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1st of three game series. Thought Central would win but not this close.
Paintsville actually had the lead 5-4 heading into the bottom of the 7th. Spencer Taylor came in relief of Colby Burchett, JC put a couple hits together, then Paintsville comes with Josh Moore who strikes out the first hitter he faced, then Jimmy Preston hits a line drive up the middle to walk it off.
The team did not lose this game. Unbelieveable move in the 7th to hand deliver the gift win.
TigerBlues Wrote:The team did not lose this game. Unbelieveable move in the 7th to hand deliver the gift win.

What move was that?
Bob Seger Wrote:What move was that?

Putting the worst pitcher on the team in the game in the seventh. This game was handed to central.
PaintsvilleTigerfan Wrote:Putting the worst pitcher on the team in the game in the seventh. This game was handed to central.

Oh, I didn't see the end last night. But that's kinda harsh, wouldn't you say?
I agree Seger, awfully harsh. A kid can only come in and do as his coach asks him to do, and that is pitch his best. It's baseball, anything can happen and take nothing for granted. JC had a few errors that helped Paintsville establish the lead towards the end, but good teams find a way to get it done. Possibly the best game I've seen all year.
Did not see this contest, however I am led to ask a question. Let me preface the same by stating that the rivalry between The Eagles and Tigers is one of the greatest in Ky. Having stated that fact are we to then believe that coach Miller would put a player into a close game that he knew could not get the job done? I have great difficulty accepting this diagnosis of the game. Miller is a good coach and competent baseball lead. Availability of cource could be a variable.
mr.charlie hustle Wrote:Did not see this contest, however I am led to ask a question. Let me preface the same by stating that the rivalry between The Eagles and Tigers is one of the greatest in Ky. Having stated that fact are we to then believe that coach Miller would put a player into a close game that he knew could not get the job done? I have great difficulty accepting this diagnosis of the game. Miller is a good coach and competent baseball lead. Availability of cource could be a variable.

Charlie I believe your statement is true. I do not believe in the harsh statement, it's obvious the move was out of mind to place someone in this situation that has no place being there. If this was the number 1 closer the Tigers were exposed without question. What an incredible moven to hand the game to JC.
Come on now guys, there is not a kid out there that deserves to be humiliated that was out there just trying to do his very best to help his team win. Especially from his own fans. Like I said I didn't see the final couple of innings in the friday night game , but I did see the rest of them that threw saturday and those that started friday. The truth is, I didn't see a single future Nolan Ryan on the field at any time. I believe if some of them work real hard and stay dedicated that they may be able to play a little college ball one day. That again is, if they work real hard at it. Let em play and have fun. I've learned a very important fact over the years. It's all just a game that in the big scheme of things really doesn't mean anymore than what it really is. Dont be so quick to ruin a kids only chance in life to enjoy the game. Even for those who do go on to the next level it's never the same again. It becomes a hard, cold, and sometimes cruel business. Again, dont spoil it for them.
Bob Seger Wrote:Come on now guys, there is not a kid out there that deserves to be humiliated that was out there just trying to do his very best to help his team win. Especially from his own fans. Like I said I didn't see the final couple of innings in the friday night game , but I did see the rest of them that threw saturday and those that started friday. The truth is, I didn't see a single future Nolan Ryan on the field at any time. I believe if some of them work real hard and stay dedicated that they may be able to play a little college ball one day. That again is, if they work real hard at it. Let em play and have fun. I've learned a very important fact over the years. It's all just a game that in the big scheme of things really doesn't mean anymore than what it really is. Dont be so quick to ruin a kids only chance in life to enjoy the game. Even for those who do go on to the next level it's never the same again. It becomes a hard, cold, and sometimes cruel business. Again, dont spoil it for them.

I understand and respect what you are saying. This is about putting yourself in position to win the game nothing more nothing less and it was a cluster **** move and everybody saw it and knew it. Fundamental rules dictate that you put the team in the best opportunity to win the game and it was not done for whatever reason but this isn't little league anymore and it was more evident than ever this past weekend. If this was about having fun and losing in the process and this is what this school has come down to then good luck finding players working hard fighting toward a comman goal and you won't have to worry about any kids moving on to the next level because they won't have the experience of trying to get there. Its all just for fun.
TigerBlues Wrote:I understand and respect what you are saying. This is about putting yourself in position to win the game nothing more nothing less and it was a cluster **** move and everybody saw it and knew it. Fundamental rules dictate that you put the team in the best opportunity to win the game and it was not done for whatever reason but this isn't little league anymore and it was more evident than ever this past weekend. If this was about having fun and losing in the process and this is what this school has come down to then good luck finding players working hard fighting toward a comman goal and you won't have to worry about any kids moving on to the next level because they won't have the experience of trying to get there. Its all just for fun.

