
Full Version: For those of you who watch them.....
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What is your favorite Anime movie???

i would have to say Vampire Hunter D is mine. then Akira.
i am watchin Ghost in the Shell right now
dunno about it yet
Vampire Hunter D. VV, how is the second one, Bloodlust?
I was watching a little bit of Ghost in the Shell earlier, but I couldnt get into it. Maybe I have to watch it from the first tho.
bloodlust is real good 2, i forgot about
but the copy i had was burnt and wasnt good quality
i need ot get an actual copy
4leaf i started watchin Ghost in the Shell from the start and i just dont liek it. takes to long to get into the good stuff. kinda boring.
Oh alright. I've never really watched any anime movies, but I thought I would give it a shot.
u need to watch Vampire Hunter D or Akira
those are way better.
4leaf there are other anime films that are considered by some as real good ones.
Spirited Away, Ninja Scroll, Vampire Hunter D 2: Bloodlust
u might like these
Alright, I may check these out sometime soon.
the only movie that was anime that i have ever attempted to watch was the Animematrix... i dont know if that really counts but that is the only one that i could think of. didnt like it though because i dont like anime and i dont like the matrix. my bf made me watch every matrix movie that there was and i fell asleep while he watched them. :S
lol that must have sucked for u then Tribe... i have never watched the animematrix.