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By Dinesh D'Souza
Monday, September 22, 2008

So isn't it interesting that we keep hearing about Sarah Palin's peccadilloes while the major media continues to ignore the George Obama scandal? Here is a guy living in Third World poverty and his half-brother is the leading candidate to become the next president of the United States. Are the networks and major newspapers so exhilarated at the prospect of an African American president that they have become cheerleaders for the Obama campaign? Fortunately the McCain campaign is making the media an issue, and I hope the American people are smart enough to see through the news charade.

Here are the facts about George Obama. He’s in his twenties. He lives in a slum in a hut. He wants to become a mechanic but doesn’t have the money. He reports that he gets by on a dollar a month. He met George Obama in 2006 for a few minutes and said it was like talking to a “total stranger.” He said when people notice he has the same name as Barack Obama, he denies they are related because he is “ashamed.” The Democratic presidential candidate, who made $4 million last year, hasn’t lifted a finger to help his half-brother.

My modest campaign to assist George Obama has been coming nicely. Sean Hannity mentioned it on his show on the Fox News Channel, and I appeared on a handful of radio shows to talk about the idea. Interestingly the George Obama Compassion Fund was reported on by Kenya's leading newspaper "The Nation." So far I have received more than $1,000 in small contributions. With my kickoff contribution of $1,000, that's upwards of $2,000 for George Obama.

This is not a huge sum, but I specifically asked people to send gifts of $5, $10 and $25. The reason is that even a relatively modest sum by American standards is a considerable sum by Kenyan standards. George Obama has said that he is living on a dollar a month. This seems an impossible sum to survive on, so I checked the poverty line in Kenya. According to United Nations estimates, it’s around $100 a year. By this measure, our little fund has provided for George for 20 years. Alternatively, George can move out of his 6 foot-by-10-foot hut and into a more comfortable dwelling. He can also get the training he needs to become a mechanic.

The reporter for "The Nation" thought he had me cornered when he asked, "Are you doing this to embarrass Barack Obama?" To which I answered, "Absolutely. He deserves to be embarrassed." The reporter went on to ask me: since when have you developed this great interest in African poverty? I responded that I had only very little interest in African poverty. I happen to come from a very poor country, India, so my philanthropic work is directed there. I only took up the George Obama cause when I heard what a jerk and a hypocrite Barack Obama is being about his sibling. One Obamoron emailed me to say, "Why don't you use your money to help your own impoverished relatives in India?" The answer is that my relatives don't live in huts!

Here are some donor comments which I'll be forwarding to George along with the funds. "This is for the poor brother long forgotten." “A brother is a terrible thing to waste.” "I wish I had a brother, or even a step-brother. George is not my relative and not my race or religion but I still want to contribute to his welfare." "When Obama said that not taking care of the least of our brothers is our greatest moral failure, who knew that he was talking literally about the least of his brothers?" "I never thought I'd be writing a check to anyone named Obama, but I do want to be a true Christian and help this man in his shameful situation." "I'd send more, but I make $9.10 per hour." "I'm unemployed, but I can spare $5 for the Obama Compassion Fund."

I hear a lot from atheists, but interestingly no self-identified atheist contributed a penny. This seems in keeping with sociologist Arthur Brooks’ data showing that secular people are much less generous, both with money and time, than religious people. As Brooks might have predicted, most of my donations came from self-identified Christians, some of them in difficult circumstances themselves. Thanks to this generosity, Barack Obama's half-brother can look forward to the prospect of a better life. George Obama, start packing!
Beetle01 Wrote:By Dinesh D'Souza
Monday, September 22, 2008

So isn't it interesting that we keep hearing about Sarah Palin's peccadilloes while the major media continues to ignore the George Obama scandal? Here is a guy living in Third World poverty and his half-brother is the leading candidate to become the next president of the United States. Are the networks and major newspapers so exhilarated at the prospect of an African American president that they have become cheerleaders for the Obama campaign? Fortunately the McCain campaign is making the media an issue, and I hope the American people are smart enough to see through the news charade.