Again, like I said I didn't see the last inning of the first game, so I cant comment on it. I just hate to see a kid that tried the best he could, get on here and see the negative comments about himself.

Please dont misunderstand me, I certainly dont want to imply that there is no importance of working hard and busting your hind end to find a way to win. Those who know me know I am about as hard core, get down to business as they come. It's all very important to me, but I have found out the hard way when and where you draw that line and not cross it . The important part is to give it everything you've got, and if that is not good enough to win, you salute the other guy and take honor that you gave it 100%.
Bob Seger Wrote:Oh, I didn't see the end last night. But that's kinda harsh, wouldn't you say?

Didnt blame the Kid. It aint his fault he was put in a situation he wasnt prepared for.
Early on in this thread I ask a question and I really don't know the answer ,but then perhaps I do."The Disposition Of This Contest?" Could it be that the Ville coach took a dive to throw the game to the other side of Paint Creek? How about a evil hitter slashing one up the middle to end the game?(0n purpose) Finally a ceature coming from the depths of paint creek to steal the game in the last inning. On a serious note one should never judge a coach until you have been in the box under a similiar situation and if you have remarks would pobably be reserved. No change for the Tigers as they will fight just as hard from the 3 as the 2. Unless the creature visits again. Beware there is a body of water behind the park in Salyersville.
PTF - I have always said that you back track when you are called out on something and this is another example of you doing just that:

Putting the worst pitcher on the team in the game in the seventh. This game was handed to central. This is exactly what you said in post #5. (Pretty pathetic from my stand point, these are kids you know)

Then, when you were called out on it you said: Didnt blame the Kid. It aint his fault he was put in a situation he wasnt prepared for.

Who did you blame? You said he was the worst pitcher. - I hope you are a kid yourself and you don't know any better than to say such things.
Ike Cooter Wrote:PTF - I have always said that you back track when you are called out on something and this is another example of you doing just that:

Putting the worst pitcher on the team in the game in the seventh. This game was handed to central. This is exactly what you said in post #5. (Pretty pathetic from my stand point, these are kids you know)

Then, when you were called out on it you said: Didnt blame the Kid. It aint his fault he was put in a situation he wasnt prepared for.

Who did you blame? You said he was the worst pitcher. - I hope you are a kid yourself and you don't know any better than to say such things.
Boy I tell ya' the righteous have come alive on this one. All this and that about no accountability or no blame here or there is sounding more like a mental health counseling session. PTF was right on but he gets hammered for stating his opinion because everyone is afraid to hurt somebodys feelings. In case nobody has checked in the last few years, when did Paintsville have something to be proud of in athletics involving the big three? Its a damn shame to look year in and year out and say "well they are young, well they just had a bad break, well so and so was hurt, well they graduated this many, and so on and so on. Bottom line wins are wins and losses are losses and if the latter doesn't bother the staff or the team then the message is broken and worn out. Bring on the haters and hammer me as hard as you can, but until the mindset is changed this will continue until athletics as a whole is just a thought at Paintsville.
TigerBlues Wrote:Boy I tell ya' the righteous have come alive on this one. All this and that about no accountability or no blame here or there is sounding more like a mental health counseling session. PTF was right on but he gets hammered for stating his opinion because everyone is afraid to hurt somebodys feelings. In case nobody has checked in the last few years, when did Paintsville have something to be proud of in athletics involving the big three? Its a damn shame to look year in and year out and say "well they are young, well they just had a bad break, well so and so was hurt, well they graduated this many, and so on and so on. Bottom line wins are wins and losses are losses and if the latter doesn't bother the staff or the team then the message is broken and worn out. Bring on the haters and hammer me as hard as you can, but until the mindset is changed this will continue until athletics as a whole is just a thought at Paintsville.

lol...You know I guess everyone is free to state their opinion about anything on this website, but I'm just not figuring out why a parent of a "kid that attends and plays football at Highland Elementary" would be so upset at what happens on the Paintsville High School baseball team and be so concerned of the general welfare of all of Paintsville's athletic programs? :biggrin: I'm just kidding around here TB.

