
Full Version: Letcher County Central?
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Is Lcc the sleeper team in the 14th!!
I think they very well could be.
LCC could surprise lots of teams this year. They will win that district
BallerFromTheHoller Wrote:LCC could surprise lots of teams this year. They will win that district
They lost 20 games last year,so that's a big jump ! But I heard that dicky doesn't do anything at at the school,except to coach , so I could see them making a big jump with there skills,an of course coach Adams is about as good as a coach as they r! If the district is not in knott this year then I think they can win it! To be able to beat knott in hindman, u better be 20 points better or U will loose by 5 homcooking over there that's what kills them when there away from home! Everyone has an ax to grind with them an they get no calls away from there place!!
If Lcc beats Leslie Monday night, I'd say for sure they are the dark horse for the regional title!!
hillbilly cat Wrote:If Lcc beats Leslie Monday night, I'd say for sure they are the dark horse for the regional title!!

They will beat Leslie
Well Dr I didn't get to come tonight but looks like we both were fooled. I never thought for a minute this would even be a game. I figured Cougars by 12 to 15 after clearing the bench. Did we have a bad shooting night or early foul trouble?
I heard LCC's best player quit but don't know for sure
smokey bear Wrote:Well Dr I didn't get to come tonight but looks like we both were fooled. I never thought for a minute this would even be a game. I figured Cougars by 12 to 15 after clearing the bench. Did we have a bad shooting night or early foul trouble?

Smokey, I was fooled for sure but I think holler baller is on to something. Where has Adams been?
BallerFromTheHoller Wrote:I heard LCC's best player quit but don't know for sure
I work with someone who's daughter plays for Lcc , they did lose a starter this week,she did quit the team.
How bad did Leslie beat LCC.
[Image: DoeckmN.png]

#stillsleeping More mash taters please!!!
hillbilly cat Wrote:If Lcc beats Leslie Monday night, I'd say for sure they are the dark horse for the regional title!!

[Image: 1fvywo.jpg] Negative Wowza! Ole Fatpat sees why you chose them as the dark horse! SMH! Ladypats bandwagon has plenty of room bruh! Looky here Hillbill,ole Fatpat invites you to become a Hillbilly Pat! Ole Fatpat likes the sound of that baby! #bandwagonneedsafewextrahorseonthereigns More mash taters please!!!
fatpatfan Wrote:[Image: 1fvywo.jpg] Negative Wowza! Ole Fatpat sees why you chose them as the dark horse! SMH! Ladypats bandwagon has plenty of room bruh! Looky here Hillbill,ole Fatpat invites you to become a Hillbilly Pat! Ole Fatpat likes the sound of that baby! #bandwagonneedsafewextrahorseonthereigns More mash taters please!!!
Hey baby I thought u could use a little competition before regionals so I thought I would just talk'em up a little!lol!!
hillbilly cat Wrote:I work with someone who's daughter plays for Lcc , they did lose a starter this week,she did quit the team.

I hate to hear that. Wish her nothing but luck in the future
Team has a ways to go and will take time. Letcher has some quality talent coming through their feeder system. This is not their year.