
Full Version: Idea to end "oneanddoneidius"
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If a "student" athlete decideds to go to the NBA after just one year, that University loses use of that scholarship for the next 3 years.
... right.
No, lol.
I think they should go with the baseball rule though. You have the choice to go pro after high school, but if you go to college, you have to stay at least 3 years.
I don't read West Virginian lol
They really need to find something to fix this the one and done is killing basketball.
dangerousdaneerfan Wrote:If a "student" athlete decideds to go to the NBA after just one year, that University loses use of that scholarship for the next 3 years.

I'm for any idea at this stage and I appreciate the thought towards it. I'm not sure it is the best to penalize the school, though it would make the schools a bit more selective when recruiting players if they were penalized.

However, I am still of the belief that there should be no restrictions until the overall process is restructured. Schools only give one year scholarships, thus a player who signs is NOT guaranteed to get his education once he signs. Thus, if a scholarship can be revoked after one year, then it is only right that the player only has to make a commitment on a yearly basis. Schools are not going to want to back off of the one year scholarship, because they want to be able to kick a kid out of paid tuition if he gets hurt!
Either way... Not sure anything will be done any time soon.
Aslan Wrote:No, lol.
I think they should go with the baseball rule though. You have the choice to go pro after high school, but if you go to college, you have to stay at least 3 years.

I listened to Bob Knight saying the same thing and I agree 100%. He also made the comment that "one and done" student-athletes (if you really want to put student in there) only have to pass 6 credit hours of his/her choosing with at least a "D" to be eligible for the second semester in which he/she does not have to attend class. Then basketball season is over before the second semester is over.

The only positive that comes out of this is that the NCAA tournament is more competitive because the non-BCS schools have juniors and seniors playing against freshmen and sophomores. But to me that sucks as a consolation prize. Something definitely needs to be done.
Aslan Wrote:No, lol.
I think they should go with the baseball rule though. You have the choice to go pro after high school, but if you go to college, you have to stay at least 3 years.

i like that rule to...
dangerousdaneerfan Wrote:If a "student" athlete decideds to go to the NBA after just one year, that University loses use of that scholarship for the next 3 years.
WVU would never have to worry about any " one and done" stuff.
TheRealVille Wrote:WVU would never have to worry about any " one and done" stuff.

You're correct...."one and dones" and Huggins probably would not hit it off too well. I'm glad. The "one and dones" are obviously great players, but I do not think it is good for NCAA basketball. Often times, there is baggage that comes along with "one and dones".

You are trying to turn this into a WVU/UK thing becuse Dan started it. Granted, UK has had several "one and done" players in the last two years (this year is still up in the air), but I did not direct this toward UK and I really do not think Dan did either.

I would really like to hear everyone's thoughts, opinions and ideas on the topic....not who is the better recruiter and so on. We all know that Cal is one of, if not the best, recruiters in the nation.
ImagineThat! Wrote:You're correct...."one and dones" and Huggins probably would not hit it off too well. I'm glad. The "one and dones" are obviously great players, but I do not think it is good for NCAA basketball. Often times, there is baggage that comes along with "one and dones".

You are trying to turn this into a WVU/UK thing becuse Dan started it. Granted, UK has had several "one and done" players in the last two years (this year is still up in the air), but I did not direct this toward UK and I really do not think Dan did either.

I would really like to hear everyone's thoughts, opinions and ideas on the topic....not who is the better recruiter and so on. We all know that Cal is one of, if not the best, recruiters in the nation.

Thanks imagine. No, I did not start this thread to bash UK. Like you, I am concerned about the one and dones. It makes a joke out of our higher education system that produces our next generation of doctors, engineers, lawyers, and others that have to work their arses off 6+ years and will make nowhere near the money that someone like Wall, Cousins, Bledsoe, and Orton make by only being in college barely 6 months.