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So with this new technology killing all emissions from coal fired plants, will this stop the sychos from screaming bloody murder from coal? Or is it really all just an agenda to make natural gas companies more profitable?
Unless you havent noticed the big picture, its not the emissions or mountaintop removal that the dems and EPA cronies hate, its the people. They hate us. They hate our morals, our way of life, and what we believe in. In other words, they hate every thing we stand for, and if producing and burning coal was 100% clean or even good for the enviroment, it wouldnt matter. Its not the coal that bothers them, its us. We threaten there agenda and they will do all they can to make us suffer for that.
The process sounds good. Hopefully, this will help shut the mouths of the sky-is-falling, carbon emissions loons. Their whole crusade is absurd on it's face to anybody who can be practical for just a few minutes. Even in the absence of any real proof that carbon emissions are bad, responsible folks would insist on clean air standards anyway. Most people wouldn't seek out wire stints to be inserted into the blood vessels of their hearts either but, given the option of near immediate death, or decades of continued productive life, they obviously choose stints. Likewise, closing all our electrical generating stations which use coal to fire the process, is choosing short term death over long term life. An idea which is in a word, asinine. The thing that kills me is how quickly rational thought has been supplanted by idiotic liberal blather.

RUTG has a very good point. Liberals need to feel like they're fighting for something. We oblige them by debating the validity of the contrived data upon which, their findings are supposedly based. The real mistake folks make is in voting liberals to public office in the first place. In so doing, we give them a daily platform from which to spread their propagandist message, and the power they need to enact legislation intended to force the entire nation to heed their ridiculous claims of impending doom. I can't think of a bigger buffoon than Al Gore and yet, if I didn't know better I'd think he was pulling all the environmental levers these days.

In short, raging against reality gives the left something to live and fight for. The remedy for all concerned is let's quit electing these bozos. Gut is right, those on the left do hate the right. West Virginians clearly see the light because of the way the dems are planning the destruction, through energy regulation, of their way of life. It's high time the rest woke up too. What do they not understand about "skyrocketing electricity costs"?
You may have something here Gut. The concept of cultural defiance vs. political. Right in line with most of the liberals I know who pull a quick trigger on hating other liberals who disagree with them.

Politicians, from all sides, used to battle on the hill then go have dinner with one another back in the day, and learn! They were forced to have to learn an others point of view, understand, then have to compromise, and build consensus. And common ground was found for the " good of the majority " of our countrys' citizenship.

Since then that concept has been bought by kickbacks, subsidies, and Nanny State politics. Who benefits from no unity, no consensus? Who has positioned themselves from benefiting from such a condition? I'm all ears...
CO2 is not a pollutant - it is plant food. Global warming caused by so-called "greenhouse gases" is a myth. Recent data shows that there is no direct correlation between increases in CO2 content of the atmosphere and atmospheric and oceanic temperatures. If solar activity wanes, temperatures drop and vice versa. An increasing number of scientists believe that we have probably entered into a long term cooling period, such as the medieval Little Ice Age.
the largest green house gas is H2O
Hoot Gibson Wrote:CO2 is not a pollutant - it is plant food. Global warming caused by so-called "greenhouse gases" is a myth. Recent data shows that there is no direct correlation between increases in CO2 content of the atmosphere and atmospheric and oceanic temperatures. If solar activity wanes, temperatures drop and vice versa. An increasing number of scientists believe that we have probably entered into a long term cooling period, such as the medieval Little Ice Age.

nky Wrote:the largest green house gas is H2O

Not only that, the same data also shows that temperatures have flat lined now for over 50 years. I don't mind the idea that these misplaced liberally minded physical science profs, put forth their global warming speculations. That is, as long as fair minded men and legislators are smart enough to test them against known science and don't buy into their 'sky is falling' blather like a bunch of morons.

What scares me is the willingness of men that are supposed to be brilliant, who seem to be so eager to risk our nation's sted in the scheme of the world power structure, along with the financial and military health of our nation and it's citizens over something as obscure and ambiguous as our carbon footprint. :please: We got to get these bozos out of office. Maybe we can survive after having turned our back of the golden goose for 8 years and maybe not, time will tell. But, we can't survive another 8 years of the same lunacy at the hand of yet another lunatic suffering from delusions of grandeur.
"According to a report in the U.K. Mail on Sunday, a rapidly expanding ice sheet in the Arctic has definitively refuted the computer models used by advocates of the theory of man-made climate change."

