
Full Version: Will St. Louis win the Central?
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With 5 games left in the regular season and trailing St. Louis by 2.5 games, can the Reds pull it off and win the division? (assuming that Houston doesn't -- 2 GB)

The Reds have won their last 3 and have 2 games with FLA left and 3 with Pirates, while the Cards have lost 7 of their last 8 and have to play 2 more against SD and 3 against Brewers. The Cards also have a makeup game against SF if it came down to the Reds/Astros being within a half a game.

IMO, it just seems like the Reds have the easier schedule and the Cards are playing horrible right now. Granted I think they would have to WIN out, but think that this could happen?

The Astros have 2 against the Pirates and 3 against ATL.
I would love to see it happen...and after the reds crumbled in like 99 or something its possible..but I just don't see a veteran team like the Cards giving up this lead...
St. Louis will win IMO.
No one wants to win the central. Well, except maybe the Astros. The Reds are playing horribly tonight, losing 7-2 as I speak. Stupid plays and probably 10 left in scoring position. Horrible.
its hard to say the way they are playing the devil rays could beat them there on a 7 gam losing streak i think not 4-sure but i would love to see cinci win but u kno how that is..
The Reds are out....But I think the Astors can still catch em!