
Full Version: 3A McCreary County @ 1A Lynn Camp 10-27-17
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Thoughts and predictions :yikes::yikes::yikes:

1A Lynn Camp 6-3
3A McCreary County 2-6

McCreary County best win.
McCreary County 22
Paul Lawrence Dunbar 21

McCreary County highlight games.
Perry County Central 64 (4 overtime)
McCreary County 58

Bell County 75
McCreary County 43

Lynn Camp best win.

Lynn Camp 26
Harlan 14

Lynn Camp Highlight game.( lost )

Williamsburg 40
Lynn Camp 32

Vote Democrat in 2020 :Cheerlead
This is going to be a wild one.......I mean offense :mop::mop:

Lynn Camp 49
McCreary County 42
Lynn Camp 42-41
Campers by 14
Lynn Camp 28-14
pjdoug Wrote:Lynn Camp 28-14

:dudecomeon: they will score that many points in the first half before making your prediction looked at mind first Confusednicker:
64SUR Wrote::dudecomeon: they will score that many points in the first half before making your prediction looked at mind first Confusednicker:

You make your prediction and I'll make mine :rage::ChairHit:Confusednicker:
3 weeks ago I would of went with MCC. But they’re running like a flat tire now. Lynn camp 56 MCC 42
Trip to the beach has thrown the Raiders off kilter.
E's Army Wrote:Trip to the beach has thrown the Raiders off kilter.

McCreary didn't learn much by missing week of Fall Break. Lose to Jackson Co. who they should have beat bad. Come to last week (Open) take Thursday and Friday off, Then miss Monday because of rain. I don't expect them to play any better than at Jackson. Could be a long night. We will say.Confusedhh:
Lynn camp in a barnburner.
Its Basketball season in McCreary. Lynn Camp wins 41-6
E's Army Wrote:Trip to the beach has thrown the Raiders off kilter.

Lot's of good stuff about practice:

Practice makes perfect !
Practice well to win !
Prepare well- win !
You play like you practice !

Never have I seen or heard: Miss practice and win !!!! Case Closed
With that being said, Lynn Camp all the way!
I'm a raider fan but I don't think not practicing will help them win. All the praise was given to a soft schedule and the previous coach off-season in 2016 we have seen what has been produced. Blame game all day long but we need a coach who will 1. Dicspline kids that means not acting crazy like they have the past two years.
2. Coach the whole team canceling practice and jv games and everything else helps you none.
3. Be willing to change around personnel. I have seen multiple players that can be productive on eithier side of the ball get a few plays here and there when they should be playing every down they can.
Last but not least TACKLE it's that easy Play defense a coach who could teach that should be hired for mccreary
Hats off the Lynn camp they are improving year by year and will be a tough team
pjdoug Wrote:You make your prediction and I'll make mine :rage::ChairHit:Confusednicker:

Just trying to help man. :bike:
Lynn Camp by 2tds.
I thought the Raiders were headed in the right direction but the wheels have fell off. Whereas Lynn Camp appears to be on track. Their numbers are up and the meanest mommies in football are traveling again and cheering on their Campers. The support this community gives their football team is amazing. Kudos to Coach Harris for restoring their pride.
64SUR Wrote:Just trying to help man. :bike:

bring the horses and get on my team's wagon if you want to help Confusednicker:
Unbeaten55 Wrote:I'm a raider fan but I don't think not practicing will help them win. All the praise was given to a soft schedule and the previous coach off-season in 2016 we have seen what has been produced. Blame game all day long but we need a coach who will 1. Dicspline kids that means not acting crazy like they have the past two years.
2. Coach the whole team canceling practice and jv games and everything else helps you none.
3. Be willing to change around personnel. I have seen multiple players that can be productive on eithier side of the ball get a few plays here and there when they should be playing every down they can.
Last but not least TACKLE it's that easy Play defense a coach who could teach that should be hired for mccreary
Hats off the Lynn camp they are improving year by year and will be a tough team

I agree with most you have said. Last years schedule was soft, but we were 7-3 if we played the same schedule this year we would be 4-6, yes 4-6 we have regressed. This team is loaded with talent from the line to skilled people. When you want work on Defense and you take time off and don't prepare for games. You will lose. Hope things get better. :yikes:
Unbeaten55 Wrote:I'm a raider fan but I don't think not practicing will help them win. All the praise was given to a soft schedule and the previous coach off-season in 2016 we have seen what has been produced. Blame game all day long but we need a coach who will 1. Dicspline kids that means not acting crazy like they have the past two years.
2. Coach the whole team canceling practice and jv games and everything else helps you none.
3. Be willing to change around personnel. I have seen multiple players that can be productive on eithier side of the ball get a few plays here and there when they should be playing every down they can.
Last but not least TACKLE it's that easy Play defense a coach who could teach that should be hired for mccreary
Hats off the Lynn camp they are improving year by year and will be a tough team

You have the best coach you are going to get at that program. He's had success at other places, and had success there last year. MC's problem lies in a lot of different areas, administration has to look in the mirror when (if what i'm told is accurate) they take one of the states top rushers to the beach during the week of a district game to make the playoffs. Kids can only be held accountable if coaching staff is allowed to hold them accountable in terms of discipline and making practices. If coaches can't make practices mandatory during non-school days you're bound to get the results to match.

It's always easy to play the blame game; reality is it lies in multiple hands not just one.
Pulling for Lynn Camp.. fingers crossed. Good luck to both teams.
Sportsfanatic2015 Wrote:I agree with most you have said. Last years schedule was soft, but we were 7-3 if we played the same schedule this year we would be 4-6, yes 4-6 we have regressed. This team is loaded with talent from the line to skilled people. When you want work on Defense and you take time off and don't prepare for games. You will lose. Hope things get better. :yikes:

The what if game.

McCreary plays the same schedule as last season probably 8-2 at worst 7-3.

McCreary played a difficult schedule this season.
mchs has been having a ROUGH time lately. maybe theyll be back next year
i honestly do not believe the raiders are this bad they just dont practice
I think the Wildcats win a wild one 41-36.
Lynn Camp by 2 tds
Campers have a solid bunch. If they get up it could be a long night for the Raiders. If Raiders get up Campers will struggle with their lack of a passing game. They have several good skill people and will grind it out given the opportunity
If the raiders decide to show up I'll take them 40 to 38
Well Lynn camp put up 64 to 16 beatdown I think a reevaluation needs to be done with mccreary after the past few games and no practice
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