the doubt and see what he can get done.

But you don't care about healing the country.
DevilsWin Wrote:Well that's really putting America first there Beetle.

Come to think of it I'm glad you didn't qualify for military service cause all you care about is your own selfish needs.

Nevermind what the Republicans did and said about Bill Clinton. That's what started this whole Divided America thing and people like you are to blame.

If the guy gets elected it would be our patriotic duty to give him the benefit of the doubt and see what he can get done.

But you don't care about healing the country. So why don't you do all of us a favor and Get Out!

Hey what goes around comes around. Healing the country? This country is never going to heal if either right wing or left wing agendas are getting pushed through DC. It will be hilarious watching Obama fall through on every single promise and then laughing at you all as you make up excuses.

Most in the military feel the same way I do, I know one Dem supporter in the Army, and he pretty much feels like he may be the only democrat in the Army, I'm sure thats an exaggeration.
I'm glad you're such a patriot! We need more like you!
DevilsWin Wrote:I'm glad you're such a patriot! We need more like you!

If you're such a patriot yourself, why are you not in there?
Beetle01 Wrote:Lol its not the standards, I scored a 99 on the ASVAB, they won't let me in with pre-existing tinnitus in my right ear.

If you're such a patriot yourself, why are you not in there?

I already served my 8 years, including time in the middle east during the 1st Gulf War.

So you want to be in the military but you only wanted to be a pilot or something?

Will Tinitis keep you from beeing a mess hall cook? I doubt it.

That would be a perfect job for you!

They need good cooks in the military!

Get after it Tommy Tent Peg!
DevilsWin Wrote:I already served my 8 years, including time in the middle east during the 1st Gulf War.

So you want to be in the military but you only wanted to be a pilot or something?

Will Tinitis keep you from beeing a mess hall cook? I doubt it.

That would be a perfect job for you!

They need good cooks in the military!

Get after it Tommy Tent Peg!

Tinnitus is currently an automatic DQ right now no matter what your going in as. I tried to get around it but I did to bad on the hearing test. So I have to wait till I finish school, then I should be able to get around it hopefully.

I am a pretty darn good cook btw.
Beetle01 Wrote:Tinnitus is currently an automatic DQ right now no matter what your going in as. I tried to get around it but I did to bad on the hearing test. So I have to wait till I finish school, then I should be able to get around it hopefully.

I am a pretty darn good cook btw.
Your inability to hear explains alot Beetle.

I may give you a pass on some of the ridiculous stuff you say on here.Big Grin
This thread is being watched. To DevilsWin and Beetle, you have been warned to cool it.

Insulting comments directed at other members will not be tolerated, and further violations will result in infractions, or more.
Beetle01 Wrote:Clinton rode an economic wave, it wouldn't have mattered if a monkey was in the white house. Name 3 policies Clinton had that you can attribute to those great economic times?

Predictable response... Clinton adjusted economic policy to reflect that the middle class, the working class... these are the backbone of the economy. Take care of them and good things will follow.
thecavemaster Wrote:Predictable response... Clinton adjusted economic policy to reflect that the middle class, the working class... these are the backbone of the economy. Take care of them and good things will follow.

Then you should easily be able to list me some of the policy changes he made.
Beetle01 Wrote:Then you should easily be able to list me some of the policy changes he made.

Policy change: large corporations (I forget the exact earnings amount) could no longer count "income from non-domestic sources" as exempt from US tax laws. I am not suggesting that Clinton was some sort of economic messiah: I am suggesting that economic philosophy matters: policy flows from the philosophy. Wouldn't you agree? Under Reagan, the middle class got smaller. Same under Bush I. Same under Bush II. These are the facts. I'm sure they are disputed.