
Full Version: 4 bucks a gal for gas is back
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4.00 Columbus (Parsons avenue)
3.50 Columbus(Refugee Rd & Gender Rd)

Also it's well over 4 bucks in Calf and Hawaii.
My wallet just shed a tear.
Blame it on Bush!!

It seriously sucks. I put 30 bucks in my Battle-Droid and got a whopping 100 miles. Sad
It's like 3.76 in Pikeville.
$3.89 in Raceland.
3,89 in inez.
Barry and crew say we need to get use to high gas prices!
^I hope not!!
I read everything I can on this and keep reading that 5 by Memorial day and possibly 6 come summer time.
Dont blame me. I voted McCain.

lol..I love saying that Big Grin
This is terrible... Time to buy a ford fiesta.
With all the upgrades my car has done to it, this is no good... lol
3.89 in the East Rigde/Shelby Valley area. I won't even say what it takes to fill my Silverado.
$3.73 this morning in Shelbyville
itzAmazing Wrote:3.89 in the East Rigde/Shelby Valley area. I won't even say what it takes to fill my Silverado.

I've got a 40 mpg car, get one also.
The local news reported last week that we will see 4 bucks plus before spring.
3.29 in Paintsville.
$3.50/gal.+ in much of West Virginia and some places in NOVA. When and if the economy ever begins to recover, we will see $5.00/gal. gas prices for the first time in history.
3.39 in Jamestown.
TheRealVille Wrote:3.29 in Paintsville.

$3.23 on the King Addition side!
Its travel time baby, Its gonna raise.
No it aint!
Obama Promised he'd get it back down!!!!!

Oh wait, he lied.
I generally never complain about politics, taxes, etc...

But one thing that I don't understand which makes my blood boil is why gas is so high? According to reports, gas is at its lowest since 2008 when it was $2.83 per gallon. If that is the case, why is it $3.30? Why is it when gas increases it jumps up 20 cents in a matter of hours but takes weeks to decrease it?

They say it has something to do with gas consumption of which I do not believe. Reason being, hybrid vehicles, gas saving initatives, new fuels being introduced. So I am unsure how we are still using so much gas.

I would give anything to asks these questions directly to one of the CEOs of an oil company.

I just don't see how something like gas which is a necessity for millions of americans to survive, can be out of control like it is. IMO, I think the problems in the economy can be traced back to when gas prices started to get out of control......again, IMO.
Gas should have a top dollar cap that it can get no higher than.

I think a 1.49 is a reasonable price that gas should always be.
That or we need to just go take some countries over and pump it ourselves.

BTW, it cost me 147 dollars to fill my truck up last night and ill have to do it again by saturday.
Yes, I agree on a cap. When I started driving 18 years ago, gas was .89 cents per gallon. When it was $1.89 I still thought it was reasonable. When it gets to $3.89, that is just wrong.

I commute a total of 2 hours each day for work, started doing that when gas was $1.89 so it wasn't a big deal. Now, I have to watch how much I drive for personal use and it has altered the type of car I buy in addition to not spending as much $$$ on entertainment as I once me, that is why the economy sucks...
I know what you mean i travel a lot and i have to have a 4WD pickup to get to some of the job sites i travel to.
Therefore, im using my truck which cost a 130 to fill up or more, and driving it every day.
$3.19 and $3.17 today in Paintsville on RT 40.
It was 3.19 here in Corbin, i believe its down to around 3.09 now.
If we could just get it down to 2.00 the economy would pick up so much.