
Full Version: My mother was in car accident on her way to work.. Please pray for her.
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Due to the flooding and mud slides a large tree fell over in front of her car on her way to work this morning. She lost control and went through a steel fence before hitting a telephone pole head on.

God was looking over her because of the steel poles from the fence went through the passenger side window and passed through the passenger side seat and exited the back of the car. She is extremely lucky and blessed. There was so much flooding in the area this morning that it took the ambulance 2 hours to get her to a hospital. She had a MRI this morning and had no internal injuries. She was released from the hospital with only a dislocated shoulder and some cuts and bruises..

She is extremely stressed out for totaling out her vehicle and destroying some ones fence.. She is the sweetest person in the world that worries more about others than herself. The roads are blocked up there right now for flooding and I can't get up there. My aunt and mamaw is staying with her until we get there. I ask you all to keep her in your prayers.
Good to hear that she is OK!!
It appears that God was with her. We will keep her in our prayers. That was a very serious accident.
Sheww man Im glad she is ok, and the flooding is has unreal this morning. But again Im glad shes ok and yeah God was looking over her today.
She has my prayers too.
Prayers from the Russell faithful. If you need me to help with anything just give me a shout.
I was very close to having an accident myself last night due to Hydroplaning(sp?), very dangerous conditions. But I'm very glad your mothers ok and I will pray for her also. Stay Safe!
QQ man if there is anything that I can do let me know. And God was looking after her this morning.
I'm really glad that she is okay Q. I will pray for her recovery and pass it along for my family to do so as well. The weather is awful all over Eastern Kentucky and I look for many accidents to have occurred by the end of the day so we need to keep anyone traveling in our thoughts.
Glad to hear she is okay... I will keep her in my prayers!
She definitely has some very alert angels looking over her, I hope she recovers quickly.
Glad she is ok, will keep her in our prayers.
Ill be praying for her and everybody on BGR that has to deal with this weather and the conditions. They are bad everywhere, so everybody be you didnt already know that, lol..but Im glad your mother is ok QQ...
Thanks everyone for the prayers. She is still sore but in much better spirits.. She was worried about those peoples fence and totaling her car. I told her how important she was to us and those things didn't matter--they are replaceable. She is thankful to God because she said the poll look like it was coming right at her and head and somehow right before impacting the car slides slightly causing the pole to come through the windshield at angle missing her, and went through the passenger side instead..

Thanks again,, We appreciated the prayers..
Glad to hear that she is feeling good Q. The pole thing is really scared.
Glad She Is Ok Also.
Hate to hear that QQ, glad she is ok though.
Glad she is ok.
Glad she is O.K... Reminds me and really makes you think how BGR is really like a family away from family. We all relate to things in so many ways but when times of crisis happens how we can depend on thoughts and prayers from our friends..And reading things from people really open up your heart at times when it needs it the most. Glad everything is doing good once again!