Never was a thing to it. Some guy dreamed up the whole deal out of boredom while analyzing ice cores up in the artic circle. They retro-engineered an elaborate ruse in a mostly honest effort to prove a wild guess. Later, when morons of influence like Al Gore passed legislation, EPA regulations and standards based on conjecture, (thereby changing the course of modern history), the rock stars of weather related doomsday, doctored the data to further support their ill conceived theory because they were all-in and there was no way to crawfish. Same exact deal with the theory of evil-lution BTW.

They are compelled to keep pushing this baloney. In their minds, even if they're wrong, cleaning up the environment is still worth the lies they've made up. It's up to rational folks to vote in competent candidates to overcome ideological zealots who are trying to fill the void that the Creator is rightfully supposed to occupy within them.
"An unusually cold Arctic summer has resulted in almost a million more square miles of ocean covered with ice compared to the same time last year, bucking predictions that global warming would result in the disappearance of the ice cap by 2013.

According to the MailOnline, Arctic sea ice averaged 2.35 million square miles in August 2013 compared to the low point of 1.32 million square miles recorded in September 2012. "We are already in a cooling trend, which I think will continue for the next 15 years at least. There is no doubt the warming of the 1980s and 1990s has stopped," Anastasios Tsonis of the University of Wisconsin told the Mail."

Modern day "sky is falling" alarmists, especially those who call for government to issue extreme regulatory controls, have nearly destroyed the US economy. To say nothing of the misery caused to folks trying to pay the "skyrocketing" costs associated with exorbitant environmental fears. When one stops for a second to consider the damage these kooks have caused, it is truly mindboggling. From mindlessly closing coal fired generating stations, to the extra money we all pay for manufactured goods and emissions management of all kinds, to funding our own demise through the trillions paid to OPEC because we're worried about offending moose or the apex life form, the illustrious snail darter. Overreacting has been made into an art form here in the US.

Define irony. The greatest nation in history literally sits atop what is possibly the world's greatest energy reserves but, refuses to use them because of concerns over nonexistent environmental threats. The little red hen has literally come home to roost. Unbelievable. Matter of fact, I'd say in today's climate she might well expect to win the democratic nomination if she wants it, LOL.

This is what I believe God had to say about global warming. The great flood had just receded and the earth was getting back to normal.
Genesis 8:22 (KJV)
22 "While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease."

Now folks, call me what ever name you want. If God says we'll see summer and winter, seedtime and harvest (the seasons) and day and night until the end of time. That's good enough for me.
nky Wrote:the largest green house gas is H2O

Dr. James Lovelock---"environmentalism has “become a religion” for many"

^^ A great article about global warming, I thoroughly enjoyed it and highly recommend your reading it too. I have long contended that liberalism (of which the theory of global warming is a part), may be more aptly classified as a religion, rather than a political mindset. Liberal adherents therefore, will never be dissuaded from their acts of zealotry and activism. All of which are entirely justifiable in their minds, because they believe they will see history vindicate them for having dragged the rest of humanity with them, albeit kicking and screaming, down their own self deluded primrose path.

We're going about this stuff all wrong. Since rational thought will never prevail against this kind of cultist delusion, all the debate in the world will fall on deaf ears where liberals are concerned. Sometimes those who have the intestinal fortitude to be responsible, must resign themselves to save the passive from among us from terminal stupidity. Although truth will always trump ignorance, it will not trump WILLFUL ignorance. Voters must send the La-La's back home, and elect lucid minded statesman to public office. Doing so will have the added benefit of clearing up the ambiguity with which America is presently viewed by her allies and enemies around the world, along with dissolving the black clouds of economic doom.

More from the cited article above---
"A prominent scientist and former NASA researcher has added his voice to those who challenge the "scientific fact" that manmade carbon emissions are causing global warming.

Dr. Leslie Woodcock is a professor emeritus of chemical thermodynamics at the University of Manchester in England, with a Ph.D. from the University of London, and served as a senior research consultant at the Wright-Patterson Air Force Laboratory in Ohio.

In an interview with Britain's Yorkshire Evening Post, Woodcock declared: "The theory of 'manmade climate change' is an unsubstantiated hypothesis.

"The theory is that CO2 emitted by burning fossil fuel causes 'global warming.' In fact, water is a much more powerful greenhouse gas and there is 20 times more of it in our atmosphere [than carbon dioxide].

"Carbon dioxide has been made out to be some kind of toxic gas but the truth is it's the gas of life. We breathe it out, plants breathe it in. The green lobby has created a do-good industry and it becomes a way of life, like a religion. I understand why people defend it when they have spent so long believing in it."

