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The champs will miss class A's best player J Jackson next year and his sidekick at LB D Jackson and all everything WR J Brown but they return class A's best QB in Guhy and his entire offensive line, several WR's and backs. Defensively the return the d line and should see Downing, Mills and Scott take over a extremely good defensive unit

Jackson will missed (by only Mayfield :biggrinSmile, but like last year when they lost first team all state DE LaBront Scott, the Cards will just reload.

Preseason prediction is another :1: in the Cards already overflowing trophy case. Look for Beechwood to again be strong enough to bow out to the Cards in the semi's. Darkhorse team to watch from the west should be Russellville

Early gut feeling is that runner up Fairview will not be back. Williamsburg may take the lead in the east. Hazard, who has been the gold standard until this year in the east looks to be rebuilding.

Raceland returns alot to especially at the skill positions.
I too believe we will be there once again in 2013. We have several starters back and all of the offensive and defensive line. I think are go to guy is gonna be Deion Jackson. I would love to know the touches-to-TD ratio he had this year. Seemed like every time he touched the ball he scored. The future is bright for Mayfield Football. Several good classes coming up through the ranks. I have also heard a rumor about some kid coming in from Tennessee that is supposed to be very good. Hope their is some truth.
Raceland/pikeville should move to the front in the East. I'd be shocked to see either really challenge Mayfield come December. Hazar VERY much looks to be rebuilding IMO. Expect Fairview to dip substantially. I can't pretend to speak on Williamsburg, except they return most of their talent.
On a very random note out there, does anybody else think that Williamsburg should either:

1) Go to Yellow instead of Orange if they want to remain the "Yellow Jackets"


2) Stick with orange and call them the "Orange Jackets" or "black jackets"?

Typically if a color is part of your school nickname (Blue Devils, Nicholas Count Blue Jackets, Black Bears, Redhounds, etc); then that color for what you are named after is actually part of your school colors. Anybody?
Fly Like a Duck Wrote:On a very random note out there, does anybody else think that Williamsburg should either:

1) Go to Yellow instead of Orange if they want to remain the "Yellow Jackets"


2) Stick with orange and call them the "Orange Jackets" or "black jackets"?

Typically if a color is part of your school nickname (Blue Devils, Nicholas Count Blue Jackets, Black Bears, Redhounds, etc); then that color for what you are named after is actually part of your school colors. Anybody?

Wow, that is a random thought but yes they should
Cardinal, now I see why you were wanting me to get this started. I was kind of hoping that we could slip into next year under the radar though. We did after all loose my vote for Mr Football and at least 3 other key seniors. Besides that, If we start this now, we will have to hear everyone start that much sooner calling us cocky.
Wouldn't count fairview out they have solid program won 54 games last 5 years
Fairview losing that big fullback is going to kill them. With no passing game on 3rd and 4 or a 3rd and 5 you could give it to him and he would more than likely get it. If they develop a passing game they will makesome noise. Other than that Pikeville didnt lose much Raceland doesnt lose much if they get past them Williamsburg returns almost everybody and never take hazard for granted Mayfield can tell you about beating them bad one year then taking them for granted the next.
I am quiet sure that they have to know this in Fairview now. You could take a soccer coach and he could figure out they need to work on a passing game and a defense to cover the spread. I think they have that qb back and he does throw a pretty good ball. I'm sure they will fix that obvious problem. But as we already know, I takes about 3 to 4 years to change the mentality of the coaching staff and then get the system fully implemented. This year helped them with getting outside talent in for the future. So I will say in about 3 years if they can keep the talent level up, thats when to start watching them.
I know Fairview lost the 3 backs but did they lose the horses up front. I don't care who your backs are you must be good up front to rush for that many yards. Do they have the line to go to Huntington and pick up a couple of kids and duplicate this years team?
With the coaching staff we currently have in place, reloading is just the norm in Mayfield. :flame: The youth football coaches know how to prepare the future players and make them proud to wear the varsity Red & Black. There will always be teams that can threaten their march to the finals but pride, tradition, dedication and desire seems to push this team annually. Teams like Beechwood, Russellville, Hazard, Williamsburg, Pikeville and yes, even the potential return of Fairview, make the Cardinals look forward to playing against some powerhouse 1A teams. :rockon:
Mayfield again, nobody else in Class A has a chance
^ Williamsburg returns a lot and So does Pikeville and Raceland.. Hazard is rebuilding but the defensive side of the ball is were hazard should be solid.. As i stated should be solid...
Toussaints, I like the words you are speaking now. I just hope we can back them up. Nothing would make me more happy than to get #10 next year, esp since it would be the first chance at a ring for my son. I doubt he will get any playing time, unless we are blowing people out though, because we have alot of upper classmen back next year.
^ and I'm not picking Mayfield to be sarcastic, but statewide, I don't think anyone will have as much talent as Mayfield, add in a great coaching staff and Mayfield will be the favorite to take it's 10th title.
"BLA BLA BLA"Tongueuke: This is all talk and speculation till they strap on those helmets again a year from now. Don't be so boring. I hope we have multiple teams who can challenge for the championship next year. I believe that Williamsburg is the team to beat from the east next year. They have all the talent in the world on that little team and unlike Fairview they can pass or run and they just may have the best defense in the 1a east next year. Raceland will be a close 2nd IMO.:thumpsup:
With what Mayfield returns, they will be the favorite
MayfieldCardinal Wrote:With what Mayfield returns, they will be the favorite
64sur on mayfield in the west an 64sur on williamsburg in the east.:truestory:
meet u in the middle
Dont know. I just have a feeling about Pikeville this year. I think they come out of the East. Wont be surprised if Williamsburg gets there though maybe its just me having wishful thinking to see two multiple state champions squaring off. Although i expect the trash talk between Mayfield and Williamsburg to be epic next season. 55 and 64 may both stroke out before the state game
Well, I will certainly have more reason next year to be nervous.
Plenty of teams will challenge, but only one is a legit favorite. Mayfield!
mysonis55 Wrote:Well, I will certainly have more reason next year to be nervous.

Oh yeah it does become a little more personal next year with 55 moving up. They may have to create a second board for you and 64. Anyway 55 hope you and yours have had a great christmas.
QUOTE=rednblackattack;1565007]Oh yeah it does become a little more personal next year with 55 moving up. They may have to create a second board for you and 64. Anyway 55 hope you and yours have had a great christmas.[/QUOTE]

:howdy:i think 55 can take the heat.i guessConfusednicker:merry christmas renblackattack,mysonisgoingtotaketheheat55 smashmouth 47 and throw in mayfield cardinal happy new year.:Thumbs:
Had to bump this thread back to top where Cardinals threads belong
Is there any update on the rumor concerning Mayfield having the transfer from Tenn.? I also was told about a transfer coming in from Lone Oak, that could see playing time as a freshman.
oldcardfan Wrote:Is there any update on the rumor concerning Mayfield having the transfer from Tenn.? I also was told about a transfer coming in from Lone Oak, that could see playing time as a freshman.

I heard about TN rumor but no idea if there is any truth. LO kid would be huge given the position he would play would feel a huge need for Mayfield but I will believe it when I see it.
I was out of town and struck up a conversation with another out of towner who is immediate familyto the L Okid who said the kid is going to Mayfield
A Lone Oak 8th grade lineman inrolled after football season, that should be a nice future addition
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