
Full Version: Estill County 50 Owsley County 38 (56th District Tournament)
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skydiver1 Wrote:Let go it’s go get over it. King you were not there so ever thing you say is hear say. Same with you tanner you didn’t see or heard what was said. So get over it.
You make a good point. However, I was at the game and saw it as it unfolded. I didn’t hear the discussions though, just going on what was told by the officers and the other fans that were in the area of the situation.

But I agree. Let’s move on. 👍
LOOKAYANNER Wrote:Once again, Owsley’s boys coaches did not go into the stands.

I’m talking about the boys assistant that turned around & engaged the fan behind the bench while game was in progress, that is what started this entire situation. I wasn’t referring to everything that happened in the stands after that. Law enforcement should have been called over to handle that instead of a coach & fan disrupting the entire event. Very poor representation both ways.
skydiver1 Wrote:Let go it’s go get over it. King you were not there so ever thing you say is hear say. Same with you tanner you didn’t see or heard what was said. So get over it.

No I wasn't but their's video proof and like it or not it is being investigated by the state police and Owsley County is talking with their attorney about pressing charges against the Estill fan. That I do know for a fact.
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