
Full Version: One Of My Band's Songs Chosen To Be In A Commercial
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I just got notification today that there is a company in New York that would like to use one of my band's songs as background music in their commercial.

We're still feeling things out and making sure everything is legitimate and copyrights are in order before giving them the OK.

Pretty cool though, I'll update with any further information I receive, here is a link to the song:

The song is called "The Mountain Laurel"
Congrats CE...any idea what the commercial will be about?
Congrats and good luck!!
Beef Wrote:Congrats CE...any idea what the commercial will be about?

Not sure yet. Still waiting to hear back from them.
Congratulations CE! I know how you feel about your music and this is HUGE. Fill us in as soon as you know something. I'm really happy for you though.
That is awesome
What genre is your music? Would you post the song for us to hear?
That's awesome! Congrats!!
DevilsWin Wrote:Congratulations!
What genre is your music? Would you post the song for us to hear?

MySpace Music profile.
Congrats man, thats huge.
You have a great sound. Keep on Truckin':Guitar01: :beavis:
thats awesome
That is so cool.Mountain Laurel,s are beautiful flowers.How about a sound clip!!
thats pretty cool
Thats awesome man congrats! Keep us updated.
Congrats....any updates...