We've all been frustrated over things before when it effects our kids at one time or another. Sometimes we do need to be careful about crossing that proverbial line though. IMO it was this time.
TigerBlues Wrote:Boy I tell ya' the righteous have come alive on this one. All this and that about no accountability or no blame here or there is sounding more like a mental health counseling session. PTF was right on but he gets hammered for stating his opinion because everyone is afraid to hurt somebodys feelings. In case nobody has checked in the last few years, when did Paintsville have something to be proud of in athletics involving the big three? Its a damn shame to look year in and year out and say "well they are young, well they just had a bad break, well so and so was hurt, well they graduated this many, and so on and so on. Bottom line wins are wins and losses are losses and if the latter doesn't bother the staff or the team then the message is broken and worn out. Bring on the haters and hammer me as hard as you can, but until the mindset is changed this will continue until athletics as a whole is just a thought at Paintsville.
Upon review I think you would find that not a single player on either of these squads recieves monitary comp. for their work on the playing field. Further the vast majority of these players have not reached the "age of majority" which I beleve means they are legally children.Finally if you had the "Paul Harvey" side of this story your views would perhaps change.:biggrin: dastically.:biggrin::biggrin:
Bob Seger Wrote:lol...You know I guess everyone is free to state their opinion about anything on this website, but I'm just not figuring out why a parent of a "kid that attends and plays football at Highland Elementary" would be so upset at what happens on the Paintsville High School baseball team and be so concerned of the general welfare of all of Paintsville's athletic programs? :biggrin: I'm just kidding around here TB.

We've all been frustrated over things before when it effects our kids at one time or another. Sometimes we do need to be careful about crossing that proverbial line though. IMO it was this time.

I appreciate your research on me Seger lol. I guess because I went to school there I just hate to see the way athletics as a whole has just completely dropped off the map when it comes to pride and overall attitude. I was an average player in football but Coach Williams was big on pride and I passed that on to my son and just the thought of losing hurts him. I can see that you and Charlie and Hook have much more experience than I on this site and I'm starting to learn the curve better. Thanks for the feedback and geaux tigers.
TigerBlues Wrote:I appreciate your research on me Seger lol. I guess because I went to school there I just hate to see the way athletics as a whole has just completely dropped off the map when it comes to pride and overall attitude. I was an average player in football but Coach Williams was big on pride and I passed that on to my son and just the thought of losing hurts him. I can see that you and Charlie and Hook have much more experience than I on this site and I'm starting to learn the curve better. Thanks for the feedback and geaux tigers.

Not Coach Brugh? I coulda
Ike Cooter Wrote:PTF - I have always said that you back track when you are called out on something and this is another example of you doing just that:

Putting the worst pitcher on the team in the game in the seventh. This game was handed to central. This is exactly what you said in post #5. (Pretty pathetic from my stand point, these are kids you know)

Then, when you were called out on it you said: Didnt blame the Kid. It aint his fault he was put in a situation he wasnt prepared for.

Who did you blame? You said he was the worst pitcher. - I hope you are a kid yourself and you don't know any better than to say such things.

Usually I let what you say go be because quite frankly you have no clue what you are talking about but this time is different. You referenced my first post on this thread. The first word of which should have clearly implied what I meant as far as I know the boy
didnt put himself in that position. It would be different if this exact same thing had not of already happened in a similar game costing the tigers that win also. And it would br different of the #1 wasn't warmed up by the time the kid we in trouble
Ike Cooter Wrote:PTF - I have always said that you back track when you are called out on something and this is another example of you doing just that:

Putting the worst pitcher on the team in the game in the seventh. This game was handed to central. This is exactly what you said in post #5. (Pretty pathetic from my stand point, these are kids you know)

Then, when you were called out on it you said: Didnt blame the Kid. It aint his fault he was put in a situation he wasnt prepared for.

Who did you blame? You said he was the worst pitcher. - I hope you are a kid yourself and you don't know any better than to say such things.
Usually I let what you say go be because quite frankly you have no clue what you are talking about but this time is different. You referenced my first post on this thread. The first word of which should have clearly implied what I meant as far as I know the boy
didnt put himself in that position. It would be different if this exact same thing had not of already happened in a similar game costing the tigers that win also. And it would br different of the #1 wasn't warmed up by the time the kid was in trouble
Bob Seger Wrote:Not Coach Brugh? I coulda

I would have loved to have had the opportunity to play for him.
TigerBlues Wrote:I would have loved to have had the opportunity to play for him.
