
Full Version: He May Want to Start With Rupp Arena
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When is this PC nonsense going to stop??????
It was a queston that that Dbag Jerry hit him with, what do you think he should have done
Jerry Tipton put him on the spot because...

1. Jerry Tipton is the biggest douche bag that has ever lived and the lowest form of human scum on the planet. I put him on child molester level quality of person.

2. Tipton knew Cal had to say, "take it down", but at the same time knew we have retarded redneck fans in some parts of this state that doesn't understand what PC is or what it has to do with the public.

One thing Cal should do though, is everytime Jerry Tipton asks a question, he needs to say "no comment" no matter what Tipton ask. He can answer as soon as someone else ask the same question, but it would hurt Tipton a lot worse than it would Cal as it wouldn't hurt Cal at all, but its Tiptons job to get answers.
He should have said no comment to begin with..To even touch this subject on his opinion in this state is setting himself up for disaster either way...