
Full Version: 11 Commercial Airliners Missing in Libya
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Radical Islamist groups apparently have stolen 11 aircraft after taking over the Tripoli International airport last month. This is unnerving with the 9/11 anniversary coming up.
Same thought entered my head!!!
Are you kidding me??
Keep us updated TB. First I have heard of this.
Nope not kidding. Google it on CNN or FoxNews.
I just hope and pray that should they start in this direction and their intent is obvious, that our administration has the balls to blow them out of the sky!! Yes, that's EXACTLY what I said. Furthermore, I'd make sure that they were out at sea far enough so that their garbage wouldn't land on any American soil.

Call me an extremist!!
^I'll just call you Granny. I agree with you.

Counter terrorist intelligence currently suggest a scenario of planned attacks at AMERICAN targets throught Africa and the Middle East. Targets being embassy's, US allies embassy's and interests of like . Military installations and financial districts. US defense dept would neither confirm not deny that two satellites have been moved from their current orbits to monitor Western Africa. The movement apparently occurred shortly after CIA communications confirmed the missing aircraft in Tripoli.
Granny, I agree with you 100. If we blow this things out of the air and not even let these planes get near our soil, it may potentially make this across sea people respect us more and not pull stupid stunts like this!
CIA reports none of the 11 stolen aircraft could fly directly to the USA. Of the 11 aircraft 5 are 737 cargo planes and the largest stolen. These were the largest that were in the airport at the time of the attack, other counter terrorist experts warn of attack over an extended period time with long time planning before the actual event takes place. They also alluded that it most likely would not be a scenario in which all 11 aircraft would be orchestrated for one attack but it would be one attack then another months after the initial attack takes place. The attackers would study what worked or what didn't and make adjustments for the next one to follow. Pretty damn scary if you ask me.
Another piece of information I left out was that it is unknown at this time according to airport officials in Tripoli whether some of the aircraft were fully fueled prior to being flown out.
This is sick. I'm definitely safe here in the US, but I feel for anyone overseas.