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Alfus my daughter goes to Morehead state and has first hand experience with the liberal, non christian views of some college professors.She says it has so far been tabboo to consider the views from the bible in most discussions.I know the Ivy leauge schools have many professors who are known atheists.The bible says the knowledge of man will lead to his destruction and that seems to be true with the very so called highly intelligent people.They think there too smart to be believe in God.I have read where in biblical days the Greeks were that way.Belief in God was for the narrow minded, less intelligent people.I listened to Billy Graham talk about the views of a vast majority of the college professors being anti-God.I was shocked for my daughter to lay all of the things she has had to sit and listen to her professors teach at Morehead which is basically smack in the middle of the bible belt.Alfus have you encountered this much at UK?
OSD im not sure how UK is now, Im guessing they havent changed that much since I was there. Uk was just like MSU, religion was viewed by most of my instructors to be stupid. I have degrees from both schools, and I also attended ALC, and to be honset unless you send your daughter to a strict Christian school then she will face a large amount of sarcasm torward christianity from the majority of professors that she has.

Personally for me attending both type schools was a good thing, when I first went to college I had one perception of God and religion, after being introduced to different view points I was able to make my own mind up.

OSD religion is simple its a question of faith, if one has faith in their beliefs then all the retoric from whom ever does not matter. Thats not to say that one may not waiver, but for many if anything it allows there faith in God to become much stronger.

Bill Maher reminds me of about 75% of my professors, just google him and it will give you a good idea as to how chritianity and religion our viewed on our major campuses
Good points Doc.Its hard for me to listen to bill Maher.
I've had several friends with experiences such as these, and it seems that my professors try to avoid speaking of religion in most cases, but when it is mentioned I don't feel offended but do feel as if I am getting more of an educated view on the issue from someone differing from me. Though I may not agree with it, like Doc said it helps being introduced to different views than your own.

Personally I've never experienced anything such as that or to the point that it would offend me, but I've had friends who have said they have been bothered by what their professors have said regarding the subject a couple of times.
One of my old professors is a Buddhist but other than that no religion has really been discussed in my classes. The one that openly discussed his religion never forced it upon anyone and would never look down on anyone that chose to believe differently.
I wound up taking 4 religion course while in college, am found them all to be enlightening. The strange thing is that 2 of the most anti-religious comments I heard in college came at religious institutions.
A friend of mine told me of an incident and a question that was asked that even to this day cracks me up.
And you must share it with us. You know you can't leave us hanging like that Doc!
I haven't encountered any of this here at EKU so far but then again this i the second semester of my freshman year. I do know that my History professor is Catholic, he wears a rosary everyday to class.