
Full Version: Romney Worth $250,000,000
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It is being reported that Republican Presidential Candidate Romney is worth between $200-250 million dollars. Now I know that this has to be reported by all candidates, but what does this really matter? Does the wealth of someone effect if you will vote for them or not? I don't think that it should have any say in how you vote, even considering that Romney has promised to donate his Presidential Salary to charity (I'm pretty sure).
I really don't care about things like that, unless it shows someone is being hypocritical in their views. Like, say a certain 'environmental' presidential candidate that lives in an energy-guzzling house?

Sorry to deviate off-topic. Anyway, no I don't care, but it would be nice to see that he gives generously to good charities...
To answer your question, wealth has nothing to do with who I will vote for.