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History and Tradition are 2 important factors in building a good football program. A good JFL program helps also.
Russell will start its 90th season in 2007.
They call the Male/Manual game the old rivalry.
I was wondering how many seasons these 2 schools have played and how many games they have played against each other.
What's the series record?

How do u think the eagles will be with out howard, hubbard, and baker?/

Some speculate who will start for the pirates at QB next season . I would have to go with Rose he runs faster and doesn't throw as many interceptions. Plus, his dad may become coach.

This is just rumor at this point, but I have heard Russell will be getting a new field house and a fundraising effort has already begun.

Will Powell co.'s football team be replaced with a soccer team?

Prestonsburgs TE/LB Wes Woods commited to EKU over the weekend.

Congrats Wes!

6'6 Te from Pburg commits to MSU over the weekend!

When would they meet if they advance next year,, looks like they would meet a week earlier,, just wondering..Then the winner would move on to play again before the final 4.

Who made all area from big schools like ashland,greenup,lawrence co..etc...

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