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Who will be the best boy's teams in each county this year ? (Perry,Knott, Breathitt, Letcher, Leslie, and Pike)
For the 15th region, which is Lawrence, Martin, Magoffin, Floyd, Johnson and Pike County... you're top five teams will probably be Pikeville, Johnson County, Shelby Valley, Magoffin County and Belfry. Those five are probably above most everyone else, but the rest of the region should be a dog fight.
East Perry is loaded. RW Combs is pretty good to.
One of the best in the state has to be the Southern Warriors of Somerset. They are 80 -0 winning the last two KBA state championships as 6th.and 7th. graders. They will be trying to 3peat just like last years 8th grade that went 114-3 over their last 3 years,their only losses were to a strong Knox Co. team led by Tanner Wells and their point guard Jeremy ?(last name escapes me).
the best teams in pike county are pikeville and belfry those two middle school teams are both loaded and can compete with anyone in the mountains. floyd countys best team is far and away betsy layne they won the right beaver classic last night and beat AC by 36. floyd county is down though
Best teams in Knott are probably Hindman and Cordia. Hindman beat Cordia to win preseason tournament but Cordia was playing without their best player who will be out until midseason with an injury.
Knox middle has a great 7th grade team that looks like they could take state. I expect the 8th grade to be there also a little on down the road.
I watched pikeville and knox play 2 great games at sportsplex last weekend. both teams are solid 8th grade teams. not on southern pulaski level yet. Knox 7th was way ahead of any 7th over there. I dont think corbin 7th will even be able to handle knox this year. south laurel 6th was most impressive 6th grade team I saw over there by far. They beat belfry 7th by 30 but I think belfry was a mixture of 6th and 7th graders for that tourny