Woodcock is also a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, a founding editor of the journal Molecular Simulation, a recipient of a Max Planck Society Visiting Fellowship, and a former guest scientist at the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology.

He went on to say: "If you talk to real scientists who have no political interest, they will tell you there is nothing in global warming. It's an industry which creates vast amounts of money for some people.

"The temperature of the earth has been going up and down for millions of years. If there are extremes, it's nothing to do with carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, it's not permanent and it's not caused by us. Global warming is nonsense.

"It's become almost an industry, as a consequence of this professional misconduct by government advisers around the world."

But he added: "You can't blame ordinary people with little or no science education for wanting to be seen to be good citizens who care about their grandchildren's future and the environment."

You know, I can accept that we can't blame folks for reacting to what they've been told. And, I realize we can't help it if some folks' thought processes are substandard, such as those who have dreamed up this whole global warming mess. But, to allow them to bring financial ruin to our nation with this and the other ramifications of "fundamental transformation", is something I cannot accept. I would think instead, that this ought to be something we would have no trouble in rejecting our of hand. Somebody once said, "the more things change the more they stay the same." Ancient Egyptians lived in fear of false gods like Ra and Anubis, and we feel superior to them for their ignorance and subjection to superstition. I don't see a bit of difference in the case of our wiliness to fall before the altar of secular humanism and more particularly, the lie of global warming. Like Anubis, global warming is based on man's imagination, not verified science. On the contrary, much of what was once accepted as scientific proof, has been debunked or shown to be contrived data.
Im starting to see a lot more stories about about how climate change is a myth than I am about how its definitely happening.
The scientist who aren't in it for the money are finally being aloud to speak and be heard.

Im just curious if the people and companies can sue the government for the crap they've put us threw...
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:^
Im starting to see a lot more stories about about how climate change is a myth than I am about how its definitely happening.
The scientist who aren't in it for the money are finally being aloud to speak and be heard.

Im just curious if the people and companies can sue the government for the crap they've put us threw...

Theoretically Run, people and companies are the government. And the problem is, the regulations and price tag for the fight against global warming are waaay far from over. VP Joe Biden and Sec of State John Kerry have been sent all over the globe recently to deliver the official "sky is falling" global warming message, along with complimentary digitally enhanced copies of the movie "The Day After Tomorrow," LOL.

An interesting bit of information was contained in third link provided in the article I cited above,
The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), has very recently made it's latest report, a 2,600 page monstrosity with some notably false conclusions, and an endless litany of computer model speculation. However, a trimmed down 47-page version was drafted called the ‘summary for policymakers’ for politicians to use for their talking points, which featured among other things, dire predictions of "famine, disease, extreme weather and wars." According to the article, "The strangest thing about the summary is the way it was produced. For seven days, about 200 people – 120 of them government officials, not scientists – sat in a hall in Yokohama, Japan, trying to hammer out a final draft reflecting the full text.

Big issues were not resolved until the final session, which started at 9.30pm and ended at 10am next day. Long before that, many delegates had left or fallen asleep. ‘Important decisions were made by a handful of countries which were still there, including the UK and the US,’ says one source. ‘It’s no wonder the summary isn’t a true reflection of what the scientists wrote.’

In other words the IPPC report was, according to the article, "sexed-up" by politicians so it would sound far more foreboding, than even the 'on-board' scientists who wrote it intended. But as I said, there was one thing about the article I found fascinating, among the handful of countries who stayed to finish the summary, guess who was there? You guessed it! Your tax dollars were hard at work, paying for US climatologists and political hacks to help draft the summary. Who'd have ever thunk that? And, you KNOW what's coming next. Liberal loons stateside, will use this politically generated text to justify all manner of stupidity that will cost you and I an arm and a leg. And then they'll try to act like they're just complying with the findings and conclusions of the "thousands" of respected scientists in the field of climatology. :please:
TheRealThing Wrote:Theoretically Run, people and companies are the government. And the problem is, the regulations and price tag for the fight against global warming are waaay far from over. VP Joe Biden and Sec of State John Kerry have been sent all over the globe recently to deliver the official "sky is falling" global warming message, along with complimentary digitally enhanced copies of the movie "The Day After Tomorrow," LOL.

