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Here is what utility customers should expect to pay for electricity if Obama should win a second term.

Right now Kentucky Power Company customers pay about .17 cents per kilowatt hour. That equates to $171.00 per megawatt hour. According to recent warnings aired on TV, a megawatt hour of power will cost over $350.00 by 2016. So here is the comparison. The average customer uses around 1800 KWH a month which presently costs him about $307.80. By 2016 those same 1800 KWH will cost $642.60. Folks, that's a rise of 109% between now and 2016.

If one uses that model to calculate household expenses across the board, keeping in mind the not so veiled threat by Energy Secretary Steven Chu, who asserted at one point he believed "gas prices should be as high as they are in Europe," a whopping 8 dollars a gallon in some cases, most things will more than double by 2016. And that doesn't allow for the ObamaCare nightmare.

BHO---Apr 5, 2012 ... Here's one line that President Barack Obama might want to rewind: “Under my plan … electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket.”

We have no reason to think he won't make good on his declaration. Maybe some of our liberal democrat supporters can make a good case for voting to reelect Mr Obama in light of this self fulfilling prophesy. But, as for me and my house, we will be voting for Romney.
With Obamas war on coal, its very likely if reelected, rates in KY will go up much higher than that.
KU is already proposing big increases.
This is crazy!
What drives me nuts is that they continue to propose increases on something that is a necessity for people.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:With Obamas war on coal, its very likely if reelected, rates in KY will go up much higher than that.
KU is already proposing big increases.

No surprise there. This is a way to force folks to use less utilties and resources. If one cannot afford it he won't use it. The green crowd is all about protecting 'mother earth'. There was some talk about monitorling water usage as well, especially as it pertains to how much is used for bathing and showers. The liberal/progressive dems want to control us. Remember the little monitor that will be in every car by 2014? (you can get it from Flo right now) Everytime you so much as drive around the block, the time you did it, your speed, direction and the time you shut off your vehicle will be among the points of information sent to the government monitoring agency. Seriously, from what I can see big brother is already staring through your window. Technology is already set up to monitor and regulate energy usage, including how many times the toilet is flushed or how long you shower, every trip you make in your car, how long you were gone, your route, the address you visited, and when you got back home. I've never heard anybody say, but I'd bet cell phone conversations are pretty easy to monitor too.

You tell me, in light of all this technological advance and whether you're religious or not. How hard is it to imagine a mark, or a chip surgically implanted under your skin, say in the back of your hand for example. The mark or chip would be scannable in just the same way your debit card is row. Folks would still have a bank account number, maybe the same one we all have right now. But, instead of using currency, just do away with it and use your own personal number to make all your purchases. Just like using your debit card or credit card. To get people to accept the notion, they will offfer the following for consideration. Without cash we could eliminate the drug scourge besetting this land. Parents, want a foolproof method to insure your kids won't be able to buy drugs? How? If there isn't any cash to use and every 'sale' is directly traceable back to the purchaser, how could drug trafficking continue? Same thing with the rest of it. If somebody steals your lawnmower and tries to pawn it, they'd know exactly who had stolen your goods, since recieving stolen merchadise is a crime the pawn broker wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole. Worried about being mugged in an alley? Not anymore! Illegal gun running, gone too. Prostitution, outta here, the speculations become nearly endless. Believe me, people will get on board with it and then some!

For your consideration----
Revelation 13:16-18 (KJV)
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
Of course, lets not forget that the CEO of Duke Energy is getting a buyout of 44million.

Im not defending Obama's energy policies, because they are garbage. I just want people to know its more than just politics as to why our prices for goods and services have been skyrocketing.

If you want our economy to be strong.

End Free Trade
Break up the Oil/Banking/Insurance/Food industries.
End the Fed. Reserve - Im not sure why I seem to be the only one on here that has a problem with a private group of world bankers controlling the value of our dollar and the interest rates.

Those 3 things would bring our economy back after a short dip. The job market would boom, and the dollar would be able to balance out, and then grow back in strength.