Here are the facts about George Obama. He’s in his twenties. He lives in a slum in a hut. He wants to become a mechanic but doesn’t have the money. He reports that he gets by on a dollar a month. He met George Obama in 2006 for a few minutes and said it was like talking to a “total stranger.” He said when people notice he has the same name as Barack Obama, he denies they are related because he is “ashamed.” The Democratic presidential candidate, who made $4 million last year, hasn’t lifted a finger to help his half-brother.

My modest campaign to assist George Obama has been coming nicely. Sean Hannity mentioned it on his show on the Fox News Channel, and I appeared on a handful of radio shows to talk about the idea. Interestingly the George Obama Compassion Fund was reported on by Kenya's leading newspaper "The Nation." So far I have received more than $1,000 in small contributions. With my kickoff contribution of $1,000, that's upwards of $2,000 for George Obama.

This is not a huge sum, but I specifically asked people to send gifts of $5, $10 and $25. The reason is that even a relatively modest sum by American standards is a considerable sum by Kenyan standards. George Obama has said that he is living on a dollar a month. This seems an impossible sum to survive on, so I checked the poverty line in Kenya. According to United Nations estimates, it’s around $100 a year. By this measure, our little fund has provided for George for 20 years. Alternatively, George can move out of his 6 foot-by-10-foot hut and into a more comfortable dwelling. He can also get the training he needs to become a mechanic.

The reporter for "The Nation" thought he had me cornered when he asked, "Are you doing this to embarrass Barack Obama?" To which I answered, "Absolutely. He deserves to be embarrassed." The reporter went on to ask me: since when have you developed this great interest in African poverty? I responded that I had only very little interest in African poverty. I happen to come from a very poor country, India, so my philanthropic work is directed there. I only took up the George Obama cause when I heard what a jerk and a hypocrite Barack Obama is being about his sibling. One Obamoron emailed me to say, "Why don't you use your money to help your own impoverished relatives in India?" The answer is that my relatives don't live in huts!

Here are some donor comments which I'll be forwarding to George along with the funds. "This is for the poor brother long forgotten." “A brother is a terrible thing to waste.” "I wish I had a brother, or even a step-brother. George is not my relative and not my race or religion but I still want to contribute to his welfare." "When Obama said that not taking care of the least of our brothers is our greatest moral failure, who knew that he was talking literally about the least of his brothers?" "I never thought I'd be writing a check to anyone named Obama, but I do want to be a true Christian and help this man in his shameful situation." "I'd send more, but I make $9.10 per hour." "I'm unemployed, but I can spare $5 for the Obama Compassion Fund."

I hear a lot from atheists, but interestingly no self-identified atheist contributed a penny. This seems in keeping with sociologist Arthur Brooks’ data showing that secular people are much less generous, both with money and time, than religious people. As Brooks might have predicted, most of my donations came from self-identified Christians, some of them in difficult circumstances themselves. Thanks to this generosity, Barack Obama's half-brother can look forward to the prospect of a better life. George Obama, start packing!

Whatever happened to the GOP agenda of no aid. I thought you right wingers where all about being self sufficient and getting everything on your own? But I guess that doesnt matter when your attacking an opposing candidate. How do we know that George didn't turn down help offered from his half brother. Obama didnt know much about his family in Kenya, which is why he made the trip in 2006.

Im sure no magazine would exaggerate a story so that it garners more attention; according to George Obama they would, he said he is angry because they exaggerated his situation.


George Obama, whose birth certificate shows that he is Barack Obama's half-brother, lives in a small house in Huruma that he shares with his mother's extended family, far away from the presidential campaign circus.

In his memoir, "Dreams for my Father," the Democratic presidential candidate describes meeting George as a "painful affair." Barack Obama's trip to Kenya meant meeting family he had never known.

In the book, which is popular in Nairobi and can be found in almost any supermarket, Obama looks back at his personal story and his struggles to reconcile with a Kenyan father who left him and his mother when he was just a child.

Barack Obama Sr. died in a car accident when George was just 6 months old. And like his half-brother, George hardly knew his father. George was his father's last child and had not been aware of his famous half-brother.