An interesting bit of information was contained in third link provided in the article I cited above,
The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), has very recently made it's latest report, a 2,600 page monstrosity with some notably false conclusions, and an endless litany of computer model speculation. However, a trimmed down 47-page version was drafted called the ‘summary for policymakers’ for politicians to use for their talking points, which featured among other things, dire predictions of "famine, disease, extreme weather and wars." According to the article, "The strangest thing about the summary is the way it was produced. For seven days, about 200 people – 120 of them government officials, not scientists – sat in a hall in Yokohama, Japan, trying to hammer out a final draft reflecting the full text.

Big issues were not resolved until the final session, which started at 9.30pm and ended at 10am next day. Long before that, many delegates had left or fallen asleep. ‘Important decisions were made by a handful of countries which were still there, including the UK and the US,’ says one source. ‘It’s no wonder the summary isn’t a true reflection of what the scientists wrote.’

In other words the IPPC report was, according to the article, "sexed-up" by politicians so it would sound far more foreboding, than even the 'on-board' scientists who wrote it intended. But as I said, there was one thing about the article I found fascinating, among the handful of countries who stayed to finish the summary, guess who was there? You guessed it! Your tax dollars were hard at work, paying for US climatologists and political hacks to help draft the summary. Who'd have ever thunk that? And, you KNOW what's coming next. Liberal loons stateside, will use this politically generated text to justify all manner of stupidity that will cost you and I an arm and a leg. And then they'll try to act like they're just complying with the findings and conclusions of the "thousands" of respected scientists in the field of climatology. :please:

I see global warming like I do evolution.
Its a theory. In other words, its not fact because we haven't been around long enough to witness it with our own eyes. There is no PROOF things like this exist, simply just theories.
Sorry, I forget only allowed to use sources some deem worthly: How about this one?
^^ Come on tvtimeout. People use all kinds of sources on here. I use the Huffington Post all the time, as well as CBS and have quoted many notable libs such as Bill Maher, Alan Combs, Jehmu Greene, Bob Beckel, you get the idea.

You're posting all those links with pictures of China's smog problems just goes to support the argument rationally minded scientists and politicians have been making for some time now. That being, it makes little sense for the US to sacrificially ravage her own economy in an effort to fight the 'will-o-the-wisp' known as global warming, when nobody else on the planet gives a darn about it. For the US to fall on it's sword would be totally futile. Look at it like this; somebody like you could have bailed like sixty the whole time the Titanic was sinking and it would not have had any impact on the inevitable outcome. That ocean was still going to fill up that boat at the same rate, and she'd have slipped beneath those waves at exactly the same time no matter how hard you might have bailed water.

Same with this deal about carbon footprints and climate change. Why are we determined to sacrifice our culture, when the pollutants the rest of the world lets loose are so great we could never bail fast enough to make up for the sins of the other nations? Not to mention the fact that the tenets of global warming have been either debunked or shown to be downright fraud over the past 5 years. And, that's not the half of it. We could suspend all industrial and energy activity, and eliminate every last internal combustion engine on the face of the planet. We could kill every animal in the whole world (climatologists complain about the CO2 of their respirations, and all those farts they're responsible for, whew, LOL) and then we could all tie bags around our heads and suffocate ourselves to death. No more man made carbons, and no more animal made carbons. The earth would be back to ground zero. Even then, the H2O in the atmosphere would still be causing 20 times more greenhouse gas than all the polluting we humans, and the animals, cause by all of our combined activities. You must have missed what Dr Leslie Woodcock said, quoted in post #10 above, although it was enlarged, highlighted and underlined. No need to fall back and read it now, I'll put it up again for you. "water is a much more powerful greenhouse gas and there is 20 times more of it in our atmosphere [than carbon dioxide].

But, as to the rest of your links.

1) Deny all you want, the earth has stopped warming in what was arguably a very nearly undetectable rate over the past 100 years, (measurements range from a modest .9 degrees F, to 1.3 degrees F). Talk about something that would make one want to pull his hair out boy! I mean, we're talking a whole degree in a century here. And no change at all for the past 17 years. It's that sneaky CO2 hiding global warming. :please:

2) Storms at sea are not stronger.

3) Well, I'll have to say you got me on this last one. I probably would not cite, or read, a link to Aljazeera if, for no other reason that I would be leery of computer viruses. :biggrin:
tvtimeout Wrote:A picture is worth a thousand words!

Now ill be honest....I didn't read ANY of the sites I just posted. Didn't even view the articles. My point is, anybody can copy and paste a link. It takes no skill whatsoever. So your people say its real, these people above say its the biggest hoax in history.

