
Full Version: Simon Kenton/Collins Predictions August 23
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Who do you think wins this game and why?
SK will win this game. JV should be in after the 3rd quarter.
I not for sure. I leaning towards sk but Collins can be very good. But any team that hang with St x I give them the nod. Sk by 10
I think Collins will have a good year and maybe make it back to state but this coming Friday it will be the Pioneers night!
UK1fan Wrote:I think Collins will have a good year and maybe make it back to state but this coming Friday it will be the Pioneers night!

Lot of skill will be on the field this Friday
SK skill position players need to improve their blocking against Collins. The flanker screens and blitz pick up blocking by SK needs work. The defense against X was good considering that the offense could not sustain drives in the first half. SK needs more from the running game.

I cannot see a team with players going 2 ways hanging with SK for 4 quarters. SK will make sure those skill players get hit on defense on every play. 1st three quarters will be close, but SK explodes in the 4th. 35 - 21 SK
Pick6 Wrote:SK skill position players need to improve their blocking against Collins. The flanker screens and blitz pick up blocking by SK needs work. The defense against X was good considering that the offense could not sustain drives in the first half. SK needs more from the running game.

I cannot see a team with players going 2 ways hanging with SK for 4 quarters. SK will make sure those skill players get hit on defense on every play. 1st three quarters will be close, but SK explodes in the 4th. 35 - 21 SK

Against X there was no blocking period Kuntz was running for his life! The line needs to get it together.
UK1fan you boast all the time that SK would beat Highlands. If SK is that good, this game will be over in the first half. I do not think SK is in the same league as Highlands, but I do think you will easily beat Collins.
sstack Wrote:UK1fan you boast all the time that SK would beat Highlands. If SK is that good, this game will be over in the first half. I do not think SK is in the same league as Highlands, but I do think you will easily beat Collins.

Highlands has a new QB SK has a three year starter. SK would beat them!
rebel 4 life Wrote:Lot of skill will be on the field this Friday

I believe there will be a lot of college coaches taking this one in as well. Should be a dandy!
UK1fan Wrote:Highlands has a new QB SK has a three year starter. SK would beat them!

Until they play each other it's a moot point. Not worth arguing about in my book. :argue:
WOW, Sk by 10???Jv playing 3rd quarter????Players going both ways can't hang with SK for 4 Qts????

Boy, if I could get to the Collins locker room, would love to post some of this stuff. Boy, good thing I read that post about everyone just having fun and don't take anyone too serious...

Collins will rotate people all night. They will play about 35 kids. Collins has depth. Collins ended up giving alot of young kids PT last year. This will be no cake walk for you guys.

Only thing I know for sure about this game is that it might take 4 hours to play.
If you are coming to the game, plan on getting to the stadium about 1 hour before KO. Traffice starting at 7 tends to become a nightmare getting into the lot and it will be a full house.
Thanks for the heads up. I did say the game would be close for three quarters and we are well aware that Collins has some explosive skill players.
hop24 Wrote:Until they play each other it's a moot point. Not worth arguing about in my book. :argue:

Why don't they play?
Tommy2tone Wrote:Why don't they play?

That is the million dollar question.
Pick6 Wrote:Thanks for the heads up. I did say the game would be close for three quarters and we are well aware that Collins has some explosive skill players.

This might be the best group of skill players I have seen on a high school team. Collins can go 5 wide and you can't layoff of anyone of them.
If they go to the run, then they can hit you with 4 guys. Picking up Ryan Watkins in the spring didn't hurt Collins one bit. Just another weapon based on what I saw at Lafayette the other night.
Tommy2tone Wrote:This might be the best group of skill players I have seen on a high school team. Collins can go 5 wide and you can't layoff of anyone of them.
If they go to the run, then they can hit you with 4 guys. Picking up Ryan Watkins in the spring didn't hurt Collins one bit. Just another weapon based on what I saw at Lafayette the other night.

I love your enthusiasm for your team, but you have to be realistic. Collins is a good team but far from a top team in KY. They got destroyed by Highlands, Cov Cath and Lex Cath are head and shoulders above them , JC and Boyle I would put as at least 14 point favorities against them. KC and Russell County would probably give them a good game. And that is just in 4A. In 5A BG and John Hardin beat them soundly. In 6A T,and X destroy them, and would be a big list of other 6A teams ahead of them. In lower classes I think Mayfield,Central and possible a few others give them a run for their money. So I find it hard to accept the idea that they have the best group of skill players on any team.
They may not have the best skill players on any team in the state, but Tommy is correct in that they have tons of weapons on offense and you can't ignore anyone. They certainly aren't a top team in KY but you don't have to be a top team in KY to beat Simon Kenton. I'm not saying Simon Kenton isn't a good team, they certainly are and I have nothing but respect for their program, but I don't see why Collins can't play with them and beat them.

I think it will be a good game Friday night with Collins winning a close one. I also expect a large crowd and hopefully a very exciting game between two good teams. Go Titans!
Pick6 Wrote:SK skill position players need to improve their blocking against Collins. The flanker screens and blitz pick up blocking by SK needs work. The defense against X was good considering that the offense could not sustain drives in the first half. SK needs more from the running game.