"I think I wanted to learn about my father the same way he did," George Obama told me about why he read the book. "He came here searching for his roots, and I was also trying to find my roots." Watch George Obama talk about meeting his half-brother for the first time Video
Don't Miss

* Barack Obama: A meteoric rise

Unlike his grandmother in Kogela, in Western Kenya, George Obama had received little attention from the media.

But reports surfaced in the past few days, springing from an Italian Vanity Fair article saying George Obama is living in a shack and "earning less than a dollar a day."

The reports left him angry.

"I was brought up well. I live well even now," he said. "The magazines, they have exaggerated everything.

"I think I kind of like it here. There are some challenges, but maybe it is just like where you come from, there are the same challenges," Obama said.

Obama, who is in his mid-20s, is learning to become a mechanic and is active in youth groups in Huruma. He said he tries to help the community as much as he can.

At least one of his neighbors feels that perhaps the candidate should help the brother.

"I would like Obama to visit his brother to see how he is living, to improve his way of life," said Emelda Negei, who runs a small dispensary near Obama's house.

But George Obama will have none of it. He draws inspiration from his famous half-brother. He acknowledges that he is biased but said he knows that his half-brother will be the next president.

"Because he wants to be [president]," he said. "I think in life, what you want is what you are supposed to get"
Conservatives are not against charity. Actually it's a proven statistic conservatives give moe than liberals.

I mean the guy lives on 1 dollar a month, even if that is exaggerated, I'd say its no more than 10 bucks a month. So you'd think a guy like Obama who was trying to find his roots and his family could even offer up 100 bucks a month to help his brother get on his feet and get through school. I'm sure like everything else Obama will now do the right thing that the media is picking up on it. It seems he only does things if public perception says he should, instead of doing the right things from the get go. A man with such weak principles does not need to be the leader of the free world.
You've been watching/listening to too much Sean Hannity.
Does anyone want to talk about Bush's brother that got caught in a house of prostitution in Mexico?
You Right Wingers are Desperate and Pathetic!
Lets set aside conservative liberal bull for a minute. Are they any truth to this? If so why doesn't Obama help his family more? This is the first i have ever heard of it. I knew he had family that struggled but i guess i always assumed they were receiving help form Obama now that he could give help.
DevilsWin Wrote:Does anyone want to talk about Bush's brother that got caught in a house of prostitution in Mexico?
You Right Wingers are Desperate and Pathetic!

I don't see what this has to do with it. Just because a Republican does something wrong doesn't make it right when a Democrat does somthing wrong.
Matman Wrote:Lets set aside conservative liberal bull for a minute. Are they any truth to this? If so why doesn't Obama help his family more? This is the first i have ever heard of it. I knew he had family that struggled but i guess i always assumed they were receiving help form Obama now that he could give help.

George Obama is Barack's half-brother. They share the same father.

George lives in Nairobi.

George does not want to leave Kenya.

"I was brought up well, I live well even now. The magazines, they have exaggerated everything. I think I kind of like it here. I'm Kenyan, so definitely I truly love to live in Kenya."

George is training to become a mechanic.

[YOUTUBE="George Obama"]jtztrMoIUDc[/YOUTUBE]

If you all are TRULY this concerned with George Obama and think he still needs money even after saying in his own words that he lives well; then why don't you stop using this a smear tactic and send some of YOUR money to George Obama?
Matman Wrote:I don't see what this has to do with it. Just because a Republican does something wrong doesn't make it right when a Democrat does somthing wrong.
The Hipocracy is astounding isn't it!
ComfortEagle Wrote:George Obama is Barack's half-brother. They share the same father.

George lives in Nairobi.

George does not want to leave Kenya.

"I was brought up well, I live well even now. The magazines, they have exaggerated everything. I think I kind of like it here. I'm Kenyan, so definitely I truly love to live in Kenya."

George is training to become a mechanic.