Links me nothing, even sources, no matter how "credible" the source is.
The only way to PROVE global warming is real is to sit around for a 1000 years or so and see if this planet is doomed. Quite honestly, I don't give a rats ass if its doomed a 1000 years from now. It wont be MY problem. Call it selfish if you will, but I don't want to hinder my quality of life for something that has no bearing on my future.
Im satisfied if we went from riding horses to flying planes in around 50 years, our future generations will figure it out. If not, they failed themselves.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:

Now ill be honest....I didn't read ANY of the sites I just posted. Didn't even view the articles. My point is, anybody can copy and paste a link. It takes no skill whatsoever. So your people say its real, these people above say its the biggest hoax in history.

Links me nothing, even sources, no matter how "credible" the source is.
The only way to PROVE global warming is real is to sit around for a 1000 years or so and see if this planet is doomed. Quite honestly, I don't give a rats ass if its doomed a 1000 years from now. It wont be MY problem. Call it selfish if you will, but I don't want to hinder my quality of life for something that has no bearing on my future.
Im satisfied if we went from riding horses to flying planes in around 50 years, our future generations will figure it out. If not, they failed themselves.

Bolded comment sums it all up Gut. :Thumbs:
Excellent points^^. And ones which 'point out' the nature of the anti-logic of the left as it applies to their view of the environment. Expanding on the liberal view, everything which affords mankind his basic necessities of life, including the energy we use to keep warm and power the very industry which sustains billions of people, provide food, medicine, and literally gives birth to the science necessary to keep man's understanding evolving toward a more enlightened world, is on the liberal 'kill' list.

For my money, every last one of these liberal loons are classic schizophrenics. Literally unable to distinguish between what is real and what is unreal, they have advanced the practice of self deception to an art form. One can see evidence of their untethered and unabashed ravings every day on the 3 hour news loop. Ironically, the sad reality is that many lucid thinking adults have decided to trade personal responsibility for a ticket on the gravy train by voting them into elected office. But such actions are akin to the farmer who ate his own seed, and like Milton Friedman is fond of saying, "There ain't no such thing as a free lunch." And boy, are we paying for the freebies now, and it will only get worse. Possibly much worse.

At any rate, it is exactly as Gut has suggested. One would have first hand knowledge a thousand years from now. And yet to me, we already see that as having come to pass, in that the world is far older than a thousand years and things are fine. In other words, we are that guy who lived a thousand years into the future, to those who walked this earth in the 11th century. And, guess what? As far as I can tell the only difference weather wise, is that on average, the world is one degree warmer, (maybe). Not exactly gloom and doom now is it? But, more to Gut's point. Do we not owe it to ourselves and those who are to come, to maintain civilization in a form that will continue to make advancements and breakthroughs that will be more to the liking of the environmentalist palate? To think otherwise, is to ignore the incredible progress of the past century in man's commitment to stewardship. And that in a nutshell, is what the liberal has chosen to do.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:

Now ill be honest....I didn't read ANY of the sites I just posted. Didn't even view the articles. My point is, anybody can copy and paste a link. It takes no skill whatsoever. So your people say its real, these people above say its the biggest hoax in history.

Links me nothing, even sources, no matter how "credible" the source is.
The only way to PROVE global warming is real is to sit around for a 1000 years or so and see if this planet is doomed. Quite honestly, I don't give a rats ass if its doomed a 1000 years from now. It wont be MY problem. Call it selfish if you will, but I don't want to hinder my quality of life for something that has no bearing on my future.
Im satisfied if we went from riding horses to flying planes in around 50 years, our future generations will figure it out. If not, they failed themselves.

I would never call you selfish. I just happen to believe that I am suppossed to be a good steward, mostly out of faith based reasons, which in turn is not a logical reason to debate with anyone because it is my faith, but again Gut I would never call you selfish: Those that live in glass houses and such:Thumbs:
TheRealThing Wrote:^^ Come on tvtimeout. People use all kinds of sources on here. I use the Huffington Post all the time, as well as CBS and have quoted many notable libs such as Bill Maher, Alan Combs, Jehmu Greene, Bob Beckel, you get the idea.

You're posting all those links with pictures of China's smog problems just goes to support the argument rationally minded scientists and politicians have been making for some time now. That being, it makes little sense for the US to sacrificially ravage her own economy in an effort to fight the 'will-o-the-wisp' known as global warming, when nobody else on the planet gives a darn about it. For the US to fall on it's sword would be totally futile. Look at it like this; somebody like you could have bailed like sixty the whole time the Titanic was sinking and it would not have had any impact on the inevitable outcome. That ocean was still going to fill up that boat at the same rate, and she'd have slipped beneath those waves at exactly the same time no matter how hard you might have bailed water.