I cannot see a team with players going 2 ways hanging with SK for 4 quarters. SK will make sure those skill players get hit on defense on every play. 1st three quarters will be close, but SK explodes in the 4th. 35 - 21 SK

Collins has purposely scheduled multiple 6A teams every year (including always scrimmaging Lafayette) that don't have to play their kids both ways to get experience against those type of teams, and playing kids both ways have never been an issue for Collins. It's not like they're is playing the same 15 or so kids on both sides of the ball. Sure there are some players that are talented enough to play on both sides of the ball, but they aren't playing every snap. For example, a kid like Masai Whyte, who is an outstanding linebacker, will play a ton on the defensive side of the ball. There will be some situations where occasionally he will line up as a running back or a wide receiver because of his athleticism, but he won't line up on every play. The same can be said for many other players. One thing that the Titans have this year that they haven't in the past couple of years is depth. Coach Lucas has said many times he plans on using 35 kids a game this year, so you will see a lot more kids rotating in and out of the game. I just don't see playing kids both ways being an issue. I think that if Collins loses it won't be because they got tired in the 4th quarter, it will be because Simon Kenton made the plays to win.

I am really looking forward to Friday. Simon Kenton will be a great test for Collins to start out the season.
Can someone post the Collins roster?
UK1fan Wrote:Can someone post the Collins roster?

Go to scroll to Collins. Look down a bit to find the roster. You will not find HT. or Wt. just name and position. Not listing Ht. and Wt. is BS. But that's what you get these days. If you go to the 2012 version you get all last years scores and stats.
2dog Wrote:Go to scroll to Collins. Look down a bit to find the roster. You will not find HT. or Wt. just name and position. Not listing Ht. and Wt. is BS. But that's what you get these days. If you go to the 2012 version you get all last years scores and stats.

Don't understand why they don't post HT. and WT. Nice going to that site to see who teams played the year before.
come on How many people believe those heights and weights are correct? I sp[ent many of preseasons making those numbers up
nky Wrote:come on How many people believe those heights and weights are correct? I sp[ent many of preseasons making those numbers up
I guess in some cases that is true, but back in the 70's I was listed at 5'8, 205. That gave me an extra half inch but the weight was right. Most of the time we were listed pretty close to the truth. Kids were a lot smaller then. Anyone over 200lbs. was considered to be huge. Anyone over 6' was a monster. lol!

sstack Wrote:I love your enthusiasm for your team, but you have to be realistic. Collins is a good team but far from a top team in KY. They got destroyed by Highlands, Cov Cath and Lex Cath are head and shoulders above them , JC and Boyle I would put as at least 14 point favorities against them. KC and Russell County would probably give them a good game. And that is just in 4A. In 5A BG and John Hardin beat them soundly. In 6A T,and X destroy them, and would be a big list of other 6A teams ahead of them. In lower classes I think Mayfield,Central and possible a few others give them a run for their money. So I find it hard to accept the idea that they have the best group of skill players on any team.

I have never said they are the best team in the state. I simply said they might have the best skill core group of anyone. I have seen too many HS games not to know what I see. Most groups have 1 or 2 maybe 3 skill kids. Collins can put 7 out there and never loose a beat and I am telling you, you can not key on anyone person. I still say they just might be the 2nd best team in the state. You guys and talk all you want that they would be the 6th best in the east. This group has been building something special over the last 4 years and it is their time to shine. We will play them one game at a time. We might lose a couple but here and there but Collins is working toward getting back to BG.
Tommy2tone Wrote:I have never said they are the best team in the state. I simply said they might have the best skill core group of anyone. I have seen too many HS games not to know what I see. Most groups have 1 or 2 maybe 3 skill kids. Collins can put 7 out there and never loose a beat and I am telling you, you can not key on anyone person. I still say they just might be the 2nd best team in the state. You guys and talk all you want that they would be the 6th best in the east. This group has been building something special over the last 4 years and it is their time to shine. We will play them one game at a time. We might lose a couple but here and there but Collins is working toward getting back to BG.

Just can't convince me a team that got destroyed in the state final is now 42 points better this year and going to beat Highlands or for that matter Cov Cath, BG, X, Lex Cath, Boyle, JC, Scott Co, Mayfield, ect. Have to be realistic.
sstack Wrote:I love your enthusiasm for your team, but you have to be realistic. Collins is a good team but far from a top team in KY. They got destroyed by Highlands, Cov Cath and Lex Cath are head and shoulders above them , JC and Boyle I would put as at least 14 point favorities against them. KC and Russell County would probably give them a good game. And that is just in 4A. In 5A BG and John Hardin beat them soundly. In 6A T,and X destroy them, and would be a big list of other 6A teams ahead of them. In lower classes I think Mayfield,Central and possible a few others give them a run for their money. So I find it hard to accept the idea that they have the best group of skill players on any team.

sstack Wrote:Just can't convince me a team that got destroyed in the state final is now 42 points better this year and going to beat Highlands or for that matter Cov Cath, BG, X, Lex Cath, Boyle, JC, Scott Co, Mayfield, ect. Have to be realistic.

Didn't I say second best in 4A....Does that mean I am saying that we are better than Highlands????? And yes, that 42 points has been shruken.
I am talking 4a football here. You want to go overall in all 6 classes???? I would say Collins hits in about 8-10 range BUT, I would put their skill up against anyone you want to throw at them...
sstack Wrote:Just can't convince me a team that got destroyed in the state final is now 42 points better this year and going to beat Highlands or for that matter Cov Cath, BG, X, Lex Cath, Boyle, JC, Scott Co, Mayfield, ect. Have to be realistic.

Tell me what warrants Lex Cath, Cov Cath or JC to be on this list? What have they accomplished that Collins hasnt over the last 4 years(Collins existence). Ill give you the answer...NOTHING!!!

How do you leave Central off this list?
Besides Trinity, the top five teams for 6A would all be 4A teams.

I'm still pulling for my NKY rival to win this. I am concerned about the O-Line for SK and if they breakdown and force Kuntz to run all night, thats still not a bad thing for the Pioneers. Collins has been a constant success since they opened the doors of that school, so them coming out and sending a message to the rest of the state would be no surprise to me either.

Simon Kenton 28 - Collins 26
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