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Belfry fan here, class of 1980
Welcome even though you are a Belfry fan. Smile

If you need anything just let me know and enjoy the site.
Welcome to BGR. Have fun posting. If you need anything, just let me or any of the other staff know.
Welcome and have fun! If you need anything just let me know.
Welcome to BGR. If you need anything, just let me know.
Great to see so many Belfry fans.

How do you get the pictures under your names? Is that something you have to wait a while on?
Buc-a-roo Wrote:Great to see so many Belfry fans.

How do you get the pictures under your names? Is that something you have to wait a while on?

Near the top of the page to the far left there is a place to click that says "User Cp." It should be just under Peyton Manning right now.

On the next screen, on the left side, there are many choices. Click the one that says "Edit Avatar."

On the next screen, you can click the "Use Custom Avatar" bubble and then select a link to a picture you'd like to use, or you can upload one from your computer.

If you have any additional problems, just let me know. Hope that helps.
Welcome to the site, and have fun posting.
Welcome in! The class of 80? Do you remember Clipson Jones? He graduated the same year I did I think, 75. Any way have a blast here at BGR and should you need anything let one us know.
Welcome to the site. Express yourself and enjoy the site. If you need anything, feel free to address a staff member. Once again thanks for joining.