Same with this deal about carbon footprints and climate change. Why are we determined to sacrifice our culture, when the pollutants the rest of the world lets loose are so great we could never bail fast enough to make up for the sins of the other nations? Not to mention the fact that the tenets of global warming have been either debunked or shown to be downright fraud over the past 5 years. And, that's not the half of it. We could suspend all industrial and energy activity, and eliminate every last internal combustion engine on the face of the planet. We could kill every animal in the whole world (climatologists complain about the CO2 of their respirations, and all those farts they're responsible for, whew, LOL) and then we could all tie bags around our heads and suffocate ourselves to death. No more man made carbons, and no more animal made carbons. The earth would be back to ground zero. Even then, the H2O in the atmosphere would still be causing 20 times more greenhouse gas than all the polluting we humans, and the animals, cause by all of our combined activities. You must have missed what Dr Leslie Woodcock said, quoted in post #10 above, although it was enlarged, highlighted and underlined. No need to fall back and read it now, I'll put it up again for you. "water is a much more powerful greenhouse gas and there is 20 times more of it in our atmosphere [than carbon dioxide].

But, as to the rest of your links.

1) Deny all you want, the earth has stopped warming in what was arguably a very nearly undetectable rate over the past 100 years, (measurements range from a modest .9 degrees F, to 1.3 degrees F). Talk about something that would make one want to pull his hair out boy! I mean, we're talking a whole degree in a century here. And no change at all for the past 17 years. It's that sneaky CO2 hiding global warming. :please:

2) Storms at sea are not stronger.

3) Well, I'll have to say you got me on this last one. I probably would not cite, or read, a link to Aljazeera if, for no other reason that I would be leery of computer viruses. :biggrin:

To this point; just because some people choose to follow a do a certain thing, does not mean that it is a waste of time for others to do that certain thing. This past weekend I observed a religious ceremony many did not, in fact about 5 billion people did not, does that mean I wasted my time, shot my self in the foot? Yes I do believe that time is money
I will have to reply later for other things: have a good rest of the week!
tvtimeout Wrote:To this point; just because some people choose to follow a do a certain thing, does not mean that it is a waste of time for others to do that certain thing. This past weekend I observed a religious ceremony many did not, in fact about 5 billion people did not, does that mean I wasted my time, shot my self in the foot? Yes I do believe that time is money

Not saying I understand exactly what you're saying but, what it means is that a minority of self absorbed pseudo scientists (of a sort), came up with a hypothesis in which they supposed that the world was heating up due to what they said was an increase in levels of CO2. This despite the fact that we are likely talking about less than 1 degree over the past century. They called it global warming and declared that mankind in his efforts to exist, was at fault. Consequently, all manner of imaginary cataclysmic weather related disasters have been forecasted and dreamed up in movies, portending the end of life on earth as we know it. There is no proof to support such wild eyed delusion and, one might reasonably assume that government, owing to the lack of scientific agreement, would take an even handed tack on dealing with the call for a more highly evolved energy program. Especially while there are as yet no alternative energy sources available, much less the fact that no machines or systems have been invented which, are set up to use them.

But, to your point. The problem isn't with the folks who choose to be good stewards, more power to them. The problem is with the folks who force their will on an entire nation. God provided fossil fuels for a reason, to be used of man for his needs. Emissions are light years cleaner than at the turn of the century and that is the back breaker of the liberal rationale. We are cleaning up our act and we continue to do so. We don't have alternative sources of energy, and turning our backs on the only fuels in existence would be tantamount to national suicide on the level of Jonestown. So, why not let free enterprise continue to do it's thing and by the next 100 years maybe we'll have machines that run on air. At any rate, we all better hope that the loons don't get their way on energy. You can kiss civilized life off if they do, along with satisfactory health care, any kind of meaningful job and everything else folks of this generation have grown up taking for granted, like going through a drive thru when hunger strikes.

Government is supposed to get it's power from the "people." We are not supposed to be oppressed by a minority within the government, who have seized power and are willing to foist heavy regulation upon the "people" for their own good.
Government is supposed to get it's power from the "people."

that's why we have elections
vector Wrote:Government is supposed to get it's power from the "people."

that's why we have elections

[Image: liberal-logic-101-198.jpg]
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