[YOUTUBE="George Obama"]jtztrMoIUDc[/YOUTUBE]

If you all are TRULY this concerned with George Obama and think he still needs money even after saying in his own words that he lives well; then why don't you stop using this a smear tactic and send some of YOUR money to George Obama?
I don't believe i was using it as a smear tactic. I give alot of time and money to alot of different charities. My two big things are Iraq and cancer not supporting the family of a man who has alot more to give than i do. But maybe its just me but i don't understand how he can't help his brother. If his brother don't want help then i can understand that.
Matman Wrote:I don't believe i was using it as a smear tactic. I give alot of time and money to alot of different charities. My two big things are Iraq and cancer not supporting the family of a man who has alot more to give than i do. But maybe its just me but i don't understand how he can't help his brother. If his brother don't want help then i can understand that.

I never said that you, specifically, were using this as a smear tactic, but it's the likes of Hannity and Fox News who continue to do so.

It's my feeling from watching the interview that George Obama does not want any assistance and, in his own words, he is living well.

I certainly think that if George Obama were to ask his brother for help, then he would do so, but it appears he is content and does not wish to leave Kenya.

What more can B. Obama do? Force G. Obama to move and come live with him?

And even if B. Obama were to publicly admit to helping G. Obama financially, how many would then turn around and say he is only doing so to exploit G. Obama politically?
I didn't think Beetle supported "handouts".......

So why criticize Obama for not giving his Half Brother a handout?

ComfortEagle Wrote:I never said that you, specifically, were using this as a smear tactic, but it's the likes of Hannity and Fox News who continue to do so.

It's my feeling from watching the interview that George Obama does not want any assistance and, in his own words, he is living well.

I certainly think that if George Obama were to ask his brother for help, then he would do so, but it appears he is content and does not wish to leave Kenya.

What more can B. Obama do? Force G. Obama to move and come live with him?

And even if B. Obama were to publicly admit to helping G. Obama financially, how many would then turn around and say he is only doing so to exploit G. Obama politically?

I think it would do a lot. For me anyways. A man that values his family above all things is a good man to me. But i do see your point. It probally wouldn't gain the support of alot of people in the political world. However it would gain alot of respect from people like me with small town values.
DevilsWin Wrote:I didn't think Beetle supported "handouts".......

So why criticize Obama for not giving his Half Brother a handout?


I don't support handouts either. However i have some family that would gladly take a handout and i gladly give them one. To me its just not a handout when its family. Its taking care of whats yours.
DevilsWin Wrote:Does anyone want to talk about Bush's brother that got caught in a house of prostitution in Mexico?
You Right Wingers are Desperate and Pathetic!

Well, Bush just lost my vote. Oh, wait a minute, he's not running!
lawrencefan Wrote:Well, Bush just lost my vote. Oh, wait a minute, he's not running!
The point was that it didn't matter in 2000 or 2004 to Bush supporters.

But what Barack's brother does all of a sudden is important in 2008.

Do you see the Hipocracy here?
Obama and McCain have different ideas about how to lead this country forward in a time of great challenge and crisis. What is your vision? Are you going to vote based on George Obama? based on some yelling fool at a McCain rally? What is your vision for America? It is too important an election for this kind of nonsense.
thecavemaster Wrote:Obama and McCain have different ideas about how to lead this country forward in a time of great challenge and crisis. What is your vision? Are you going to vote based on George Obama? based on some yelling fool at a McCain rally? What is your vision for America? It is too important an election for this kind of nonsense.

I find it interesting that you all think Obama will be the leader if President. While he may still be President, Pelosi and company will call the political shots of the democratic party.
Beetle01 Wrote:I find it interesting that you all think Obama will be the leader if President. While he may still be President, Pelosi and company will call the political shots of the democratic party.

I find it interesting that you think a first term President, elected with a large percentage of electoral votes, and a significant plurality, will not lead his party. That is, of course, if Obama wins.
So.....what conditions do Sarah Palin's sister live in?
C'mon... let's be fair to both sides, now.
VHSL-helper Wrote:So.....what conditions do Sarah Palin's sister live in?
C'mon... let's be fair to both sides, now.

There's a difference in living in America and struggling to get by, and living in a mud hut in Africa on 300 bucks a year.
How true.
According to the 4th paragraph of your 1st post, he should be almost middle-class.
Quote: I checked the poverty line in Kenya. According to United Nations estimates, it’s around $100 a year